29/02/2012, 10:01
Hello !
Je me suis remis dessus ce matin même, t'avais raison !
j'ai rajouté :
à la fin de ma configuration, et en effet : il me manquait bel et bien un module pour faire fonctionner mon bot
Je cherche maintenant à mettre en place un auto-op, un petit tips serait le bienvenu ! :mrgreen:
merci encore pour le coup de main
Je me suis remis dessus ce matin même, t'avais raison !
j'ai rajouté :
Code :
loadmodule server
set net-type 4
set nick "UglyBot"
set altnick "UglyBot-"
set realname "/msg UglyBot hello"
bind evnt - init-server evnt:init_server
proc evnt:init_server {type} {
global botnick
putquick "MODE $botnick +i-ws"
set init-server { putserv "mode UglyBot +i" }
set default-port 6667
set servers {
##########IRC MODULE ADDED################
#### IRC MODULE ####
# This module provides basic IRC support for your bot. You have to
# load this if you want your bot to come on IRC. The server and channels
# modules must be loaded for this module to function.
loadmodule irc
# Set this to 1 if you want to bounce all server bans.
set bounce-bans 1
# Set this to 1 if you want to bounce all server exemptions (+e modes).
# This is disabled if use-exempts is disabled.
set bounce-exempts 0
# Set this to 1 if you want to bounce all server invitations (+I modes).
# This is disabled if use-invites is disabled.
set bounce-invites 0
# Set this to 1 if you want to bounce all server modes.
set bounce-modes 0
# Set here the maximum number of bans you want the bot to set on a channel.
# Eggdrop will not place any more bans if this limit is reached. Undernet
# currently allows 45 bans, IRCnet allows 30, EFnet allows 100, and DALnet
# allows 100.
set max-bans 30
# Set here the maximum number of exempts you want Eggdrop to set on a channel.
# Eggdrop will not place any more exempts if this limit is reached.
set max-exempts 20
# Set here the maximum number of invites you want Eggdrop to set on a channel.
# Eggdrop will not place any more invites if this limit is reached.
set max-invites 20
# There is a global limit for +b/+e/+I modes. This limit should be set to
# the same value as max-bans for networks that do not support +e/+I.
set max-modes 30
# The following settings should be left commented unless the default values
# are being overridden. By default, exempts and invites are on for EFnet and
# IRCnet, but off for all other large networks. This behavior can be modified
# with the following 2 flags. If your network doesn't support +e/+I modes then
# you will be unable to use these features.
# Do you want to enable exempts (+e modes)?
#set use-exempts 0
# Do you want to enable invites (+I modes)?
#set use-invites 0
# Set this to 1 if you want the bot to kick for control character/ctcp
# avalanches to a channel. Remember that if it does, it won't ban them.
# This can start kick floods.
set kick-fun 0
# Set this to 1 if you want the bot to ban for control character/ctcp
# avalanches to a channel. This can prevent kick floods, but it also can
# fill the banlist.
set ban-fun 0
# If you want people to be able to add themselves to the bot's userlist
# with the default userflags (defined above in the config file) via the
# 'hello' msg command, set this to 1.
set learn-users 0
# Set here the time (in seconds) to wait for someone to return from a netsplit
# (i.e. wasop will expire afterwards). Set this to 1500 on IRCnet since its
# nick delay stops after 30 minutes.
set wait-split 600
# Set here the time (in seconds) that someone must have been off-channel
# before re-displaying their info line.
set wait-info 180
# Set this to the maximum number of bytes to send in the arguments
# of modes sent to the server. Most servers default this to 200.
set mode-buf-length 200
# Many IRCops find bots by seeing if they reply to 'hello' in a msg.
# You can change this to another word by un-commenting the following
# two lines and changing "myword" to the word wish to use instead of
# 'hello'. It must be a single word.
#unbind msg - hello *msg:hello
#bind msg - myword *msg:hello
# Many takeover attempts occur due to lame users blindly /msg ident'ing to
# the bot and attempting to guess passwords. We now unbind this command by
# default to discourage them. You can enable these commands by commenting the
# following two lines.
unbind msg - ident *msg:ident
unbind msg - addhost *msg:addhost
# Some IRC servers are using some non-standard op-like channel prefixes/modes.
# Define them here so the bot can recognize them. Just "@" should be fine for
# most networks. Un-comment the second line for some UnrealIRCds.
set opchars "@"
#set opchars "@&~"
# If you are so lame you want the bot to display peoples info lines, even
# when you are too lazy to add their chanrecs to a channel, set this to 1.
# *NOTE* This means *every* user with an info line will have their info
# line displayed on EVERY channel they join (provided they have been gone
# longer than wait-info).
set no-chanrec-info 0
### IRC MODULE - IRCnet SPECIFIC FEATURES (net-type 1) ###
# Attention: Use these settings *only* if you set 'net-type' to 1!
# At the moment, the current IRCnet IRCd version (2.10) doesn't support the
# mixing of b, o and v modes with e and I modes. This might be changed in the
# future, so use 1 at the moment for this setting.
set prevent-mixing 1
### IRC MODULE - OTHER NETWORKS (net-type 5) ###
# Attention: Use these settings *only* if you set 'net-type' to 5!
# If your network supports more users per kick command then 1, you can
# change this behavior here. Set this to the number of users to kick at
# once, or set this to 0 for all at once.
#set kick-method 1
# Some networks allow you to stack lots of channel modes into one line.
# They're all guaranteed to support at least 3, so that's the default.
# If you know your network supports more, you may want to adjust this.
# This setting is limited to 6, although if you want to use a higher value,
# you can modify this by changing the value of MODES_PER_LINE_MAX in
# src/chan.h and recompiling the bot.
#set modes-per-line 3
# Some networks don't include the +l limit and +k or -k key modes
# in the modes-per-line (see above) limitation. Set include-lk to 0 for
# these networks.
#set include-lk 1
# Set this to 1 if your network uses IRCu2.10.01 specific /who requests.
# Eggdrop can, therefore, ask only for exactly what's needed.
#set use-354 0
# If your network doesn't use rfc 1459 compliant string matching routines,
# set this to 0.
#set rfc-compliant 1
à la fin de ma configuration, et en effet : il me manquait bel et bien un module pour faire fonctionner mon bot

Je cherche maintenant à mettre en place un auto-op, un petit tips serait le bienvenu ! :mrgreen:
merci encore pour le coup de main