Protect /oper
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Voilà, j'ai essayé de crée un TCL afin que mes "opers" ne se opers pas avec l'ident "guest" sinon le robot kill, mais j'aurai voulus activé la détection sur un salon préçis, par exemple à l'auto-oper il rejoint #Opers, et donc activé cette protection sur le salon, voici le code:

set badchan "#Opers"
bind join - * flooder:join
proc flooder:join {nick uhost handle channel} {
   set ident [lindex [split $uhost @] 0]
   if {[regexp "guest" $ident]} {
      putquick "PRIVMSG #Opers : Erreur Opers $nick à essayé de se Opers avec un Ident guest - Auto-Killed"
      putquick "KILL $nick :Merci, d'utilisé votre réservation avant de vous /opers !"

Comment je peux le modifier ? :x

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pourquoi ne t'inspire tu pas d'un bad ident ?

voici un code trouve en 5 mn sur google

### Start editing variables from here onwards! ###

#Set the channel(s) you want this script active on.
#This script supports multiple channels.
#Usage: "#channel1 #channel2 #mychannel"
#(To activate on all channels use: "")
set badidentchans "#mychannel"

#Set the *bad words* for the script to react on. 
#When users join a channel this script is activated 
#and their idents match this current world list, 
#they will be kicked/banned. (wildcards "*" are accepted)
#(Set/edit these words according to your needs)
#(I have already added some as examples)
set badidents {

#Set the flags for bot owners, masters, ops
#and users which to exempt from the script.
#(Usage: m, n, o, or "mnf", "fbo" etc)
set badidentexempt "mnof|mnof"

#For how long you wish (in minutes) to ban the 
#user with the bad ident. (mins)
set badidbantime 30

### Don't edit anything else from this point onwards, even if you know tcl! ###
bind join - * join:badident
proc join:badident {nick host hand chan} {
 global botnick badidents badidentchans badidentexempt badidbantime
  if {(([lsearch -exact [string tolower $badidentchans] [string tolower $chan]] != -1) || ($badidentchans == "*")) && ($nick != $botnick)} {
    foreach badident [string tolower $badidents] {
     set badidentban1 "*!*$badident*@*"
     set badidentban2 "*!*@[lindex [split $host @] 1]"
     set userident "[string trimleft [string tolower [lindex [split $host "@"] 0]] "~"]"
    if {[string match *$badident* [string tolower $userident]]} {
      if {([botisop $chan]) && (![isop $nick $chan]) && (![isvoice $nick $chan]) && (![matchattr $hand $badidentexempt $chan]) && ([onchan $nick $chan])} {
          putquick "MODE $chan -o+bb $nick $badidentban1 $badidentban2"
        putquick "KICK $chan $nick :Bad User Ident Kick  - Unacceptable *User Ident* detected. Please change your 'IDENT' to a suitable one and then rejoin back."
        timer $badidbantime "pushmode $chan -b $badidentban2"
        return 0
# (ain't i an asskicker?...)
putlog "Bad Ident Kicker Script v1.65.ab by \002awyeah (\002 -=Loaded=-"
putlog "*ENABLED* Bad Ident Kicker Script on:\002 $badidentchans"

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