configuration eggdrop
Pour info, la FAQ de windrop donne:
Citation :Q: Windrop reports "* Can't determine your hostname!" or "* Hostname self-lookup failed."
A: Edit your config file and try commenting out both the my-hostname & my-ip settings as in most cases they are not required.
#set my-hostname "localhost"
#set my-ip ""
A1: If that fails then edit your config file and just use
set my-hostname "localhost"
#set my-ip ""
A2: If that still fails then edit your config file and try using your exact hostname and ip address, for example:
set my-hostname ""
set my-ip ""

Q: Windrop still reports "* Can't determine your hostname!" or "* Hostname self-lookup failed."
A: It may help to put an entry in your \Windows\hosts file (On Windows 95/98/ME) or \Winnt\System32\Drivers\etc\host file (On Windows 2000) or \Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\host file (On Windows XP) that matches what you set my-hostname to. See the \Windows\hosts.sam file (On Windows 95/98/ME) or \Winnt\System32\Drivers\etc\host.sam file (On Windows 2000) or \Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\lmhosts.sam file (On Windows XP) for a sample hosts file
En clair:
A: Essayer de décommenter set my-hostname et set my-ip en mettant:
Code :
set my-hostname "localhost"
set my-ip ""
A1: Si ça échoue encore, commenter set my-ip
A2: Si ça continue, utiliser les valeurs "publiques" que vous pouvez obtenir sur (WAN et host)

Si ça échoue encore et toujours, éditez le fichier local d'host et ajoutez une entrée qui corresponde à ce que vous avez mis dans set my-hostname.

Messages dans ce sujet
configuration eggdrop - par cherrych - 11/06/2010, 10:15
RE: configuration eggdrop - par cestlemien - 11/06/2010, 22:37
RE: configuration eggdrop - par cherrych - 13/06/2010, 23:58
RE: configuration eggdrop - par cestlemien - 14/06/2010, 00:43
RE: configuration eggdrop - par BeussAy - 23/06/2010, 10:03
RE: configuration eggdrop - par cherrych - 26/06/2010, 03:06
RE: configuration eggdrop - par CrazyCat - 28/06/2010, 13:06
RE: configuration eggdrop - par weil - 28/07/2010, 01:33

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