essaye ce TCL stp pour voir.aparament il changerais le topic tous les X minutes ça peut etre pas mal dans ce que tu voudrais.

# tcl.randtopic
# based on tcl.topic by Brian_C
# 02-08-96 cmw! Added random_topic array, to allow random
#                                topics to be set every hour.
# 03-02-96 cmw! Added load/write/add/delete/show routines,
#                                to allow masters to remotely maintain the
#                                topics list
# 03-04-96 cmw! Added set command and added help command.
# 03-06-96 cmw! Added refresh command.

# topic file
# set topicfile "topics"

# topic refresh time, in minutes
set topic_refresh_rate 30
bind msg - topic msg_topic
proc set_topic {} {
  global channel random_topic topics_changed topic_refresh_rate
  if {$topics_changed == 1} {
     putlog "Writing topics file..."
  set topic [lindex $random_topic [rand [llength $random_topic]]]
  putserv "TOPIC $channel :$topic"
  timer $topic_refresh_rate set_topic
proc sync_topic {} {
  set time_ending [string range [time] 2 4]
  if { $time_ending == ":00" } {
  } {
    timer 1 sync_topic
proc topic_show {nick uhost hand arg} {
  global channel random_topic botnick
  putserv "NOTICE $nick :Topics for \002$channel\002:"
  set ctr 0
  foreach i $random_topic {
     incr ctr 1
     putserv "NOTICE $nick :\002${ctr}.\002  $i"
  putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :---- \002end\002 ----"
  if {$hand != "*" && [matchattr $hand m]} {
     putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :To add a topic type \002/msg $botnick TOPIC HELP\002 for help."
  return 1
proc topic_add {nick uhost hand arg} {
  global channel random_topic topics_changed
  if {![matchattr $hand m]} {
     putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :Sorry, you are not authorized to use this command."
     return 0
  if {[lindex $arg 1] == ""} {
     putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :Usage: TOPIC ADD <new topic>"
     return 0
  putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :Topic list has been updated, thanks."
  putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :[lrange $arg 1 end]"
  lappend random_topic [lrange $arg 1 end]
  set topics_changed 1
  return 1
proc topic_erase {nick uhost hand arg} {
  global random_topic topics_changed
  if {![matchattr $hand m]} {
     putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :Sorry, you are not authorized to use this command."
     return 0
  if {[lindex $arg 1] == ""} {
     putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :Usage: TOPIC DEL <topic#>"
     return 0
  set i [expr [lindex $arg 1] - 1]
  if {$i >=0 && [lindex $random_topic $i] != ""} {
     putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :Entry [lindex $arg 1] erased."
     putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :[lindex $random_topic $i]"
     set random_topic [lreplace $random_topic $i $i]
     set topics_changed 1
     return 1
  } {
     putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :That number is out of range!"
     return 0
proc topic_set {nick uhost hand arg} {
  global channel random_topic
  if {![matchattr $hand m]} {
     putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :Sorry, you are not authorized to use this command."
     return 0
  if {[lindex $arg 1] == ""} {
     putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :Usage: TOPIC SET <topic#>"
     return 0
  set i [expr [lindex $arg 1] - 1]
  if {$i >=0 && [lindex $random_topic $i] != ""} {
     putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :Setting current topic to entry [lindex $arg 1]."
     putserv "TOPIC $channel :[lindex $random_topic $i]"
     return 1
  } {
     putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :That number is out of range!"
     return 0
proc topic_refresh {nick uhost hand arg} {
   global topic_refresh_rate
  if {![matchattr $hand m]} {
     putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :Sorry, you are not authorized to use this command."
     return 0
  if {[lindex $arg 1] == ""} {
     putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :Usage: TOPIC REF <minutes>"
     return 0
  set i [lindex $arg 1]
  if {$i < 30 || $i > 240} {
     putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :Refresh rate must be 30 - 240 minutes."
     return 0
  } {
     set topic_refresh_rate $i
     putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :Refresh rate has been changed to \002$topic_refresh_rate\002 minutes, this change"
     putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :will be effective after the next topic change."
     return 1
proc topic_help {nick uhost hand arg} {
  putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :Usage: TOPIC                  - show topics"
  if {[matchattr $hand m]} {
    putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :       TOPIC ADD <new topic>  - add topic entry"
    putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :       TOPIC DEL <topic#>     - delete topic entry"
    putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :       TOPIC SET <topic#>     - set current topic to topic#"
    putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :       TOPIC REF <minutes>    - change topic refresh rate"
  return 1
proc topic_load {} {
   global random_topic topicfile
   set random_topic ""
   set fd [open $topicfile r]
   while {![eof $fd]} {
      set inp [gets $fd]
      if {[eof $fd]} {break}
      if {[string trim $inp " "] == ""} {continue}
      lappend random_topic [lrange $inp 0 end]
   close $fd
   return 1
proc topic_write {} {
   global topicfile random_topic topics_changed
   set fd [open $topicfile w]
   foreach i $random_topic {
      puts $fd "$i"
   close $fd
   set topics_changed 0
   return 1
proc msg_topic {nick uhost hand arg} {
  switch [string tolower [lindex $arg 0]] {
    "add"       {set r [topic_add $nick $uhost $hand $arg]}
    "del"	{set r [topic_erase $nick $uhost $hand $arg]}
    "delete"	{set r [topic_erase $nick $uhost $hand $arg]}
    "set"	{set r [topic_set $nick $uhost $hand $arg]}
    "ref"	{set r [topic_refresh $nick $uhost $hand $arg]}
    "refresh"	{set r [topic_refresh $nick $uhost $hand $arg]}
    "help"	{set r [topic_help $nick $uhost $hand $arg]}
    default     {set r [topic_show $nick $uhost $hand $arg]}
  return $r
if {![info exists set_topic_running] && ![info exists random_topic]} {
  set set_topic_running 1
set topics_changed 0

par contre je te garantit pas qu'il n'y à pas des beug hein! je peut pas tester le TCL ,donc à toi de corriger si y en a, ou nous remontrer les erreurs.

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Messages dans ce sujet
topic - par bewess - 21/08/2009, 20:56
RE: topic - par bewess - 27/08/2009, 17:52
RE: topic - par fedora - 27/08/2009, 19:13
RE: topic - par bewess - 14/09/2009, 17:45
RE: topic - par fedora - 14/09/2009, 17:48
RE: topic - par bewess - 14/09/2009, 17:59
RE: topic - par fedora - 14/09/2009, 18:48
RE: topic - par bewess - 14/09/2009, 19:43
RE: topic - par fedora - 14/09/2009, 19:50
RE: topic - par bewess - 22/09/2009, 09:17
RE: topic - par fedora - 22/09/2009, 10:07
RE: topic - par bewess - 22/09/2009, 10:57
RE: topic - par fedora - 22/09/2009, 17:34
RE: topic - par bewess - 22/09/2009, 18:23
RE: topic - par fedora - 22/09/2009, 19:10
RE: topic - par bewess - 28/09/2009, 13:36
RE: topic - par fedora - 28/09/2009, 20:52
RE: topic - par bewess - 29/09/2009, 14:23

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