youtube script
je viens de trouver une version qui fonctionne avec l API ils expliquent même comment obtenir le code API.
Mais j'obtiens une erreur. voici l'erreur :

[11:30:13] Tcl error [youtube_query]: wrong # args: should be "matchattr handle flags ?channel?"

et voici le code

 #  Name:                  Youtube Title V2
 #  Author:                Jan Milants <>
 #  Version:               2.0     (28/08/2014)
 #  Eggdrop Version:       1.6.x
 #  Requires TCL version:  8.5
 #  Package dependencies:  http, tls, json
 #  Credits:               Based on original YouTube Script
 #                             by
 #                         Design inspiration from
 #                             youtube.tcl by Mookie.
 # Description
 # -------------
 # The script monitors text channels for links to Youtube.
 # When found, it will query the google server for details such as video title
 # and number of views of the youtube video and advertise the results in the channel.
 # The script also supports searching youtube with the command "!youtube <search text>"
 # or "!yt <search text>". In response, the search query will be passed on to the
 # youtube API and the best ranking result will be linked in channel.
 # This script will be active on any channel it resides in with the "youtube" flag.
 # The flag can be set in the console with ".chanset #chan  youtube" or with the 
 # in channel command "!youtube on". Both commands only work for users with flag mno.
 # Getting your own Google API key
 # ---------------------------------
 # This script uses the Google Youtube Data API V3, which requires an API key to
 # authorize access to the API and is used as basis for limiting request per day etc.
 # Instructions can be found on 
 # Required steps in short:
 #     1. Go to the Google developers console
 #     2. Create a new project. Give it a name like 'eggdrop', doesn't matter much.
 #     3. When the project is loaded, select menu "APIs" under "APIs & auth"
 #     4. In the list of APIs, enable the "YouTube Data API v3".
 #     5. Select menu "Credentials" and click "Create new key".
 #     6. Select key type "server".
 #     7. Fill in the IP(s) or IP range from which the eggdrop bot will send
 #        requests to google's servers. This is a whitelist, if the request
 #        comes from a different IP, it will be rejected.
 #        Note: If my-ip or my-hostname is configured in eggdrop.conf, they should
 #              be entered here.
 #     8. You now have an API KEY; copy it to the config section below.
 # !!! IMPORTANT !!!
 # When loading this script alongside other scripts which initiate web service calls,
 # ensure this script is loaded last! The script creates a handr for HTTPS connection
 # and sets the source IP to the my-ip or my-hostname from eggdrop.conf.
 # Most other scripts will not correctly enforce the source IP of requests and 
 # can overwrite this scripts HTTPS handr. This results in connections coming from another
 # IP on the machine and may thus be rejected by the Google API Servers. 
 # The typical error message logged would be "Error processing web service reply".
 #  Changes:
 #  2.00 28/08/14
 #    Started development (Jan).
 #    Almost complete rewrite most notable changes:
 #        * Use the YouTube Data API V3. (Requires TLS support!)
 #        * Strip out flat_json_decoder and use json & dict packages instead.
 #        * Strip out tinyurl support. Better to use in the response.
 #        * Many more data elements supported in response format (possible by new API).
 #        * Added possiblity to turn the script on/off on a channel by channel basis.
 #        * Added ability to search youtube and return the first result.
 #  0.51 09/30/13
 #    Small correction for caps in url (but not video id)
 #  0.5 01/02/09
 #    Added better error reporting for restricted youtube content.
 #  0.4 10/11/09
 #    Changed title scraping method to use the oembed api.
 #    Added crude JSON decoder library.
 #  0.3 02/03/09
 #    Fixed entity decoding problems in return titles.
 #    Added customisable response format.
 #    Fixed rare query string bug.
 #  Configuration
 # API key assigned to your Google account.
 # Sadly, everyone will have to register with Google and request their own API key.
 # An API key is linked to an IP or mask, so you will need to register one for your own.
 # Find detailed instructions above.
 set youtube(api_key)           ""
 # Base URI for links to youtube videos.
 # Either use the normal youtube link or for shorter URLs.
 # I'd recommend keeping the HTTPS to avoid exposing user data.
 set youtube(base_url)          ""
 #set youtube(base_url)          ""
 # Date/time format
 # The format to be used when showing dates, for example in publish date.
 # All times are in UTC.
 # Available tokens:
 #   %year%          4 digit year notation
 #   %month%         2 digit month notation
 #   %day%           2 digit day of the month notation
 #   %hours%          2 digit hour notation on a 24hours basis
 #   %minutes%       2 digit minutes notation
 #   %seconds%       2 digit seconds notation
 # Example:
 #     "%day%/%month%/%year% %hours%:%minutes% UTC"
 set youtube(date_format)   "%day%/%month%/%year% %hours%:%minutes% UTC"
 # Response Formats
 # Template of the reply to be send to the channel showing the youtube video details.
 # A separate response can be set for replies to a pasted URL or to a query.
 # Available tokens in the response format:
 #   %botnick%       Nickname of bot
 #   %poster%        Nickname of person who posted the youtube link
 #   %youtube_url%   URL to the youtube link (This may not be the exact same
 #                   URL that was posted since it's rewritten based on the format
 #                   above to ensure all links posted by the bot are HTTPS.)
 #   %id%            ID of the linked youtube video.
 #   %author%        Author/Uploader/channel of the video.
 #   %title%         Title of youtube link
 #   %description%   Description of the video.
 #                   (Note that this is generally a VERY long text!)
 #   %published%     Date & time the video was published.
 #   %views%         The number of times the video has been viewed.
 #   %likes%         The number of users who have "liked" the video.
 #   %dislikes%      The number of users who have "disliked" the video.
 #   %length%        Length of the video.
 # Tokens only available in the response to searches (q_resp_format):
 #   %query%         The original search string.
 # Example:
 #     "\002YouTube\002: %poster%: %youtube_url% - \"\002%title%\002\" (Uploaded by \"%author%\" on %published%) - Length: %length% - Views: %views%  - Likes / Dislikes: %likes% / %dislikes%"
 # The template used when looking up a URL found in the channel
 set youtube(response_format)   "\002YouTube\002: %poster%: %youtube_url% - \"\002%title%\002\" (Uploaded by \"%author%\" on %published%) - Length: %length% - Views: %views%  - Likes / Dislikes: %likes% / %dislikes%"
 # The template used when replying to a search query.
 set youtube(q_resp_format)     "\002YouTube\002: %poster%: Top result for searching '%query%': %youtube_url% - \"\002%title%\002\" (Uploaded by \"%author%\" on %published%) - Length: %length% - Views: %views%  - Likes / Dislikes: %likes% / %dislikes%"
 # The maximum number of characters from a youtube title to print
 set youtube(max_title_length)  64
 # The maximum number of characters from a youtube description to print
 set youtube(max_desc_length)   128
 #  Advanced Configuration
 # URLs of the youtube V3 API
 set youtube(api_get)           ""
 set youtube(api_search)        ""
 # The groups of properties to be fetched
 set youtube(api_part)          "snippet,statistics,contentDetails"
 # The fields from the selected property groups that are to be returned
 set youtube(api_fields)        "items(id,snippet(publishedAt,title,description,channelTitle),statistics,contentDetails(duration))"
 # Maximum time in milliseconds to wait for youtube to respond
 set youtube(api_timeout)       "30000"
 # Pattern used to patch youtube links in channel public text
 set youtube(pattern)           {https{0,1}://.*youtu(?:\.be/|be\..*/watch\?(?:.*)v=)([A-Za-z0-9_\-] )}
 package require Tcl 8.5
 package require http 2.7
 package require tls
 package require json
 # We need HTTPS support for the Google APIs..
 # If local IP or host is configured in the main config, use it as the source
 # of the outgoing connections.
 if { [info exists {my-ip}] == 1 && [string length ${my-ip}] > 0} {
        http::register https 443 [list tls::socket -myaddr ${my-ip}]
 } elseif { [info exists {my-hostname}] == 1 && [string length ${my-hostname}] > 0} {
        http::register https 443 [list tls::socket -myaddr ${my-hostname}]
 } else {
        http::register https 443 tls::socket
 set YoutubeTitleVersion "2.0"
 setudef flag youtube
 bind pubm - * public_youtube
 bind pub - !youtube youtube_query
 bind pub - !yt youtube_query
 proc note {msg} {
   putlog "% $msg"
 # Ensure strings are no longer then given length. This will cutoff the string
 # at the desired length and append '...'.
 proc shorten {text maxlen} {
        if { [string length $text] > [expr $maxlen - 1] } {
                set text [string range $text 0 [expr $maxlen - 4]]"..."
        return $text
 # Convert an ISO8601 date into a more readable format..
 proc conv_iso8601_date {orig_date} {
        global youtube
        set pattern {(\d{4})-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12]\d{1}|3[012])[T\s](?:(?:([01]\d|2[0-3]):([0-5]\d))|(24):(00)):(?:([0-5]\d)(?:[\.,](\d ))?|(60)(?:[\.,](0 ))?)Z}
        if { [regexp $pattern $orig_date match year month day hours minutes hours_2 minutes_2 seconds milliseconds seconds_2 milliseconds_2] } {
                # The hour and hour_2 variables are mutually exclusive, so we append the _2 variables to
                # the original ones to have fewer variables to work with.
                append hours $hours_2
                append minutes $minutes_2
                append seconds $seconds_2
                # Put everything in a dictionary so we can have a configurable time format.
                set tokens [dict create]
                dict set tokens %year% $year
                dict set tokens %month% $month
                dict set tokens %day% $day
                dict set tokens %hours% $hours
                dict set tokens %minutes% $minutes
                dict set tokens %seconds% $seconds
                return [string map $tokens $youtube(date_format)]
        } else {
                error "Unable to process date value ($orig_date) returned by web service."
 # Convert an ISO8601 duration into a more readable format..
 proc conv_iso8601_duration {duration} {
        set length ""
        set pattern {P(?:(\d )Y)?(?:(\d )M)?(?:(\d )D)?(?:T(?:(\d )H)?(?:(\d )M)?(?:(\d (?:\.\d )?)S)?)}
        if { [regexp $pattern $duration match years months days hours minutes seconds] } {
                if { [string length $years] > 0 } {
                        append length $years Y " "
                if { [string length $months] > 0 } {
                        append length $months M " "
                if { [string length $days] > 0 } {
                        append length $days D " "
                if { [string length $hours] > 0 } {
                        append length $hours h " "
                if { [string length $minutes] > 0 } {
                        append length $minutes m " "
                if { [string length $seconds] > 0 } {
                        append length $seconds s " "
        } else {
                error "Unable to process duration value ($duration) returned by web service."
        return [string trim $length]
 # Process the reply string of a video lookup from the Youtube API (JSON) and add the
 # data to a dictionary containing all tokens the user will be able to use in the template.
 proc read_props {json_blob} {
        global youtube
        # Create an empty dictionary for the variables supported in the response format.
        set properties [dict create]
        # Convert the JSON response to a dictionary.
        set reply [json::json2dict $json_blob]
        # The web service returns a list of results, even though our query will always get 1.
        # So we have to take the first element from the list..
        if { ![dict exists $reply items] } {
                error "Error processing web service reply."
        } else {
                set video [lindex [dict get $reply items] 0]
                # Check whether the variables we support in the response are present in the
                # reply from the web service. We check this one by one instead of assuming
                # they exist in case the API changes or someone messes with the requested fields.
                # Properties of the view we extract from reply..
                if { [dict exists $video id] } {
                        dict set properties %id% [dict get $video id]
                } else {
                        dict set properties %id% ""
                if { [dict exists $video snippet channelTitle] } {
                        dict set properties %author% [dict get $video snippet channelTitle]
                } else {
                        dict set properties %author% ""
                if { [dict exists $video snippet title] } {
                        dict set properties %title% [shorten "[dict get $video snippet title]" $youtube(max_title_length)]
                } else {
                        dict set properties %title% ""
                if { [dict exists $video snippet description] } {
                        dict set properties %description% [shorten "[dict get $video snippet description]" $youtube(max_desc_length)]]
                } else {
                        dict set properties %description% ""
                if { [dict exists $video snippet publishedAt] } {
                        dict set properties %published% [conv_iso8601_date [dict get $video snippet publishedAt]]
                } else {
                        dict set properties %published% ""
                if { [dict exists $video statistics viewCount] } {
                        dict set properties %views% [dict get $video statistics viewCount]
                } else {
                        dict set properties %views% ""
                if { [dict exists $video statistics likeCount] } {
                        dict set properties %likes% [dict get $video statistics likeCount]
                } else {
                        dict set properties %likes% ""
                if { [dict exists $video statistics dislikeCount] } {
                        dict set properties %dislikes% [dict get $video statistics dislikeCount]
                } else {
                        dict set properties %dislikes% ""
                if { [dict exists $video contentDetails duration] } {
                        dict set properties %length% [conv_iso8601_duration [dict get $video contentDetails duration]]
                } else {
                        dict set properties %length% ""
        return $properties
 # Process the reply string of a search query to the Youtube API (JSON) and extract the 
 # video id of the first result from the reply.
 proc read_searchres {json_blob} {
        global youtube
        # Create an empty dictionary for the variables supported in the response format.
        set video_id ""
        # Convert the JSON response to a dictionary.
        set reply [json::json2dict $json_blob]
        # The web service returns a list of results, even though our query will always get 1.
        # So we have to take the first element from the list..
        if { ![dict exists $reply items] } {
                error "Error processing web service reply."
        } else {
                set res [lindex [dict get $reply items] 0]
                if { [dict exists $res id videoId] } {
                        set video_id [dict get $res id videoId]
        return $video_id
 # Send a request to the youtube API to fetch the video details for
 # the video with the given ID.
 proc fetch_props {youtube_id} {
        global youtube
        # Ensure an API key has been configured..
        if { [info exists youtube(api_key)] == 0 || [string length $youtube(api_key)] == 0 } {
                error "An API key must be configured to access the Google web API!"
        } else {
                set query [http::formatQuery id $youtube_id key $youtube(api_key) \
                        part $youtube(api_part) fields $youtube(api_fields)]
                set response [http::geturl "$youtube(api_get)?$query" -timeout $youtube(api_timeout)]
                upvar #0 $response state
                if [expr [http::ncode $response] == 401] {
                        error "Location contained restricted embed data."
                } else {
                        set response_body [http::data $response]
                        http::cleanup $response
                        return [read_props $response_body]
 # Find the video ID of the first match for the given search.
 proc search_video {criteria} {
        global youtube
        # Ensure an API key has been configured..
        if { [info exists youtube(api_key)] == 0 || [string length $youtube(api_key)] == 0 } {
                error "An API key must be configured to access the Google web API!"
        } else {
                set query [http::formatQuery type "video" q $criteria key $youtube(api_key) \
                        part "id" fields "items(id(videoId))" maxResults "1"]
                set response [http::geturl "$youtube(api_search)?$query" -timeout $youtube(api_timeout)]
                upvar #0 $response state
                if [expr [http::ncode $response] == 401] {
                        error "Location contained restricted embed data."
                } else {
                        set response_body [http::data $response]
                        http::cleanup $response
                        return [read_searchres $response_body]
 # This is triggered to analyse ever channel message for the presence of the youtube URL.
 # When one is found, the ID is extracted and passed on to get a list of the video properties.
 # Finally, this list is used to fill in the tokens in the user defined reply template.
 proc public_youtube {nick host hand chan args} {
        global youtube botnick
        if { [channel get $chan youtube] && [regexp -nocase -- $youtube(pattern) $args match video_id] } {
                if { [catch {set tokens [fetch_props $video_id]} error] } {
                        note "Failed to get video details: $error (querying '$video_id')"
                # If the reply contained an empty ID, we assume we found no video..
                } elseif { [string length [dict get $tokens %id%]] == 0 } {
                        putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Unable to find a youtube video with ID '$video_id'."
                } else {
                        dict set tokens %botnick% $botnick
                        dict set tokens %poster% $nick
                        # Rebuild the URL so we use a url shortener or force SSL
                        # in all messages coming from us
                        dict set tokens %youtube_url% "$youtube(base_url)$video_id"
                        set result [string map $tokens $youtube(response_format)]
                        putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$result" 
 # This is triggered on !youtube commands.
 # Allows turning monitoring on or off by admins.
 # All other queries are interpreted as a youtube search.
 proc youtube_query {nick host hand chan args} {
        global youtube botnick
        # We get a list of arguments, join it to get rid of the curly braces..
        set args [join $args]
        if  { [string length $args] == 0 } {
                if { [channel get $chan youtube] } {
                        putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Syntax: \002!youtube <search criteria>\002 - Search for a video."
                if { [matchattr $hand  mno| mno $chan] } {
                        putserv "NOTICE $nick :Syntax: \002!youtube <on/off>\002 - Turn youtube link lookups on/off."
        } elseif { [matchattr $hand  mno| mno $chan] && ([string compare $args "on"] == 0 \
                        || [string compare $args "off"] == 0) } {
                if { ![channel get $chan youtube] && [string compare $args "on"] == 0 } {
                        channel set $chan  youtube
                        putserv "NOTICE $nick :YoutubeTitleV2: enabled on $chan"
                        note "YoutubeTitleV2: Monitoring enabled by $nick for $chan."
                } elseif { [channel get $chan youtube] && [string compare $args "off"] == 0 } {
                        channel set $chan -youtube
                        putserv "NOTICE $nick :YoutubeTitleV2: disabled on $chan"
                        note "YoutubeTitleV2: Monitoring disabled by $nick for $chan."
        # The magic number comes from the length of the string "cat".. ;)
        } elseif { [channel get $chan youtube] && [string length $args] < 3 } {
                putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Search criteria must be at least 3 characters long."
        } elseif { [channel get $chan youtube] } {
                # Search a video...
                # Note that we have to do 2 requests: one to fetch search results (id)
                # and a second to get video details. This is caused by the youtube API 
                # not being capable of returning details in the search functions.
                if { [catch { set video_id [search_video $args] } error ] } {
                        note "Failed to find a video: $error (searching for '$args')."
                # If the reply contained an empty ID, we assume we found no video..
                } elseif { [string length $video_id] == 0 } {
                        putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Unable to find a youtube video matching search '$args'" 
                # We have the video id, now find the properties..
                } elseif { [catch {set tokens [fetch_props $video_id]} error] } {
                        note "Failed to get video details: $error (searching for '$args' and found '$video_id')."
                # If the reply contained an empty ID, we assume we found no video..
                } elseif { [string length [dict get $tokens %id%]] == 0 } {
                        putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Unable to fetch the video details of '$video_id' for the search result '$args'"
                } else {
                        dict set tokens %botnick% $botnick
                        dict set tokens %poster% $nick
                        dict set tokens %query% $args
                        # Rebuild the URL so we use a url shortener or force SSL
                        # in all messages coming from us
                        dict set tokens %youtube_url% "$youtube(base_url)$video_id"
                        set result [string map $tokens $youtube(q_resp_format)]
                        putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$result" 
 note "YoutubeTitleV2 Version $YoutubeTitleVersion: loaded";

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Messages dans ce sujet
youtube script - par zyrte - 13/09/2011, 15:28
RE: youtube script - par aliasangelius - 13/09/2011, 15:51
RE: youtube script - par zyrte - 13/09/2011, 16:03
RE: youtube script - par aliasangelius - 13/09/2011, 17:16
RE: youtube script - par zyrte - 13/09/2011, 17:24
RE: youtube script - par aliasangelius - 13/09/2011, 17:26
RE: youtube script - par zyrte - 13/09/2011, 17:31
RE: youtube script - par Cain - 16/09/2011, 18:57
RE: youtube script - par aliasangelius - 17/09/2011, 10:37
RE: youtube script - par Cain - 17/09/2011, 13:31
RE: youtube script - par CrazyCat - 16/05/2012, 09:44
RE: youtube script - par EvilHeart - 19/05/2013, 11:48
RE: youtube script - par aliasangelius - 25/05/2012, 10:26
RE: youtube script - par Hitsu - 27/03/2013, 18:10
RE: youtube script - par aliasangelius - 28/05/2013, 21:12
RE: youtube script - par EvilHeart - 29/05/2013, 07:10
RE: youtube script - par aliasangelius - 29/05/2013, 15:16
RE: youtube script - par Hitsu - 16/07/2013, 10:03
RE: youtube script - par CrazyCat - 16/07/2013, 10:24
RE: youtube script - par Hitsu - 16/07/2013, 10:37
RE: youtube script - par taboune - 26/08/2013, 18:44
RE: youtube script - par JazZ - 18/02/2014, 15:24
RE: youtube script - par Furaxx37 - 29/04/2014, 10:32
RE: youtube script - par CrazyCat - 27/05/2014, 13:32
RE: youtube script - par Oz- - 18/01/2016, 10:15
RE: youtube script - par CrazyCat - 18/01/2016, 10:29
RE: youtube script - par Oz- - 18/01/2016, 11:00
RE: youtube script - par CrazyCat - 18/01/2016, 11:12
RE: youtube script - par Oz- - 18/01/2016, 11:26
RE: youtube script - par Oz- - 18/01/2016, 12:34
RE: youtube script - par MisterS - 18/01/2016, 17:15
RE: youtube script - par MisterS - 18/01/2016, 17:17

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