31/01/2016, 17:51
Bonjour, j'ai trouvé ce petit bout de code de CrazyCat dans les archives
Mais je me retrouve avec cette erreur que je ne comprend pas
[15:52:48] ‹Oz› .clone
[15:52:48] ‹InterC› [15:52:48] Going to irc.radiobluelight.fr
[15:52:48] ‹InterC› [15:52:48] Connection to irc.radiobluelight.fr 6667
[15:52:48] ‹InterC› [15:52:48] WARNING: open_telnet_raw() is about to block in gethostbyname()!
[15:52:48] ‹InterC› [15:52:48] net: connect! sock 9
[15:52:48] ‹InterC› [15:52:48] Erreur tcl []: invalid command name "9"
namespace eval sockegg {
set egg(clone1) {
nick "clone1"
realname "I am a clone"
identd "UserRBL"
serv "irc.radiobluelight.fr"
port 6667
host "radiobluelight.fr"
idx 0
variable bot
bind dcc - "clone" [namespace current]::come
proc come { i f a } {
[namespace current]::connect clone1 $a
proc connect {nick chan} {
variable egg
variable bot
array set bot $egg($nick)
putlog "Going to $bot(serv)"
set mserver $bot(serv)
set mport $bot(port)
putlog "Connection to $mserver $mport"
set bot(idx) [::connect $mserver $mport]
control $bot(idx) $chan
putdcc $bot(idx) "USER $bot(nick) 0 0 :$bot(realname)"
putdcc $bot(idx) "NICK $bot(nick)"
bind dcc - "unclone" [namespace current]::go
proc go {i f a} {
array set ::sockegg::bot $::sockegg::egg($nick)
killdcc $::sockegg::bot(idx)
set ::sockegg::bot(idx) 0
Mais je me retrouve avec cette erreur que je ne comprend pas
[15:52:48] ‹Oz› .clone
[15:52:48] ‹InterC› [15:52:48] Going to irc.radiobluelight.fr
[15:52:48] ‹InterC› [15:52:48] Connection to irc.radiobluelight.fr 6667
[15:52:48] ‹InterC› [15:52:48] WARNING: open_telnet_raw() is about to block in gethostbyname()!
[15:52:48] ‹InterC› [15:52:48] net: connect! sock 9
[15:52:48] ‹InterC› [15:52:48] Erreur tcl []: invalid command name "9"