youtube script
Salut Cain tien j'en et trouver un :

# ourTube.tcl 1.0.2010 - v.DNS777 -
# This file search the web target and show relevant information about.
# Is posible define a YouTube account and the bot will log in. Useful
# when the link are for adult people i.e. It will show the first link
# that finds in a whole phrase.
# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Eggdrop Spain 12-april-2009
#   HackeMate (Sentencia)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it _only for your own use_
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Please, use the email to contact with the author for let him know about all
# what you could do. Everyone wants develop his software as well.
#                   Thank you for feed my empiric life.
# If you like, you can contact with the author to suggest him features. By the
# way, do not ask him to make Login, he is working on that.

# This is what you need to get this script work:
# Type in partyline: .chanset #channel +ourtube

# Changelog:
#   Fixes:
#	Fixed showin views proper, some minimal fixes, and cutted out autoupdate, feedback feature and search (((DNS777)))
#       Resolved Tcl error [otPub]: can't read "views": no such variable (((? this was not fixed dude!)))
#       Resolved eternal ignore-protection  issue
#   Added features:
#       Now will forward to new location 302 http code received when pasting
#       http://youtube. links
#       Explicit message when 404 error (not found)
#       All non 200, 302, 303, 404 errors will stop the procedure showing proper reason
#       -*- IMPORTANT -*-
#       Auto Update checker: You can verify if your ourTube copy is the lastest
#       version available typing .ourtube update in partyline (((? killed, DNS777)))
#       FeedBack feature. Type in partyline .ourtube feedback [your email] <message>
#       to send the author any suggestion or comment. Insults are not welcome. (((? killed, DNS777)))
#       Added seacher, !youtube string and it will return matches
#       it is customizable (configure ourtube(outputsearch)) (((? killed, we have another !youtube trigger, DNS777)))
setudef flag ourtube
setudef flag ourtubecolors
global ourtube tcl_platform

# (1) Enable or (0) disable colors
set ourtube(colors) 1

# Flood Protection: after show a link, will ignore all links few seconds
# This means 1 link per 10 seconds.
set ourtube(rest) 10

# What language you can receive the youTube data? (if works heh)
set ourtube(lang) en

# This is the final output message what you will read in your channel.
#       -*- This is not for search command (only when someone pasted link)
# You can configure all fields that your eggdrop will show.
# <title>       will return the title of the video
# <author>      It was the author himself who had uploaded the video
# <views>       How many views the video has
# <rating>      His rating
# <description> Information by author - This may be disabled because it can
#               contain spam
# <comment>     Will show the last comment if exists - Same as description, take care
#               with spam.
# <uploaded>    Date of upload.
set ourtube(output) "\002YouTube Video\002: <title> | \002Views\002: <views> | \002Ratings\002: <rating> | \002Uploader\002:    <author>         | \002Uploaded\002: <uploaded> | \002Last comment\002: \0032<comment>\003"

# This is not required to edit, or yes.
set ourtube(author) "HackeMate (& DNS)"
set ourtube(name) "ourTube"
set ourtube(version) "1.0.2010"
set ourtube(package.http) [package require http]
set ourtube(protection) ""
if {$tcl_platform(os) eq "Linux"} {
    set platfrm "X11"
} else {
    set platfrm $tcl_platform(os)
http::config -useragent "Mozilla/5.0 ($platfrm; U; $tcl_platform(os) $tcl_platform(machine); $ourtube(lang); rv: ourTube 1.0" -accept "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"
bind pubm - * otPub
proc otPub {nick uhost hand chan text} {
    if {![channel get $chan ourtube]} {
    global ourtube
    regsub -all -- {\017|\002|\037|\026|\003(\d{1,2})?(,\d{1,2})?} $text "" arg
    set webTarget [lsearch -inline [split $arg] {*http://*.youtube.*/watch?*}]
    if {([info exists ourtube(protection)]) && ([string is digit -strict $ourtube(protection)])} {
        set rest [expr [clock seconds]-$ourtube(protection)]
        if {$rest >= $ourtube(rest)} {
            set ourtube(protection) ""
    } else {
        set ourtube(protection) ""
    if {$webTarget ne ""} {
         if {! [regexp -nocase {^(http://)?([^/:]+)(:([0-9]+))?(/.*)?$} $webTarget]} {
            otLog log "Unsupported URL: $webTarget"
        if {$ourtube(protection) ne ""} {
            otLog "Resting... (flood protection) [duration [expr ([clock seconds]-$ourtube(protection))]] left"
        set ourtube(protection) [clock seconds]
        otLog log "Getting $webTarget ... from $nick on $chan"
        set data [otGet $webTarget]
        if {!$ourtube(colors)} {
            regsub -all -- {\017|\002|\037|\026|\003(\d{1,2})?(,\d{1,2})?} $data "" data
        if {[string length $data] == 0} {
            set data "I was not able to reach Youtube's link. Probably I get a timeout. Try again."
        otLog log "$data"
        putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$data"
        utimer $ourtube(rest) [list set ourtube(protection) ""]
proc otGet {web {relocation ""}} {
    global ourtube
    set token [http::geturl $web -timeout 4000]
    upvar #0 $token state
    set lastcode $state(http)
    set ncode ""
    regexp {[0-9]{3}} $lastcode ncode
    if {$ncode eq ""} {
        set ncode $lastcode
    switch -- $ncode {
        "200" {
        "302" {
            foreach {flag value} $state(meta) {
                if {$flag eq "Location"} {
                    # Due to invalid youtube link but valid url syntax we can
                    # receive an url forward. this handles that
                    http::cleanup $token
                    otLog log "$web forwards us to $value"
                    return [otGet $value "(Relocated)"]
        "303" {
            otLog log "This video does not exists."
            http::cleanup $token
            return "That video does not exists. Server responded: $lastcode"
        "404" {
            otLog log "$web - No such webpage."
            http::cleanup $token
            return "$web - No such webpage"
        default {
            http::cleanup $token
            otLog log "unforeseen circumstances. Server responded: $lastcode"
            return "unforeseen circumstances. Server responded: $lastcode"
    set data [string map {"&quot\;" "\"" "&amp\;quot\;" "\"" "&amp;" "&"} $state(body)]
    http::cleanup $token
    set author ""
    set description ""
    set views ""
    set rating ""
    set uploaded ""
    #regexp {<title>(.*)</title>} $data "" title
    regexp {<meta name=\"title\" content=\"(.*?)\">.*} $data "" title
    regexp {class="hLink fn n contributor">(.*?)</a><br>} $data "" author
    regexp {<meta name=\"description\" content=\">(.*?)\">.*} $data "" description
    regexp {<div id=\"defaultRatingMessage\">(.*?)</span>.*} $data "" rating
    regexp {<span class=\"watch-video-added post-date\">(.*?)</span><br>} $data "" uploaded
    if {![regexp {<span id=\"watch-view-count\">(.*?)</span>} $data "" views]} { set views "no" }
    # This is not so smart way. I know, sorry about :)
    set comments ""
    set description ""
    regexp {<div id="recent_comments" class="comments">(.*?)<div id="div_comment_form_id} $data "" comments
    if {$comments ne ""} {
       regexp { rel="nofollow">(.*?)</a>} $comments "" user
       regexp {<span class="watch-comment-time">(.*?)</span>} $comments "" timeago
       regexp {<div class="watch-comment-body">(.*?)</div>} $comments "" comment
       set comment [string map {\n " " "<br>" ""} $comment]
       regsub -all -- {\<[^\>]*\>|\t} $comment "" comment
       regsub -all {\s+} $comment " " comment
       set comment "\<$user [string trim $timeago]\> [string trim $comment]"
    } else {
        set comment ""
    regsub -all -- {\<[^\>]*\>|\t} $title "" title
    regsub -all -- {\<[^\>]*\>|\t} $description "" description
    regsub -all -- {\<[^\>]*\>|\t} $views "" views
    regsub -all -- {\<[^\>]*\>|\t} $rating "" rating
    set rating [lindex [split $rating] 0]
    set title [string map {"\n" " "} $title] 
    set title "$relocation $title"
    set title [string trim $title]
    if {![string is digit -strict $rating]} {
        set rating "no"
    if {$comment eq ""} {
        set comment "This video doesn't have any comments until now"
    if {$description eq ""} {
        set description "This video doesn't have any description"
    set output [string map [list "<title>" $title "<author>" $author "<description>" $description "<views>" $views "<rating>" $rating "<uploaded>" $uploaded "<comment>" $comment] $ourtube(output)]
    return $output

# upvar #0 $token state
proc otLog {target string} {
    global ourtube
    if {![validchan $target]} {
        putlog "$ourtube(name)\: $string"
    } else {
        putserv "PRIVMSG $target :$ourtube(name)\: $string"
otLog log "$ourtube(version) Loaded - by $ourtube(author)"
set ourtube(loaded) 1

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Messages dans ce sujet
youtube script - par zyrte - 13/09/2011, 15:28
RE: youtube script - par aliasangelius - 13/09/2011, 15:51
RE: youtube script - par zyrte - 13/09/2011, 16:03
RE: youtube script - par aliasangelius - 13/09/2011, 17:16
RE: youtube script - par zyrte - 13/09/2011, 17:24
RE: youtube script - par aliasangelius - 13/09/2011, 17:26
RE: youtube script - par zyrte - 13/09/2011, 17:31
RE: youtube script - par Cain - 16/09/2011, 18:57
RE: youtube script - par aliasangelius - 17/09/2011, 10:37
RE: youtube script - par Cain - 17/09/2011, 13:31
RE: youtube script - par CrazyCat - 16/05/2012, 09:44
RE: youtube script - par EvilHeart - 19/05/2013, 11:48
RE: youtube script - par aliasangelius - 25/05/2012, 10:26
RE: youtube script - par Hitsu - 27/03/2013, 18:10
RE: youtube script - par aliasangelius - 28/05/2013, 21:12
RE: youtube script - par EvilHeart - 29/05/2013, 07:10
RE: youtube script - par aliasangelius - 29/05/2013, 15:16
RE: youtube script - par Hitsu - 16/07/2013, 10:03
RE: youtube script - par CrazyCat - 16/07/2013, 10:24
RE: youtube script - par Hitsu - 16/07/2013, 10:37
RE: youtube script - par taboune - 26/08/2013, 18:44
RE: youtube script - par JazZ - 18/02/2014, 15:24
RE: youtube script - par Furaxx37 - 29/04/2014, 10:32
RE: youtube script - par CrazyCat - 27/05/2014, 13:32
RE: youtube script - par Oz- - 18/01/2016, 10:15
RE: youtube script - par CrazyCat - 18/01/2016, 10:29
RE: youtube script - par Oz- - 18/01/2016, 11:00
RE: youtube script - par CrazyCat - 18/01/2016, 11:12
RE: youtube script - par Oz- - 18/01/2016, 11:26
RE: youtube script - par Oz- - 18/01/2016, 12:34
RE: youtube script - par MisterS - 18/01/2016, 17:15
RE: youtube script - par MisterS - 18/01/2016, 17:17

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