recherche d'eggdrop

Donc j'ai un système de devoice/deop si une personne à trop d'idle sur un salon.
Ceci en deux TCL à mettre dans deux eggdrops.

Ensuite en cherchant sur le net j'ai trouvé un TCL qui voice au bout de x lignes et devoice si idle aussi.

Je vais te mettre les 3 codes ensuite à toi de modifié ou en faire ce que tu veux :

TCL en deux partie :

################# Auto deop & devoice sur idle ########################
#              							                #
#								                      #
#               Ce TCL fonctionne avec deux robots :		          #
#								                      #
#								                      #
#								                      #		
# idle_do_dv_spy.tcl		: A installer sur le robot spy          #
#								                      #	
# idle_do_dv_principal.tcl	: A installer sur le robot modérateur   #
#								                      #			
#								                      #			
#								                      #
########################### Configuration. ############################
bind EVNT - init-server proc:initidle
proc proc:initidle { type } {
################### Pseudo du robot spy du salon. #####################
set ::spy_bot "Robot-Moderator"
##################### Fin de la configuration. ########################
bind MSG - idle_op proc:idledo
proc proc:idledo { nick uhost hand text } {
if [string match -nocase $nick $::spy_bot] {
  putserv "mode [lindex $text 0] -oooooo [join [lrange $text 1 end]]"
  foreach listdeop [lrange $text 1 end] {
    putserv "NOTICE $listdeop :Votre idle sur [lindex $text 0] est trop important : Vous venez d'être deop !"
bind MSG - idle_voice proc:idledv
proc proc:idledv { nick uhost hand text } {
if [string match -nocase $nick $::spy_bot] {
  putserv "mode [lindex $text 0] -vvvvvv [join [lrange $text 1 end]]"
  foreach listdeop [lrange $text 1 end] {
    putserv "NOTICE $listdeop :Votre idle sur [lindex $text 0] est trop important : Vous venez d'être devoice !"
############################# Fin du TCL ##############################

Second TCL :

################# Auto deop & devoice sur idle ########################
#              							                #
#								                      #
#               Ce TCL fonctionne avec deux robots :		          #
#								                      #
#								                      #
#								                      #		
# idle_do_dv_spy.tcl		: A installer sur le robot spy          #
#								                      #	
# idle_do_dv_principal.tcl	: A installer sur le robot modérateur   #
#								                      #			
#								                      #			
#								                      #
########################### Configuration. ############################
bind EVNT - init-server proc:initidlespy
proc proc:initidlespy { type } {
##### Définition des canaux sur lesquels le scan doit être fait. ######
set ::all_chans "#salon"

################ Pseudo du robot principal du salon. ##################
set ::bot_principal "Robot-spy"

############# Idle au bout duquel les pseudos sont deop ###############
set ::time_deop "30"

############ Idle au bout duquel les pseudos sont devoice #############
set ::time_devoice "30"

############## Liste des pseudos à mettre en exception ################
set ::exempt_pseudos "Darfus"

##################### Fin de la configuration. ########################
bind TIME - "* * * *" proc:idledeop
proc proc:idledeop { minute hour day month year } {
lappend ::exempt_pseudos $::botnick
set ::exempt_pseudos [string tolower $::exempt_pseudos]
foreach chans $::all_chans {
  set liste ""
  foreach pseudo [string tolower [chanlist $chans]] {
    set clearpseudo [lindex [split $pseudo |] 0]
    if ![string match -nocase niubot?? $pseudo] {
      if {[lsearch -exact $::exempt_pseudos $clearpseudo] eq -1} {
        if {[isop $pseudo $chans]&&[getchanidle $pseudo $chans]>=$::time_deop }  {
        lappend liste $pseudo
        if {[llength $liste]==6} {
          putserv "PRIVMSG $::bot_principal :idle_op $chans $liste"
          set liste "" 
if {[llength $liste]!=0} {
  putserv "PRIVMSG $::bot_principal :idle_op $chans $liste"
bind TIME - "* * * *" proc:idledevoice
proc proc:idledevoice { minute hour day month year } {
lappend ::exempt_pseudos $::botnick
set ::exempt_pseudos [string tolower $::exempt_pseudos]
foreach chans $::all_chans {
  set liste ""
  foreach pseudo [string tolower [chanlist $chans]] {
    set clearpseudo [lindex [split $pseudo |] 0]
    if ![string match -nocase niubot?? $pseudo] {
      if {[lsearch -exact $::exempt_pseudos $clearpseudo] eq -1} {
        if {[isvoice $pseudo $chans]&&[getchanidle $pseudo $chans]>=$::time_devoice }  {
        lappend liste $pseudo
        if {[llength $liste]==6} {
          putserv "PRIVMSG $::bot_principal :idle_voice $chans $liste"
          set liste "" 
if {[llength $liste]!=0} {
  putserv "PRIVMSG $::bot_principal :idle_voice $chans $liste"
############################# Fin du TCL ##############################

J'utilisé ceci lorsque j'était sur le reseau Orange.

Ensuite voici le code TCL que j'ai trouver en fouinant sur le net :

# $Id: activechatter.tcl, v3.80.b eggdrop-1.6.18 23/02/2009 10:11:56 Exp $

# Begin - Active Chatter v3.80.b [activechatter.tcl]
#       Build date: 6th August 2007
#       Last Modified: 23rd February 2009
#       Copyright © 1998-2009 awyeah (
#       This TCL script is designed to work with eggdrop v1.6.17 or higher

#                        Active Chatter 3.80.b                          #
#                                                                       #
#                                                                       #
# Author: awyeah                                     23rd February 2009 #
# Email:                   Build version 3.80.b #
#                                                                       #
# ###########                                                           #
# DESCRIPTION                                                           #
# ###########                                                           #
#                                                                       #
# This script voices users who have said a certain number of lines on a #
# channel (active chatters). Additionally, it devoices users who are    #
# idling for more than a certain amount of time on a channel (unactive  #
# chatters).                                                            #
#                                                                       #
#                                                                       #
# ############                                                          #
# REQUIREMENTS                                                          #
# ############                                                          #
#                                                                       #
#  The following requirements must be taken into consideration before   #
#  utilizing this script further:                                       #
#                                                                       #
#   (Fields marked with a '*' are compulsory requirements)              #
#                                                                       #
# (*) (1) You must be running EGGDROP v1.6.17 or higher.                #
# (*) (2) You must have TCL v8.4 or higher installed on the system.     #
#                                                                       #
#   To FIND the TCL VERSION and PATCH LEVEL your shell is running:      #
#     (1) At your shell prompt type: tclsh                              #
#         (a) If you have several different versions of tcl installed   #
#             on the system, pick the latest version. E.g: tclsh8.3,    #
#             tclsh8.4 which is installed from the given list.          #
#             (i) At shell prompt type: tclsh8.4 (and go to step 2)     #
#         (b) If you have only one version, pick that one or continue   #
#             with 'tclsh' only if it doesn't say to use another name.  #
#     (2) To find your tcl version type: info tclversion                #
#     (3) To exit tclsh, type: exit                                     #
#                                                                       #
#                                                                       #
# ############                                                          #
# INSTALLATION                                                          #
# ############                                                          #
#                                                                       #
#  This quick installation tutorial consists of 4 steps. Please follow  #
#  all steps correctly in order to setup your script.                   #
#                                                                       #
# (1) Upload the file activechatter.tcl in your eggdrop '/scripts'      #
#     folder along with your other scripts.                             #
#                                                                       #
# (2) OPEN your eggdrops configuration (.conf) file and add a link at   #
#     the bottom of the configuration file to the path of drone nick    #
#     remover script, it would be:                                      #
#                                                                       #
#               source scripts/activechatter.tcl                        #
#                                                                       #
#                                                                       #
# (3) SAVE your bots configuration file.                                #
#                                                                       #
# (4) REHASH and RESTART your bot.                                      #
#                                                                       #
#                                                                       #
# ########                                                              #
# VERSIONS                                                              #
# ########                                                              #
#                                                                       #
#  v3.80.b  - Fixed bugs reported by users thanks to "speechless" from  #
# (04/02/09)  the egghelp forum.                                        #
#           - Fixed a bug in the autovoice:users and                    #
#             autovoice:devoice:idlers procedure for $nickchan.         #
#           - Fixed declaration of $chan in autovoice:devoice:idlers    #
#             procedure.                                                #
#           - Added configuration settings to set user specific mode    #
#             settings for displaying active and idle chatters.         #
#                                                                       #
#  v3.66.b  - Fixed some bugs and errors reported.                      #
# (20/09/07)                                                            #
#                                                                       #
#  v3.47.b  - First public release.                                     #
# (07/08/07)                                                            #
#                                                                       #
#                                                                       #
# ########                                                              #
# CONTACTS                                                              #
# ########                                                              #
#                                                                       #
#  (*) For any suggestions, comments, questions or bugs reports, feel   #
#      free to email me at:                                             #
#                                                                       #
#                                      #
#                                                                       #
#                                                                       #
#  (*) You can also contact me on MSN Messenger - my messenger ID is:   #
#                                                                       #
#                                            #
#                                                                       #
#                                                                       #
#  (*) You can also catch me on The DALnet Network:                     #
#                                                                       #
#               /server, Nick: awyeah                  #
#                      Channels: #awyeah, #eggdrops                     #
#                                                                       #
#                                                                       #
# #########                                                             #
# COPYRIGHT                                                             #
# #########                                                             #
#                                                                       #
# This program is a free software; you can distribute it under the      #
# terms of the GNU General Public License under Section 1 as published  #
# by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the license, or  #
# (at your option) any later version.                                   #
#                                                                       #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        #
# GNU General Public License for more details.                          #
#                                                                       #
# WARNING:                                                              #
# This program is protected by copyright law and international          #
# treaties. Unauthorized reproduction of this program, or any portion   #
# of it, may result in severe civil penalties and will be prosecuted to #
# the maximum extent possible under the law.                            #
#                                                                       #
#                                                                       #
# #########                                                             #
# DOWNLOADS                                                             #
# #########                                                             #
#                                                                       #
#  Latest versions of this script can be found on the TCL archives of   #
#  the following websites:                                              #
#                                                                       #
#   1)                                          #
#   2)                                        #
#   3)                                  #
#                                                                       #

### Start configuring variables from here! ###

#Set the channels you would like this script to work on.
#USAGE: [1/2] (1=User defined channels, 2=All channels the bot is on)
set autovoice(chantype) "1"

#Set the channels below on which this script should work. Each channel
#must separated by a space in between to create a list-like structure.
#USAGE: set autovoice(channels) "#channel1 #channel2 #mychannel"
set autovoice(chans) "#salon"

#Set the 'number of lines' here after which a user will be voiced for being
#an ACTIVE CHATTER. Only channel messages will be counted for activity.
set autovoice(lines) "25"

#Set the time here in 'minutes' after which you would like to devoice idlers (UNACTIVE
#CHATTERs). Users idling for more than this number of minute(s) will be devoiced.
#If you wish yo disable this setting, set it to: "0"
#USAGE: Any numerical integer value.
set autovoice(dvtime) "1"

#Set the time here in 'minutes' after which you would continuously like to check
#channel voices for idling. It is better to set this value low for good accuracy.
#USAGE: Any numerical integer value.
set autovoice(dvcheck) "1"

#Set the list of nicks here which you would like to be exempted from being
#autovoiced by the script. Place separate each entry by placing it in a new line.
#If you do not have any nick to exempt, then: set autovoice(avexempt) {}
set autovoice(avexempt) {

#Set the list of nicks here which you would like to be exempted from being
#devoiced by the script. Place separate each entry by placing it in a new line.
#If you do not have any nick to exempt, then: set autovoice(dvexempt) {}
set autovoice(dvexempt) {

#Set the text to display while voicing the active chatters. This text will be
#displayed when removing the channel key (mode: -k). Control codes such as
#color/bold/underline/reverses can also be used in the string.
#Please see: for more information on control codes.
set autovoice(voicemode) "\0032Voice.\00312Animation.\0031"

#Set the text to display while devoicing the idle chatters. This text will be
#displayed when removing the channel key (mode: -k). Control codes such as
#color/bold/underline/reverses can also be used in the string.
#Please see: for more information on control codes.
set autovoice(devoicemode) "\0032Devoice.\00312Animation\0031"

### Congratulations! Script configuration is now complete ###

### Don't edit anything else from this point onwards even if you know tcl! ###
set autovoice(auth) "\x61\x77\x79\x65\x61\x68"
set autovoice(ver) "v3.80.b"
bind pubm - "*" autovoice:users
bind join - "*" autovoice:erase:record
if {$autovoice(dvtime) > 0} {bind time - "*" autovoice:devoice:idlers}
proc autovoice:users {nick uhost hand chan text} {
 global autovoice voice
 if {($autovoice(chantype) == 1) && ([lsearch -exact [split [string tolower $autovoice(chans)]] [string tolower $chan]] == -1)} { return 0 }
 if {[isbotnick $nick] || [isop $nick $chan] || [isvoice $nick $chan]} { return 0 }
 set exemptlist [list]
 foreach nickchan $autovoice(avexempt) {
  lappend exemptlist $nickchan
 if {[llength $exemptlist] > 0} {
  foreach nickchan $exemptlist {
   if {[string equal -nocase $nickchan $nick] || ([string equal -nocase [lindex [split $nickchan :] 0] $nick] && [string equal -nocase [lindex [split $nickchan :] 1] $chan])} {
     return 0
 set user [split [string tolower $nick:$chan]]
 if {![info exists voice($user)] && ![isvoice $nick $chan] && ![isop $nick $chan]} {
   set voice($user) 0
 } elseif {[info exists voice($user)] && ([expr $voice($user) + 1] >= $autovoice(lines)) && ![isop $nick $chan] && ![isvoice $nick $chan]} {
   utimer 3 [list autovoice:delay $nick $chan]
   unset voice($user)
 } elseif {[info exists voice($user)]} {
   incr voice($user)
proc autovoice:delay {nick chan} {
 global autovoice voice
 set user [split [string tolower $nick:$chan]]
 if {[botisop $chan] && [onchan $nick $chan] && ![isop $nick $chan] && ![isvoice $nick $chan]} {
  pushmode $chan +v $nick
  set voiced($user) 1
 if {[info exists voiced($user)]} {
  pushmode $chan -k $autovoice(voicemode)
  flushmode $chan
proc autovoice:erase:record {nick uhost hand chan} {
 global autovoice voice
 if {($autovoice(chantype) == 1) && ([lsearch -exact [split [string tolower $autovoice(chans)]] [string tolower $chan]] == -1)} { return 0 }
 if {[isbotnick $nick]} { return 0 }
 set user [split [string tolower $nick:$chan]]
 if {[info exists voice($user)]} { unset voice($user) }
proc autovoice:devoice:idlers {m h d mo y} {
 global autovoice voice
 if {([scan $m %d]+([scan $h %d]*60)) % $autovoice(dvcheck) == 0} {
 switch -exact $autovoice(chantype) {
  1 { set chans [split $autovoice(chans)] }
  2 { set chans [channels] }
  default { return 0 }
 foreach chan $chans {
  set chan [string tolower $chan]
  foreach user [chanlist $chan] {
   set user [split [string tolower $user]]
   if {[info exists exempt]} { unset exempt }
   if {[botonchan $chan] && ![isbotnick $user] && ![isop $user $chan] && [isvoice $user $chan]} {
   set exemptlist [list]
   foreach nickchan $autovoice(dvexempt) {
    lappend exemptlist $nickchan
   if {[llength $exemptlist] > 0} {
    foreach nickchan $exemptlist {
     if {[string equal -nocase $nickchan $user] || ([string equal -nocase [lindex [split $nickchan :] 0] $user] && [string equal -nocase [lindex [split $nickchan :] 1] $chan])} {
      set exempt 1; break
    if {[botonchan $chan] && ![info exists exempt] && ([getchanidle $user $chan] >= $autovoice(dvtime))} {
     pushmode $chan -v $user
     if {![info exists devoice($chan)]} {
      set devoice($chan) 1
    } else {
   } else {
  if {[info exists devoice($chan)]} {
   pushmode $chan -k $autovoice(devoicemode)
   flushmode $chan
if {![string equal "\x61\x77\x79\x65\x61\x68" $autovoice(auth)]} { set autovoice(auth) \x61\x77\x79\x65\x61\x68 }
putlog "\002Active Chatter $autovoice(ver)\002 by \002$autovoice(auth)\002 has been loaded successfully."

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Messages dans ce sujet
recherche d'eggdrop - par Darfus - 06/06/2011, 18:15
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par aliasangelius - 07/06/2011, 16:00
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par djdu32 - 07/06/2011, 19:58
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par Darfus - 09/06/2011, 19:24
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par CrazyCat - 09/06/2011, 22:11
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par fedora - 09/06/2011, 19:27
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par Darfus - 10/06/2011, 00:12
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par Darfus - 10/06/2011, 10:54
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par CrazyCat - 10/06/2011, 14:16
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par Darfus - 11/06/2011, 18:07
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par aliasangelius - 10/06/2011, 14:52
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par djkenny - 11/06/2011, 18:56
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par aliasangelius - 11/06/2011, 23:45
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par Darfus - 12/06/2011, 14:58
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par lesny - 12/06/2011, 15:06
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par Ixion - 12/06/2011, 17:29
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par Darfus - 12/06/2011, 17:18
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par Darfus - 12/06/2011, 19:02
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par Ixion - 12/06/2011, 20:45
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par lesny - 12/06/2011, 20:53
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par Ixion - 12/06/2011, 21:47
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par lesny - 12/06/2011, 22:33
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par Darfus - 12/06/2011, 22:54
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par Ixion - 13/06/2011, 00:38
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par aliasangelius - 13/06/2011, 11:19
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par aliasangelius - 13/06/2011, 11:26
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par pheeric - 11/10/2011, 14:54
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par aliasangelius - 11/10/2011, 15:14
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par snip74 - 10/11/2011, 15:42
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par CrazyCat - 10/11/2011, 15:48
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par snip74 - 10/11/2011, 16:14
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par CrazyCat - 10/11/2011, 16:25
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par snip74 - 10/11/2011, 16:46
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par aliasangelius - 10/11/2011, 16:43
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par snip74 - 10/11/2011, 17:18
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par aliasangelius - 10/11/2011, 17:41
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par snip74 - 10/11/2011, 18:31
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par aliasangelius - 10/11/2011, 19:40
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par djkenny - 10/11/2011, 21:12
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par aliasangelius - 10/11/2011, 21:43
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par snip74 - 10/11/2011, 21:51
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par djkenny - 11/11/2011, 00:28
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par djkenny - 11/11/2011, 11:18
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par DnS - 10/11/2011, 21:57
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par snip74 - 10/11/2011, 22:27
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par djkenny - 11/11/2011, 00:31
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par snip74 - 11/11/2011, 00:44
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par snip74 - 11/11/2011, 01:26
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par DnS - 11/11/2011, 07:24
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par djkenny - 11/11/2011, 09:08
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par djkenny - 11/11/2011, 10:04
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par aliasangelius - 11/11/2011, 10:08
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par djkenny - 11/11/2011, 10:45
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par CrazyCat - 11/11/2011, 11:12
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par snip74 - 11/11/2011, 11:31
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par CrazyCat - 11/11/2011, 11:31
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par djkenny - 11/11/2011, 11:36
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par snip74 - 11/11/2011, 11:51
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par djkenny - 11/11/2011, 12:01
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par snip74 - 11/11/2011, 12:34
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par djkenny - 11/11/2011, 14:51
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par snip74 - 11/11/2011, 19:08
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par djkenny - 11/11/2011, 20:07
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par snip74 - 11/11/2011, 20:32
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par djkenny - 11/11/2011, 21:00
RE: recherche d'eggdrop - par snip74 - 11/11/2011, 21:35

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