Protect /oper

pourquoi ne t'inspire tu pas d'un bad ident ?

voici un code trouve en 5 mn sur google

### Start editing variables from here onwards! ###

#Set the channel(s) you want this script active on.
#This script supports multiple channels.
#Usage: "#channel1 #channel2 #mychannel"
#(To activate on all channels use: "")
set badidentchans "#mychannel"

#Set the *bad words* for the script to react on. 
#When users join a channel this script is activated 
#and their idents match this current world list, 
#they will be kicked/banned. (wildcards "*" are accepted)
#(Set/edit these words according to your needs)
#(I have already added some as examples)
set badidents {

#Set the flags for bot owners, masters, ops
#and users which to exempt from the script.
#(Usage: m, n, o, or "mnf", "fbo" etc)
set badidentexempt "mnof|mnof"

#For how long you wish (in minutes) to ban the 
#user with the bad ident. (mins)
set badidbantime 30

### Don't edit anything else from this point onwards, even if you know tcl! ###
bind join - * join:badident
proc join:badident {nick host hand chan} {
 global botnick badidents badidentchans badidentexempt badidbantime
  if {(([lsearch -exact [string tolower $badidentchans] [string tolower $chan]] != -1) || ($badidentchans == "*")) && ($nick != $botnick)} {
    foreach badident [string tolower $badidents] {
     set badidentban1 "*!*$badident*@*"
     set badidentban2 "*!*@[lindex [split $host @] 1]"
     set userident "[string trimleft [string tolower [lindex [split $host "@"] 0]] "~"]"
    if {[string match *$badident* [string tolower $userident]]} {
      if {([botisop $chan]) && (![isop $nick $chan]) && (![isvoice $nick $chan]) && (![matchattr $hand $badidentexempt $chan]) && ([onchan $nick $chan])} {
          putquick "MODE $chan -o+bb $nick $badidentban1 $badidentban2"
        putquick "KICK $chan $nick :Bad User Ident Kick  - Unacceptable *User Ident* detected. Please change your 'IDENT' to a suitable one and then rejoin back."
        timer $badidbantime "pushmode $chan -b $badidentban2"
        return 0
# (ain't i an asskicker?...)
putlog "Bad Ident Kicker Script v1.65.ab by \002awyeah (\002 -=Loaded=-"
putlog "*ENABLED* Bad Ident Kicker Script on:\002 $badidentchans"

Cordialement DnS
[font=Times New Roman]La différence entre Linux et Windows ,c'est que Linux c'est comme une belle fille , il faut l'apprivoiser , la comprendre , la séduire tandis que Windows , c'est comme une prostitué , il faut payer et surtout bien se protéger.[/font]
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Protect /oper - par IluZi0n - 05/02/2010, 18:33
RE: Protect /oper - par fedora - 05/02/2010, 23:59

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