Identification MYSQL

voici un script tcl qui lui aussi voice par via MSQL,en espérant que cela pourra t’orienté dans ton projet.

### mysql settings ###
set mysql(host) "localhost"
# hostname of the mysql server
set mysql(dbase) "database"
# name of the mysql dbase
set mysql(user) "mysqluser"
# name of the mysql user
set mysql(pass) "password"
# password for the mysql user
set mysql(fbsql) "/home/yourlogin/fbsql/"
# path to the tcl mysql api

### other settings ###
set sqlvoice(channels) "#channelA #channelB #channelC"
# channels that script should check nicks on join
set sqlvoice(case) "1"
# should we be case sensitive (1 = yes | 0 = no)
set sqlvoice(greetings) {
	{Welcome $name, you have seat number $seat, there are $count other people registered.}
	{Sup $name, your p0w4h-seat is no. $seat, and you have $count n00bz to 0wn.}
# greetings for your users, a random message will be shown on join
# '$name' (users real name) '$seat' (users seat) and '$count' (total users)

### end settings ###

# lets load fbsql tcl mysql api if it is not already loaded
if {![string match *sql* [info commands]]} { catch {load $mysql(fbsql)} }

# lets initialize our sqlsessions (see next proc for how sessions are managed)
if {(![info exists sqlsession]) || ($sqlsession > 10)} { set sqlsession 0 }

# now, lets make a nice proc to take advantage of the fbsql sessions
proc sql:connect {} {
global mysql sqlsession
	  if {($sqlsession == 0) || ($sqlsession > 10)} {
		set sqlsession 0 ; set sqlcmd "sql"
	} else { set sqlcmd "sql$sqlsession" }
	if {[catch {$sqlcmd connect $mysql(host) $mysql(user) $mysql(pass)} connect_error] != 0} {
		if {[string match {*already connected*} "$connect_error"]} {
			catch {$sqlcmd disconnect} ; sql:connect
		} else {
			putlog "\[\002ERROR\002\] Could not connect do database: $connect_error"
			catch {$sqlcmd disconnect} ; return
	if {[catch {$sqlcmd selectdb $mysql(dbase)} select_error] != 0} {
		putlog "\[\002ERROR\002\] Count not select database: $select_error"
		catch {$sqlcmd disconnect} ; return
	incr sqlsession
	return "$sqlcmd"

# it is, the actual voice on join proc
proc do:voice { nick uhost hand chan } {
global sqlvoice botnick
	set sqlcmd [sql:connect]
	if {$sqlvoice(case)} {
		foreach {name seat} [lindex [$sqlcmd "SELECT `Navn`, `Seat` FROM `Deltakere` WHERE binary `Nick` = '$nick'"] 0] {}
	} else {
		foreach {name seat} [lindex [$sqlcmd "SELECT `Navn`, `Seat` FROM `Deltakere` WHERE `Nick` = '$nick'"] 0] {}
	set count [$sqlcmd "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `Deltakere`"]; catch {$sqlcmd disconnect}
	if {((([info exists name]) && (![string equal {} $name])) && (([info exists seat]) && (![string equal {} $seat])))} {
		puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :[subst [join [lindex $sqlvoice(greetings) [rand [expr [llength $sqlvoice(greetings)] -1]]]]]"
		puthelp "MODE $chan +v $nick"
bind join - * do:voice

Cordialement DnS
[font=Times New Roman]La différence entre Linux et Windows ,c'est que Linux c'est comme une belle fille , il faut l'apprivoiser , la comprendre , la séduire tandis que Windows , c'est comme une prostitué , il faut payer et surtout bien se protéger.[/font]
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Messages dans ce sujet
Identification MYSQL - par Cobraz - 11/05/2011, 17:58
RE: Identification MYSQL - par fedora - 11/05/2011, 18:32
RE: Identification MYSQL - par Cobraz - 11/05/2011, 18:38
RE: Identification MYSQL - par CrazyCat - 11/05/2011, 21:15
RE: Identification MYSQL - par Cobraz - 11/05/2011, 21:37
RE: Identification MYSQL - par CrazyCat - 11/05/2011, 21:57
RE: Identification MYSQL - par Cobraz - 11/05/2011, 22:18
RE: Identification MYSQL - par Cobraz - 11/05/2011, 22:32
RE: Identification MYSQL - par Cobraz - 12/05/2011, 18:34

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