Communauté Eggdrop

Version complète : probleme sur Coquins v1.3
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j'ai installé le tcl script sur mon eggdrop quand je le lance
il marche normal mais quand je tape la commande !descoquins pseudo
ça me donne cette erreur suivante :
[02:56] Tcl error [sexdice::roll]: can't read "trans(msg_no_chan)": no such element in array

voila le code que j'ai mis sur mon script
# Dés coquins version 1.3
# multilingual version of sexdices
# Author: CrazyCat <>
# #c-p-f
# Rolls the dices on a random or chosen person
# Usage:
#   !descoquins [nick]
#  - Console:
#   .chanset #channel +sexdice => (dis/en)able sexdices on #channel
#   .chanset #sexe +sexdice
#	.chanset #chat-love -sexdice
#   .chanset #sexe dicelang en => sets the language (default: fr, available: en)
# ChangeLog:
#   1.3 - multilingual version
#   1.2 - adding dynamic channels (Beboo did it)
#   1.1 - French translation
#       - adding Authorized channels list
#       - adding Excluded people
#   1.0a - First public alpha release
#   - More customization for display of information
#   - Ideas? Email me.

namespace eval sexdice {
    # Set this to the command character you want to use for the binds.
    # Only use one command character. (Default "!")
    variable command_char "!"
    # Set this to your preferred binds separated by spaces. i.e. "one two"
    # (Default "sexdice")
    variable binds "descoquins"
    # Set this to the list of excluded nicks separated by spaces. The
    # people listed in won't be choose in random "victims"
    variable novictim "Service"
    #                    ***End of Settings ***                           #
    #   Do not edit below this line unless you know what you are doing!   #
    variable version "CrazyCat:descoquins-1.3"
    variable versionNum "1.3"
    variable versionName "\002\00305\[\003\00312DES COQUINS\003\00305\]\002\003"

# Note about the strings: you can use 5 parameters:
# %c is the current channel
# %n is the nick of the player
# %v is the "victim"
# %d1 is the result of the first dice
# %2 is the result of the second dice
set sdLang(en) {
    dice1 {
        "play with"
        "do anything you want to"
        "do anything you want to"
    dice2 {
    msg_nochan "\002%c\002 is not an authorized channel"
    msg_notonchan "Sorry %n, %v is not on the channel"
    msg_nogamealone "You can't roll dices for you, %n! It's not funny."
    msg_alone "Well %n, noone is here to play with you! :("
    msg_roll "%n rolls the dices"
    msg_res_anywhere "%n, you have to %d1 %v anywhere you want!"
    msg_res_placed "%n, you have to %d1 %v on the %d2!"
set sdLang(fr) {
    dice1 {
        "jouer avec"
        "faire ce que tu veux à"
    dice2 {
        "les lèvres"
        "le cou"
        "la poitrine"
        "le sein"
        "la fesse"
        "les doigts"
    msg_nochan "\002%c\002 n'est pas un canal autorisé"
    msg_notonchan "Désolé %n, %v n'est pas sur le canal"
    msg_nogamealone "Vous ne pouvez pas lancer les dés pour vous, %n! Ce n'est pas amusant."
    msg_alone "Bon %n, il n'y a personne pour jouer! :("
    msg_roll "%n lance les dés"
    msg_res_anywhere "%n, tu dois %d1 %v où tu veux!"
    msg_res_placed "%n, tu dois %d1 %v sur %d2!"

# bind the public bind
foreach bind [split $sexdice::binds " "] {
    bind pub -|- "${sexdice::command_char}$bind" sexdice::roll
setudef flag sexdice
setudef str dicelang
namespace eval sexdice {
    proc filt {data} {
        regsub -all -- \\\\ $data \\\\\\\\ data
        regsub -all -- \\\[ $data \\\\\[ data
        regsub -all -- \\\] $data \\\\\] data
        regsub -all -- \\\} $data \\\\\} data
        regsub -all -- \\\{ $data \\\\\{ data
        regsub -all -- \\\" $data \\\\\" data
        return $data
    proc replace {msg chan nick} {
        regsub -all %n $msg $nick msg
        regsub -all %c $msg $chan msg
        regsub -all %v $msg $sexdice::victim msg
        regsub -all %d1 $msg $sexdice::choice1 msg
        regsub -all %d2 $msg $sexdice::choice2 msg
        return $msg
    proc roll {nick uhost handle chan args} {
        variable novictim
        variable victim ""
        variable choice1 ""
        variable choice2 ""
        if {[lsearch -exact [channel info $chan] +sexdice] == -1} {
            array set trans $::sdLang(fr)
            putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$trans(msg_no_chan)"
        if {[channel get $chan dicelang]==""} {
            channel set $chan dicelang "fr"
            set lang "fr"
        } else  {
            set lang [channel get $chan dicelang]
        array set trans $::sdLang($lang)
        set mylist [chanlist $chan]
        # Create the temporary exclude list: bot, player and exluded pple
        set exclist [split "$::botnick $nick $novictim"]
        foreach exclude [split $exclist] {
            set wb [lsearch [filt $mylist] [filt $exclude]]
            set mylist [lreplace $mylist $wb $wb]
        # Check to see if they specified someone
        if {[lindex $args 0] != ""} {
            set victim [lindex $args 0]
            # Check to see if the nick is on the channel
            if {![onchan $victim $chan]} {
                putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$versionName [replace $trans(msg_notonchan) $chan $nick]"
            } else {
                if {$victim == $nick } {putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$sexdice::versionName [replace $trans(msg_nogamealone) $chan $nick]";return}
                set result [lindex $args 0]
        } else {
            #Choose someone randomly
            set mylength [llength $mylist]
            if {$mylength == 0} {
                putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :[replace $trans(msg_alone) $chan $nick]"
            set myindex [rand $mylength]
            set victim [lindex $mylist $myindex]
        putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$sexdice::versionName [replace $trans(msg_roll) $chan $nick]"
        set choice1 [lindex $trans(dice1) [rand [llength $trans(dice1)]]]
        set choice2 [lindex $trans(dice2) [rand [llength $trans(dice2)]]]
        if {$choice2 == "free" } {
            putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$sexdice::versionName [replace $trans(msg_res_anywhere) $chan $nick]"
        } else {
            putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$sexdice::versionName [replace $trans(msg_res_placed) $chan $nick]"
putlog " - DES COQUINS version $sexdice::versionNum loaded."

pouvez-vous m'aidez svp
As-tu configuré le canal comme il faut ? En parti-lyne:
Code :
.chanset #canal +sexdice
.chanset #canal dicelang fr
La deuxième ligne est optionnelle, le français étant la langue par défaut


merci Crazychat pour ta reponse je doit configuré quoi sur la party line
? est pour le "#" eu debut je doit le laissé ou j'enleve ex :

# .chanset #canal +sexdice
# .chanset #canal dicelang fr
CrazyCat a écrit :As-tu configuré le canal comme il faut ? En parti-lyne:
Code :
.chanset #canal +sexdice
.chanset #canal dicelang fr
La deuxième ligne est optionnelle, le français étant la langue par défaut

Les deux lignes que je t'ai donné sont celles à taper en party-line (sans oublier le "." du début).
Tu dois juste remplacer "canal" par le nom de ton canal.

Par exemple, si c'est pour le canal #test, tu tapes:
Code :
.chanset #test +sexdice