petit soucis la recherche n'affiche jamais rien
erf jai tjr un soucis moi en partyline :

Tcl error [vcdqw]: extra characters after close-quote

set pubvcdt "!dupe"

#############################DO NOT EDIT UNDER HERE!###########################################
package require http
bind pub -|- $pubvcdt vcdqw
proc vcdqw {nick uh handle chan text} {
global pubvcdt
set option ""
set search ""
set target "$nick"
set num "3"
set kind "PRIVMSG"
if {$text == ""} {putserv "NOTICE $nick :Looks like u need $pubvcdt -help" ;return}
foreach word $text {if {[string match "*-*" "$word" ]} {append option "$word "} }
foreach word $text {if {![string match "*-*" "$word" ]} {append search "$word "} }
    foreach word $option {
       if {[string match "*-x*" $word]} {set num "[lindex [split $word x] 1]"}
       if {[string match "*-notice*" $word]} {set kind "NOTICE"}
       if {[string match "*-msg*" $word] || [string match "*-pub*" $word]} {set kind "PRIVMSG" }
       if {[string match "*-pub*" $word]} {set target "$chan"}
       if {[string match "*-help*" $word]} {homohelp $nick ;return}
vqs $target $kind $num $option $search
proc vqs {target kind num option search} {
 regsub -all " " $search "+" search
 set url
 http::config -useragent "Mozilla/5.0"
set conn [http::geturl $url -headers "Referer <a href="" target="_blank"></a> -query genre=1&searchstring=$search]
 set data [http::data $conn]
 set fdataz ""
 set count 0
 set vcdq ""
 set vcdq1 ""
  foreach line [split $data \n] {
    if {([string match "*cat-c*" $line]) && (![string match "*index.php?enddate=*" $line]) && (![string match "*align=\"center\">Next</td>*" $line]) } {append fdataz "$line \n"} 
 set nrels "[expr ([llength [split $fdataz \n]] - 1) / 12]"
 if {![llength [split $fdataz \n]]} {putserv "PRIVMSG $target :No Results!" ;return}
 if {$nrels < $num} {set num "$nrels"}
 putserv "$kind $target :$nrels Results/$num Displayed:"
   foreach {date type tittle sample nfo imdb ncd group vscore ascore mscore comm} [split $fdataz \n] {  
    incr count
     if {$count == [expr $num + 1]} { break }
    regsub -all {<[^>]*|>| } $date "" date
    regsub -all {/} $date "-" date
    regsub -all {<[^>]*|>| } $type "" type
    regsub -all {<[^>]*|>|'} $tittle "" tittle
    regsub -all { } $tittle "." tittle
    regsub -all {\*} $tittle "" tittle
    regexp {a href="(.+?)"} $sample {} sample
    regsub {.} $sample {} sample
    regexp {a href="(.+?)"} $nfo {} nfo
    regexp {a href="(.+?)"} $imdb {} imdb
    regsub -all {<[^>]*|>| } $group "" group
    regsub -all {<[^>]*|>| } $vscore "" vscore
    set vscore "[lindex [split $vscore (] 0]"
    regsub -all {<[^>]*|>| } $ascore "" ascore
    set ascore "[lindex [split $ascore (] 0]"
    regsub -all {<[^>]*|>| } $mscore "" mscore
    set mscore "[lindex [split $mscore (] 0]"
    regsub -all {<[^>]*|>|\[view\]| } $comm "" posts
    regexp {a href=".+?".+?a href="(.+?)"} $comm {} comm
    regsub {.} $comm {} comm
    if {[string match "**" $sample]} {set sample "No Sample" ;set vcdq ""}
    if {[string match "**" $imdb]} {set imdb "No IMDB" }       
    if {[string match "**" $comm]} {set comm "No Forum" ;set vcdq1 ""}
    set msgl "$date.$tittle$type-$group $vscore/$ascore/$mscore"
    if {[string match "*-sample*" $option] } {append msgl " $vcdq$sample"}
    if {[string match "*-imdb*" $option]} {append msgl " $imdb"}
    if {[string match "*-forum*" $option]} {append msgl " $vcdq1$comm $posts"}
    putserv "$kind $target :$msgl"
proc homohelp {victim} {
global pubvcdt
puthelp "NOTICE $victim :Y0 Moron Listen Up:"
puthelp "NOTICE $victim :$pubvcdt string \[options\]"
puthelp "NOTICE $victim :Options: -pub(msg to channel) -notice(notice) -msg(privmsg) -x#(limit resluts to #) -imdb -forum -sample"
puthelp "NOTICE $victim :Defaults: -msg -x3"
putlog " search script by dreamss loaded =)"

voila a quoi ressemble le tcl tel que je l'est modifier si bien jai fait une erreur et que tout seule je ne m'en apercois pas ou depuis un mirc client /server -m server fun cool et tolerants
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RE: petit soucis la recherche n'affiche jamais rien - par caline012 - 15/11/2008, 01:41

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