je dirait que c'est en relation avec ce que tu actives ou pas dans le eggdrop.conf ( ou en pl directement) , via la commande .console <hand> ce que tu veux voir en console ( les join /kicks/ modes/ wallops ect .. )

.help console , ça donne rien ?

Citation :<moi> .help console
<monbot> ### console [channel] [modes]
<monbot> Changes your console level so that you will see only the types of console
<monbot> messages that you want to. Your current console channel is the channel (that
<monbot> the bot is on) from which you can view from the party line, and which
<monbot> channel-specific commands (like 'say' and 'op') take affect on.
<monbot> Valid flags are:
<monbot> j joins, parts, quits, and netsplits on the channel
<monbot> k kicks, bans, and mode changes on the channel
<monbot> m private msgs, notices and ctcps to the bot
<monbot> p public text on the channel
<monbot> s server connects, disconnects, and notices
<monbot> Masters only:
<monbot> b information about bot linking and userfile sharing
<monbot> d misc debug information
<monbot> c commands
<monbot> o misc info, errors, etc (IMPORTANT STUFF)
<monbot> w wallops (make sure the bot sets +w in init-server)
<monbot> Owners only (these have to be enabled in the config file via "set raw-log"):
<monbot> h raw share traffic
<monbot> r raw incoming server traffic
<monbot> t raw botnet traffic
<monbot> v raw outgoing server traffic
<monbot> There are also 8 user-defined console modes ('1' through '8').
<monbot> The mode can also be a modifier like '+p' or '-jk' or '+mp-b'. If you omit
<monbot> the channel and modes, your current console channel and flags will be shown.
<monbot> ### console <user> [channel] [modes]
<monbot> This is used to set the console level of another user. This can even be used
<monbot> on users who normally would not be able to set their own console mode.

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Messages dans ce sujet
Chanlog. - par aliasangelius - 14/08/2011, 16:29
RE: Chanlog. - par djkenny - 14/08/2011, 16:41
RE: Chanlog. - par aliasangelius - 14/08/2011, 16:44
RE: Chanlog. - par djkenny - 14/08/2011, 16:49
RE: Chanlog. - par aliasangelius - 14/08/2011, 16:50
RE: Chanlog. - par shagar - 14/08/2011, 16:55
RE: Chanlog. - par shagar - 14/08/2011, 16:56
RE: Chanlog. - par cestlemien - 14/08/2011, 16:55
RE: Chanlog. - par aliasangelius - 14/08/2011, 16:57

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