14/01/2010, 06:48
Bonjour tout le monde , alors voila j'ai recuperé une tcl pour voicer mes vip mais j'aurrais voulu que sa kickban ceux qui ne sont pas vip . Si il étais possible de m'aider à trouver ça serais sympa . J'ai cherché a modifier le vipscan sans succès . Merci d'avance .
# BlackVIP TCL 1.0
# !vip on/off
# !addvip nick
# !listvip
# !remvip number ( take it from the list )
#A TCL used to add VIP`s foreach chan.And if the nicks joins on the specific
#chan they receive VOICE + a message.It has also a timer for scan if all the VIP`S
#have VOICE.
# BLaCkShaDoW ProductionS
#Set here the time for scan if all the VIP`S has VOICE (minutes)
set viptime "2"
#If you want the VIP to receive a message set here "1"
#or else set here "0"
set viphowmsg "0"
#If you set "1" set here the message
set vipmsg "YOu received VOICE because you are a VIP member of this chan :)"
#Set here the flags that can add VIP`S
set vipwho "Nmn|MN"
# The ENd
bind pub $vipwho !vip vipstatus
bind pub $vipwho !addvip addvip
bind pub $vipwho !remvip remvip
bind pub $vipwho !listvip listvip
bind join - * vipscan
setudef flag vip
if {![info exists vips_running]} {
timer $viptime vips
set vips_running 1
proc vipstatus {nick host hand chan arg} {
set flag "vip"
set why [lindex [split $arg] 0]
if {$why == "" } { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :use .vip <on> / <off>"
return 0
if {$why == "on"} {
channel set $chan +$flag
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :VIP active sur $chan"
return 0
if {$why == "off"} {
channel set $chan -$flag
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :VIP desactiver sur $chan"
return 0
proc addvip {nick host hand chan arg} {
set dir "/scripts/logs/vip($chan).txt"
set vip [join [lindex [split $arg] 0]]
if {$vip == ""} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Faire .addvip <nick>"
return 0
if {[file exists $dir] == 0} {
set file [open $dir a]
close $file
set file [open $dir a]
puts $file $vip
close $file
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :VIP - $vip - ajouter dans la database"
proc listvip {nick host hand chan arg} {
set dir "/scripts/logs/vip($chan).txt"
if {[file exists $dir] == 0} {
set file [open $dir a]
close $file
set file [open $dir "r"]
set w [read -nonewline $file]
close $file
set data [split $w "\n"]
set i 0
if {$data == ""} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Il y'a aucun VIP`S !"
return 0
foreach vip $data {
set i [expr $i +1]
lappend vipnumber $i.$vip
foreach txt [wordwrap [join $vipnumber " "] 200] {
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Les VIP`S sont :"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :$txt"
proc remvip {nick host hand chan arg} {
set dir "/scripts/logs/vip($chan).txt"
set number [join [lindex [split $arg] 0]]
if {$number == ""} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Faire .remvip <number> (take`it from the list)"
return 0
if {[file exists $dir] == 0} {
set file [open $dir a]
close $file
set file [open $dir "r"]
set data [read -nonewline $file]
close $file
set lines [split $data "\n"]
set i [expr $number - 1]
set delete [lreplace $lines $i $i]
set files [open $dir "w"]
puts $files [join $delete "\n"]
close $files
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Supprimer de la liste le pseudo avec le nombre $number.Pour verifier ,faire .listvip"
proc vipscan {nick host hand chan} {
global vipmsg viphowmsg
set dir "/home/raziel/eggdrop1/scripts/logs/vip($chan).txt"
if {[file exists $dir] == 0} {
set file [open $dir a]
close $file
set file [open $dir "r"]
set w [read -nonewline $file]
close $file
set data [split $w "\n"]
if {$data == ""} {
return 0
foreach vip $data {
if {[string match -nocase $nick $vip]} {
pushmode $chan +v $vip
proc vips { } {
global viptime
foreach chan [channels] {
set dir "/scripts/logs/vip($chan).txt"
if {[channel get $chan vip]} {
putlog "Recherche VIP`S sur le salon $chan.."
set file [open $dir "r"]
set w [read -nonewline $file]
close $file
set data [split $w "\n"]
foreach vip $data {
if {[onchan $vip $chan]} {
if {![isvoice $vip $chan]} {
pushmode $chan +v $vip
timer $viptime vips
return 1
proc wordwrap {str {len 100} {splitChr { }}} {
set out [set cur {}]; set i 0
foreach word [split [set str][unset str] $splitChr] {
if {[incr i [string len $word]]>$len} {
lappend out [join $cur $splitChr]
set cur [list $word]
set i [string len $word]
} {
lappend cur $word
incr i
lappend out [join $cur $splitChr]
putlog "BlackVIP TCL by BLaCkShaDoW Loaded"
# BlackVIP TCL 1.0
# !vip on/off
# !addvip nick
# !listvip
# !remvip number ( take it from the list )
#A TCL used to add VIP`s foreach chan.And if the nicks joins on the specific
#chan they receive VOICE + a message.It has also a timer for scan if all the VIP`S
#have VOICE.
# BLaCkShaDoW ProductionS
#Set here the time for scan if all the VIP`S has VOICE (minutes)
set viptime "2"
#If you want the VIP to receive a message set here "1"
#or else set here "0"
set viphowmsg "0"
#If you set "1" set here the message
set vipmsg "YOu received VOICE because you are a VIP member of this chan :)"
#Set here the flags that can add VIP`S
set vipwho "Nmn|MN"
# The ENd
bind pub $vipwho !vip vipstatus
bind pub $vipwho !addvip addvip
bind pub $vipwho !remvip remvip
bind pub $vipwho !listvip listvip
bind join - * vipscan
setudef flag vip
if {![info exists vips_running]} {
timer $viptime vips
set vips_running 1
proc vipstatus {nick host hand chan arg} {
set flag "vip"
set why [lindex [split $arg] 0]
if {$why == "" } { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :use .vip <on> / <off>"
return 0
if {$why == "on"} {
channel set $chan +$flag
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :VIP active sur $chan"
return 0
if {$why == "off"} {
channel set $chan -$flag
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :VIP desactiver sur $chan"
return 0
proc addvip {nick host hand chan arg} {
set dir "/scripts/logs/vip($chan).txt"
set vip [join [lindex [split $arg] 0]]
if {$vip == ""} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Faire .addvip <nick>"
return 0
if {[file exists $dir] == 0} {
set file [open $dir a]
close $file
set file [open $dir a]
puts $file $vip
close $file
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :VIP - $vip - ajouter dans la database"
proc listvip {nick host hand chan arg} {
set dir "/scripts/logs/vip($chan).txt"
if {[file exists $dir] == 0} {
set file [open $dir a]
close $file
set file [open $dir "r"]
set w [read -nonewline $file]
close $file
set data [split $w "\n"]
set i 0
if {$data == ""} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Il y'a aucun VIP`S !"
return 0
foreach vip $data {
set i [expr $i +1]
lappend vipnumber $i.$vip
foreach txt [wordwrap [join $vipnumber " "] 200] {
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Les VIP`S sont :"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :$txt"
proc remvip {nick host hand chan arg} {
set dir "/scripts/logs/vip($chan).txt"
set number [join [lindex [split $arg] 0]]
if {$number == ""} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Faire .remvip <number> (take`it from the list)"
return 0
if {[file exists $dir] == 0} {
set file [open $dir a]
close $file
set file [open $dir "r"]
set data [read -nonewline $file]
close $file
set lines [split $data "\n"]
set i [expr $number - 1]
set delete [lreplace $lines $i $i]
set files [open $dir "w"]
puts $files [join $delete "\n"]
close $files
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Supprimer de la liste le pseudo avec le nombre $number.Pour verifier ,faire .listvip"
proc vipscan {nick host hand chan} {
global vipmsg viphowmsg
set dir "/home/raziel/eggdrop1/scripts/logs/vip($chan).txt"
if {[file exists $dir] == 0} {
set file [open $dir a]
close $file
set file [open $dir "r"]
set w [read -nonewline $file]
close $file
set data [split $w "\n"]
if {$data == ""} {
return 0
foreach vip $data {
if {[string match -nocase $nick $vip]} {
pushmode $chan +v $vip
proc vips { } {
global viptime
foreach chan [channels] {
set dir "/scripts/logs/vip($chan).txt"
if {[channel get $chan vip]} {
putlog "Recherche VIP`S sur le salon $chan.."
set file [open $dir "r"]
set w [read -nonewline $file]
close $file
set data [split $w "\n"]
foreach vip $data {
if {[onchan $vip $chan]} {
if {![isvoice $vip $chan]} {
pushmode $chan +v $vip
timer $viptime vips
return 1
proc wordwrap {str {len 100} {splitChr { }}} {
set out [set cur {}]; set i 0
foreach word [split [set str][unset str] $splitChr] {
if {[incr i [string len $word]]>$len} {
lappend out [join $cur $splitChr]
set cur [list $word]
set i [string len $word]
} {
lappend cur $word
incr i
lappend out [join $cur $splitChr]
putlog "BlackVIP TCL by BLaCkShaDoW Loaded"