08/08/2009, 00:43
Bonjour je viens par ici car j'ai un soucis avec un script de greet.
voici le script
Il enregistre bien les greet, mais par contre quand on veux lire son greet en tapant la commande !mygreet il annonce l'erreure suivante:
[00:33:46] <(Experienza> [00:33] Tcl error [mygreet]: can't read "yourgreet": no such variable
j'ai essayé de modifié les noms des fichiers mais rien y fais.
Si quelqu'un à une idée merci d'avance.
voici le script
### Necessary configuration ###
set patch "home/shell557/eggdrop/scripts/greet"
# Example: "home/darles/eggdrop/greet"
set greetsize "100"
# Greet limit (symbols)
set floodtimer "20"
# Time after which person can change it's greet
### End of necessary configuration ###
### Other configuration ###
set floodtext "Don't flood!!! You could set greet after $floodtimer seconds"
# This is message will be showed for flooders
set greetok "Your greet has been successfully set"
# This message will be showed, when greet is OK
set greetbad "Your greet is longer than $greetsize symbols"
# This error message will be showed then greet is longer than it should be
set greetdel "Your greet successfully deleted"
# This message will be showed then greet will be successfully deleted
set greetdelerr "Your greet not found"
# This error message will be showed then greet file not found
set yourgreet "Your greet is:"
# This is message using in !mygreet command
# #
# #
bind pub - !greet addgreet
bind pub - !remgreet remgreet
bind pub - !mygreet mygreet
bind pub - !help help
bind join - * showgreet
proc addgreet {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
global file greetsize patch greetbad greetok floodtext floodtimer
set file "$nick.txt2"
if {[file exist /$patch/$file]} {
set file2 [open /$patch/$file r]
gets $file2 ignore
close $file2
putserv "NOTICE $nick :$ignore"
} else {
set file3 [open /$patch/$nick.txt w+]
set text [lrange [split $arg] 0 end]
if {[string length $text] >= $greetsize} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :$greetbad"
return 1
} else {
puts $file3 "$text"
close $file3
putserv "NOTICE $nick :$greetok"
set file4 [open /$patch/$file w+]
puts $file4 $floodtext
close $file4
utimer $floodtimer del
proc del {} {
global file patch
file delete "/$patch/$file"
proc showgreet {nick uhost hand chan} {
global patch
if {[file exist /$patch/$nick.txt]} {
set file5 [open /$patch/$nick.txt r+]
gets $file5 text
close $file5
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\[$nick\] $text"
proc mygreet {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
global patch
if {[file exist /$patch/$nick.txt]} {
set file6 [open /$patch/$nick.txt r]
gets $file6 text
close $file6
putserv "NOTICE $nick :$yourgreet \[$nick\] $text"
proc remgreet {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
global patch greetdel greetdelerr
if {[file exist /$patch/$nick.txt]} {
file delete "/$patch/$nick.txt"
file delete "/$patch/$nick.txt2"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :$greetdel"
} else {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :$greetdelerr"
proc help {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :My commands is:"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :!greet <text> - set your greet, !remgreet - remove your greet, !mygreet - show your greet, !help - show this help"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Greet script by darles."
Il enregistre bien les greet, mais par contre quand on veux lire son greet en tapant la commande !mygreet il annonce l'erreure suivante:
[00:33:46] <(Experienza> [00:33] Tcl error [mygreet]: can't read "yourgreet": no such variable
j'ai essayé de modifié les noms des fichiers mais rien y fais.
Si quelqu'un à une idée merci d'avance.