Hey i need please help about proxycheck i try proxycheck By James Seward in Quakenet and my bot is out from server about flood if is put ban and kick many clones and i try put in script mode close chan and open chan and this no work someone please can help me about this?
this the code
i want if someone put many clones then bot set mode im with timer close and open mode
this the code
Code :
# open proxy checker for eggdrop
# (c) James Seward 2003/4
# version 1.0
# http://www.jamesoff.net/projects/eggdrop
# james@jamesoff.net
# Released under the GPL
# This script will check the hosts of people joining channels against one or
# RBLs. Choose your RBLs wisely, some of them list DIALUP SPACE and that would
# be a bad thing to be matching your IRC users against :P
# Enable the 'proxycheck' flag for channels you want the script active on
# --> .chanset #somechannel +proxycheck
# Users who are +o, +v, or +f in your bot (local or global) won't be checked.
# Turn on console level d on the partyline to see some debug from the script
# --> .console +d (to enable)
# --> .console -d (to disable)
# space-separated list of RBLs to look in
set proxycheck_rbls { "dnsbl.tornevall.org" "opm.tornevall.org" "rbl.efnet.org" "rbl.efnetrbl.org" "dnsbl.dronebl.org" "dnsbl.ahbl.org" }
# time in minutes to ban for
set proxycheck_bantime 15
# stop editing here unless you're TCL-proof
#add our channel flag
setudef flag proxycheck
#bind our events
bind join - *!*@* proxycheck_join
#swing your pants
# catch joins
proc proxycheck_join { nick host handle channel } {
#check we're active
if {![channel get $channel proxycheck]} {
return 0
#don't apply to friends, voices, ops
if {[matchattr $handle fov|fov $channel]} {
return 0
#get the actual host
regexp ".+@(.+)" $host matches newhost
if [regexp {[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}$} $newhost] {
#it's a numeric host, skip the lookup
proxycheck_check2 $newhost $newhost 1 $nick $newhost $channel
} else {
putloglev d * "proxycheck: doing dns lookup on $newhost to get IP"
dnslookup $newhost proxycheck_check2 $nick $newhost $channel
# first callback (runs RBL checks)
proc proxycheck_check2 { ip host status nick orighost channel } {
global proxycheck_rbls
if {$status} {
putloglev d * "proxycheck: $host resolves to $ip"
# reverse the IP
regexp {([0-9]{1,3}).([0-9]{1,3}).([0-9]{1,3}).([0-9]{1,3})} $ip matches a b c d
set newip "$d.$c.$b.$a"
# look it up in the rbls
foreach rbl $proxycheck_rbls {
putloglev d * "proxycheck: looking up $newip.$rbl"
dnslookup "$newip.$rbl" proxycheck_check3 $nick $host $channel $rbl
putquick "MODE $channel +b$closemode $realhost" -next
set ::close($channel) 1
utimer $close [list [namespace current]::open "$channel" "$closemode"]
} else {
putlog "proxycheck: Couldn't resolve $host. (No further action taken.)"
# second callback (catches RBL results)
proc proxycheck_check3 { ip host status nick orighost channel rbl } {
global proxycheck_bantime
if {$status} {
putlog "proxycheck: got host $host = ip $ip from RBL $rbl ... banning"
newchanban $channel "*@$orighost" "proxychk" "proxycheck: $rbl" $proxycheck_bantime
#if we didn't get a host, they're not in RBL
putlog "proxycheck 1.0 by JamesOff loaded"