[script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication
theres the script thats in my shell:

# Copyright (c) 2007, Andrew Scott
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
#    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
#      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
#    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
#      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
#      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
#    * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors
#      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
#      without specific prior written permission.

# Eggdrop RSS Syndication
# -----------------------
#   Date: 2007-02-08
#   Version: v0.4
#   Author(s): Andrew Scott <andrew.scott@wizzer-it.com>
#   Website: http://labs.wizzer-it.com/

# Please read the README file for help and the HISTORY file for a list of
#  what has been changed.

# Start of Settings
namespace eval ::rss-synd {
	variable rss
	variable default

	# This is an example of a basic feed, If you dont understand why all
	#   the \'s are in the examples below use this one as a template.
	set rss(football365) {
		"url"			"http://www.football365.fr/rss/filinfo.xml"
		"channels"		"#Foot-Mundial"
		"database"		"football365.db"
		"output"		"[\002Football365 La Une\002] @@item!title@@ - @@item!guid@@"
		"trigger"		".fb365"
		"max-output"     "3"
	set rss(skysports) {
	       "url"                  "http://www.skysports.com/rss/0,20514,11095,00.xml"
	       "channels"         "#Foot-Mundial"
	       "database"         "skysports.db"
	       "output"             "[\002\034Sky\003\002] @@item!title@@ - @@item!guid@@"
	       "trigger"            ".sky"
	       "max-output"     "3"
	set rss(ligue1) {
	       "url"                 "http://www.football365.fr/rss/filinfo.xml?collection=60"
	       "channels"        "#Foot-Mundial"
	       "database"       "ligue1.db"
	       "output"           "[\002Ligue1 News\002] @@item!title@@ - @@item!guid@@"
	       "trigger"          ".ligue1"
	       "max-output"    "3"
       set rss(om24) {
	       "url"                 "http://www.om.net/index_rss.php?id=17"
	       "channels"        "#Olympiquedemarseille"
	       "database"       "om24.db"
	       "output"           "[\002OM News\002] @@item!title@@ - @@item!guid@@"
	       "trigger"          ".24"
	       "max-output"    "3"
	set rss(mozillazine) {
		"url"			"http://www.mozillazine.org/atom.xml"
		"channels"		"#egghelp"
		"database"		"mozillazine.db"
		"output"		"[\002@@title@@\002] @@entry!title@@ - @@entry!link!=href@@"
		"trigger"		"!mozine"

	#set rss(digg) {
		"url"			"http://digg.com/rss/index.xml"
		"channels"		"#channel3 #channel2"
		"database"		"./scripts/digg.db"
		"output"		"[\002digg\002] @@item!title@@ (@@item!digg:category@@) - @@item!link@@"
		"trigger"		"!digg"

	# 'charset' example
	#set rss(google.co.kr) {
		"url"			"http://news.google.co.kr/news?ned=kr&topic=h&output=atom"
		"channels"		"#channel2 #channel3"
		"database"		"./scripts/google-co-kr.db"
		"charset"		"utf-8"

	# The next 2 are advanced examples. They demonstrate how to use the
	#   the 'eval-tcl' option.
	#set rss(slashdot) {
		"url"			"http://slashdot.org/slashdot.rss"
		"channels"		"#channel3"
		"database"		"./scripts/slashdot.db"
		"output"		"\\\[\002Slashdot\002\\\] @@item!title@@ (@@item!slash:section@@) - \[string map { \"&from=rss\" \"\" } \"@@item!feedburner:origLink@@\"\]"
		"trigger"		"!@@feedid@@"
		"evaluate-tcl"	1

	#set rss(theregister) {
		"url"			"http://www.theregister.co.uk/headlines.rss"
		"channels"		"#channel2"
		"database"		"./scripts/theregister.db"
		"output"		"\\\[\002@@channel!title@@\002\\\] @@item!title@@ - \[string map { \"http://go.theregister.com/feed/\" \"\" } \"@@item!link@@\"]"
		"trigger"		"!elreg"
		"evaluate-tcl"	1
	# The default settings, If any setting isnt set for an individual feed
	#   it'll use the default listed here
	# WARNING: You can change the options here, but DO NOT REMOVE THEM, doing
	#   so will cause errors.
	set default {
		"announce-output"	3
		"trigger-output"	3
		"remove-empty"		1
		"trigger-type"		0:2
		"announce-type"		0
		"max-depth"			5
		"evaluate-tcl"		0
		"update-interval"	20
		"output-order"		0
		"timeout"			60000
		"channels"			"#Foot-Mundial #Olympiquedemarseille"
		"trigger"			"!rss @@feedid@@"
		"output"			"\[\002@@channel!title@@@@title@@\002\] @@item!title@@@@entry!title@@ - @@item!link@@@@entry!link!=href@@"
		"user-agent"		"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061204 Firefox/"

# End of Settings
proc ::rss-synd::init {args} {
	variable rss
	variable default
	variable version
	variable packages
	set version(number)	"0.4"
	set version(date)	"2007-02-08"
	package require http
	set packages(base64) [catch {package require base64}]; # http auth
	set packages(tls) [catch {package require tls}]; # https
	set packages(trf) [catch {package require Trf}]; # gzip compression
	foreach feed [array names rss] {
		array set tmp $default
		array set tmp $rss($feed)
		set required [list "announce-output" "trigger-output" "max-depth" "update-interval" "timeout" "channels" "output" "user-agent" "url" "database" "trigger-type" "announce-type"]
		foreach {key value} [array get tmp] {
			if {[set ptr [lsearch -exact $required $key]] >= 0} {
				set required [lreplace $required $ptr $ptr]
		if {[llength $required] == 0} {
			regsub -nocase -all -- {@@feedid@@} $tmp(trigger) $feed tmp(trigger)
			set ulist [regexp -nocase -inline -- {(http(?:s?))://(?:(.[^:]+:.[^@]+)?)(?:@?)(.*)} $tmp(url)]
			if {[llength $ulist] == 0} {
				putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Unable to parse URL, Invalid format for feed \"$feed\"."
				unset rss($feed)
			set tmp(url) "[lindex $ulist 1]://[lindex $ulist 3]"
			if {[string compare [lindex $ulist 1] "https"] == 0} {
				if {$packages(tls) != 0} {
					putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Unable to find tls package required for https, unloaded feed \"$feed\"."
					unset rss($feed)
				::http::register https 443 ::tls::socket
			if {(![info exists tmp(url-auth)]) || ([string compare $tmp(url-auth) ""] == 0)} {
				set tmp(url-auth) ""
				if {[string compare [lindex $ulist 2] ""] != 0} {
					if {$packages(base64) != 0} {
						putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Unable to find base64 package required for http authentication, unloaded feed \"$feed\"."
						unset rss($feed)
					set tmp(url-auth) [::base64::encode [lindex $ulist 2]]
			if {[regexp {^[0123]{1}:[0123]{1}$} $tmp(trigger-type)] != 1} {
				putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Invalid 'trigger-type' syntax for feed \"$feed\"."
				unset rss($feed)
			set tmp(trigger-type) [split $tmp(trigger-type) ":"]
			if {([info exists tmp(charset)]) && ([lsearch -exact [encoding names] [string tolower $tmp(charset)]] < 0)} {
				putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Unable to load feed \"$feed\", unknown encoding \"$tmp(encoding)\"."
				unset rss($feed)
			set tmp(updated) 0
			if {([file exists $tmp(database)]) && ([set mtime [file mtime $tmp(database)]] < [unixtime])} {
				set tmp(updated) [file mtime $tmp(database)]
			set rss($feed) [array get tmp]
		} else {
			putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Unable to load feed \"$feed\", missing one or more required settings. \"[join $required ", "]\""
			unset rss($feed)
		unset tmp
	bind evnt -|- prerehash [namespace current]::deinit
	bind time -|- {* * * * *} [namespace current]::feed_get
	bind pubm -|- {* *} [namespace current]::pub_trigger
	bind msgm -|- {*} [namespace current]::msg_trigger
	putlog "\002RSS Syndication Script v$version(number)\002 ($version(date)): Loaded."
proc ::rss-synd::deinit {args} {
	catch {unbind evnt -|- prerehash [namespace current]::deinit}
	catch {unbind time -|- {* * * * *} [namespace current]::feed_get}
	catch {unbind pubm -|- {* *} [namespace current]::pub_trigger}
	catch {unbind msgm -|- {*} [namespace current]::msg_trigger}
	foreach child [namespace children] {
		catch {[set child]::deinit}
	namespace delete [namespace current]

# Trigger Functions
proc ::rss-synd::msg_trigger {nick user handle text} {
	[namespace current]::handle_triggers $text $nick
proc ::rss-synd::pub_trigger {nick user handle chan text} {
	[namespace current]::handle_triggers $text $nick $chan
proc ::rss-synd::handle_triggers {text nick {chan ""}} {
	variable rss
	variable default
	array set tmp $default
	if {[info exists tmp(trigger)]} {
		regsub -all -- {@@(.*?)@@} $tmp(trigger) "" tmp_trigger
		set tmp_trigger [string trimright $tmp_trigger]
		if {[string compare -nocase $text $tmp_trigger] == 0} {
			set list_feeds [list]
	catch {unset tmp tmp_trigger}
	foreach name [array names rss] {
		array set feed $rss($name)
		if {(![info exists list_feeds]) && \
		    ([string compare -nocase $text $feed(trigger)] == 0)} {
			if {(![[namespace current]::check_channel $feed(channels) $chan]) && \
			    ([string length $chan] != 0)} {
			set feed(nick) $nick
			if {$chan != ""} {
				set feed(type) [lindex $feed(trigger-type) 0]
				set feed(channels) $chan
			} else {
				set feed(type) [lindex $feed(trigger-type) 1]
				set feed(channels) ""
			if {[catch {set data [[namespace current]::feed_read [array get feed]]} error] == 0} {
				if {[set feedlist [[namespace current]::feed_info [array get feed] $data]] == ""} {
					putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Invalid feed database file format ($feed(database))!"
				array set feed $feedlist
				if {$feed(trigger-output) >= 0} {
					set feed(announce-output) $feed(trigger-output)
					[namespace current]::feed_output [array get feed] $data
			} else {
				putlog "\002RSS Warning\002: $error."
		} elseif {[info exists list_feeds]} {
			if {$chan != ""} {
				# triggered from a channel
				if {[[namespace current]::check_channel $feed(channels) $chan]} {
					lappend list_feeds $feed(trigger)
			} else {
				# triggered from a privmsg
				foreach tmp_chan $feed(channels) {
					if {([catch {botonchan $tmp_chan}] == 0) && \
					    ([onchan $nick $tmp_chan])} {
						lappend list_feeds $feed(trigger)
	if {[info exists list_feeds]} {
		if {[llength $list_feeds] == 0} {
			lappend list_feeds "None"
		lappend list_msgs "Available feeds: [join $list_feeds ", "]."
		if {$chan != ""} {
			set list_type [lindex $feed(trigger-type) 0]
			set list_targets $chan
		} else {
			set list_type [lindex $feed(trigger-type) 1]
			set list_targets ""
		[namespace current]::feed_msg $list_type $list_msgs list_targets $nick

# Feed Retrieving Functions
proc ::rss-synd::feed_get {args} {
	variable rss
	set i 0
	foreach name [array names rss] {
		if {$i == 3} { break }
		array set feed $rss($name)
		if {$feed(updated) <= [expr { [unixtime] - ($feed(update-interval) * 60) }]} {
			::http::config -useragent $feed(user-agent)
			set feed(type) $feed(announce-type)
			set feed(headers) [list]
			if {[string compare $feed(url-auth) ""] != 0} {
				lappend feed(headers) "Authorization" "Basic $feed(url-auth)"
			if {([info exists feed(enable-gzip)]) && ($feed(enable-gzip) == 1)} {
				lappend feed(headers) "Accept-Encoding" "gzip"
			catch {::http::geturl "$feed(url)" -command "[namespace current]::feed_callback {[array get feed] depth 0}" -timeout $feed(timeout) -headers $feed(headers)} debug
			set feed(updated) [unixtime]
			set rss($name) [array get feed]
			incr i
		unset feed
proc ::rss-synd::feed_callback {feedlist args} {
	set token [lindex $args end]
	array set feed $feedlist
	upvar 0 $token state
	if {[string compare -nocase $state(status) "ok"] != 0} {
		putlog "\002RSS HTTP Error\002: $state(url) (State: $state(status))"
		return 1
	array set meta $state(meta)
	if {([::http::ncode $token] == 302) || ([::http::ncode $token] == 301)} {
		set feed(depth) [expr {$feed(depth) + 1 }]
		if {$feed(depth) < $feed(max-depth)} {
			catch {::http::geturl "$meta(Location)" -command "[namespace current]::feed_callback {$feedlist}" -timeout $feed(timeout) -headers $feed(headers)}
		} else {
			putlog "\002RSS HTTP Error\002: $state(url) (State: timeout, max refer limit reached)"
		return 1
	} elseif {[::http::ncode $token] != 200} {
		putlog "\002RSS HTTP Error\002: $state(url) ($state(http))"
		return 1
	set data [::http::data $token]
	if {([info exists meta(Content-Encoding)]) && \
	    ([string compare $meta(Content-Encoding) "gzip"] == 0)} {
		if {[catch {[namespace current]::feed_gzip $data} data] != 0} {
			putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Unable to decompress \"$state(url)\": $data"
			return 1
	if {[catch {[namespace current]::xml_list_create $data} data] != 0} {
		putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Unable to parse feed properly, parser returned error. \"$state(url)\""
		return 1
	if {[string length $data] == 0} {
		putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Unable to parse feed properly, no data returned. \"$state(url)\""
		return 1
	set odata ""
	if {[catch {set odata [[namespace current]::feed_read $feedlist]} error] != 0} {
		putlog "\002RSS Warning\002: $error."
	if {[set feedlist [[namespace current]::feed_info $feedlist $data]] == ""} {
		putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Invalid feed format ($state(url))!"
		return 1
	array set feed $feedlist
	::http::cleanup $token
	if {[catch {[namespace current]::feed_write $feedlist $data} error] != 0} {
		putlog "\002RSS Database Error\002: $error."
		return 1
	if {$feed(announce-output) > 0} {
		[namespace current]::feed_output $feedlist $data $odata
proc ::rss-synd::feed_info {feedlist data} {
	array set feed $feedlist
	set length [[namespace current]::xml_get_info $data [list -1 "*"]]
	for {set i 0} {$i < $length} {incr i} {
		set type [[namespace current]::xml_get_info $data [list $i "*"] "name"]

		# tag-name: the name of the element that contains each article and its data.
		# tag-list: the position in the xml structure where all 'tag-name' reside.
		switch [string tolower $type] {
			rss {
				# RSS v0.9x & x2.0
				set feed(tag-list) [list 0 "channel"]
				set feed(tag-name) "item"
			rdf:rdf {
				# RSS v1.0
				set feed(tag-list) [list]
				set feed(tag-name) "item"
			feed {
				# ATOM
				set feed(tag-list) [list]
				set feed(tag-name) "entry"
	if {![info exists feed(tag-list)]} {
	set feed(tag-feed) [list 0 $type]
	return [array get feed]

# decompress gzip formatted data
proc ::rss-synd::feed_gzip {cdata} {
	variable packages
	if {(![info exists packages(trf)]) || \
	    ($packages(trf) != 0)} {
		error "Trf package not found."

	# remove the 10 byte gzip header and 8 byte footer.
	set cdata [string range $cdata 10 [expr { [string length $cdata] - 9 } ]]

	# decompress the raw data
	if {[catch {zip -mode decompress -nowrap 1 $cdata} data] != 0} {
		error $data
	return $data
proc ::rss-synd::feed_read {feedlist} {
	array set feed $feedlist
	if {[catch {open $feed(database) "r"} fp] != 0} {
		error $fp
	if {[info exists feed(charset)]} {
		fconfigure $fp -encoding [string tolower $feed(charset)]
	set data [read -nonewline $fp]
	close $fp
	return $data
proc ::rss-synd::feed_write {feedlist data} {
	array set feed $feedlist
	if {[catch {open $feed(database) "w+"} fp] != 0} {
		error $fp
	if {[info exists feed(charset)]} {
		fconfigure $fp -encoding [string tolower $feed(charset)]
	set data [string map { "\n" "" "\r" "" } $data]
	puts -nonewline $fp $data
	close $fp

# XML Functions
proc ::rss-synd::xml_list_create {xml_data} {
	set xml_list [list]
	set ptr 0
	while {[string compare [set tag_start [[namespace current]::xml_get_position $xml_data $ptr]] ""]} {
		array set tag [list]
		set tag_start_first [lindex $tag_start 0]
		set tag_start_last [lindex $tag_start 1]
		set tag_string [string range $xml_data $tag_start_first $tag_start_last]

		# move the pointer to the next character after the current tag
		set last_ptr $ptr
		set ptr [expr { $tag_start_last + 2 }]

		# match 'special' tags that dont close
		if {[regexp -nocase -- {^!(\[CDATA|--|DOCTYPE)} $tag_string]} {
			set tag_data $tag_string
			regexp -nocase -- {^!\[CDATA\[(.*?)\]\]$} $tag_string -> tag_data
			regexp -nocase -- {^!--(.*?)--$} $tag_string -> tag_data
			if {[info exists tag_data]} {
				set tag(data) [[namespace current]::xml_escape $tag_data]
		} else {
			# we should only ever encounter opening tags, if we hit a closing one somethings wrong.
			if {[string match {[/]*} $tag_string]} {
				putlog "\002Malformed Feed\002: Tag not open: \"<$tag_string>\" ($tag_start_first => $tag_start_last)"

			# NOTE: should this be a continue ?
			if {![regexp -- {(.[^ \/\n\r]*)(?: |\n|\r\n|\r|)(.*?)$} $tag_string -> tag_name tag_args]} {
				putlog "parse error!!!?!?!?!"
			set tag(name) [[namespace current]::xml_escape $tag_name]

			# get all of the tags attributes
			set tag(attrib) [list]
			if {[string length $tag_args] > 0} {
				set values [regexp -inline -all -- {(?:\s*|)(.[^=]*)=["'](.[^"']*)["']} $tag_args]
				foreach {r_match r_tag r_value} $values {
					lappend tag(attrib) [[namespace current]::xml_escape $r_tag] [[namespace current]::xml_escape $r_value]
			# find the end tag of non-self-closing tags
			if {(![regexp {(\?|!|/)(\s*)$} $tag_args]) || \
			    (![string match "\?*" $tag_string])} {
				set tmp_num 1
				set tag_end_last $ptr
				# find the correct closing tag if there are nested elements
				#  with the same name
				while {$tmp_num > 0} {
					# search for a possible closing tag
					regexp -indices -start $tag_end_last -- "</$tag_name>" $xml_data tag_end
					set last_tag_end_last $tag_end_last
					set tag_end_first [lindex $tag_end 0]
					set tag_end_last [lindex $tag_end 1]
					# check to see if there are any NEW opening tags within the
					# previous closing tag and the new closing one
					incr tmp_num [regexp -all -- "<$tag_name\(|.\[^>\]+\)>" [string range $xml_data $last_tag_end_last $tag_end_last]]
					incr tmp_num -1
				# set the pointer to after the last closing tag
				set ptr [expr { $tag_end_last + 1 }]
				catch {unset tmp_num xml_sub_data}
				# remember tag_start*'s character index doesnt include the tag start and end characters
				set xml_sub_data [string range $xml_data [expr { $tag_start_last + 2 }] [expr { $tag_end_first - 1 }]]
				# recurse the data within the currently open tag
				set result [[namespace current]::xml_list_create $xml_sub_data]
				# set the list data returned from the recursion we just performed
				if {[llength $result] > 0} {
					set tag(children) $result
				# set the current data we have because were already at the end of a branch
				#  (ie: the recursion didnt return any data)
				} else {
					set tag(data) [[namespace current]::xml_escape $xml_sub_data]
		# insert any plain data that appears before the current element
		if {$last_ptr != [expr { $tag_start_first - 1 }]} {
			lappend xml_list [list "data" [[namespace current]::xml_escape [string range $xml_data $last_ptr [expr { $tag_start_first - 2 }]]]]
		lappend xml_list [array get tag]
		array unset tag "*"
	# if there is still plain data left add it
	if {$ptr < [string length $xml_data]} {
		lappend xml_list [list "data" [[namespace current]::xml_escape [string range $xml_data $ptr end]]]
	return $xml_list
# simple escape function
proc ::rss-synd::xml_escape {string} {
	regsub -all -- {([\{\}])} $string {\\\1} string
	return $string
# this function is to replace:
#  regexp -indices -start $ptr {<(!\[CDATA\[.+?\]\]|!--.+?--|!DOCTYPE.+?|.+?)>} $xml_data -> tag_start
# which doesnt work correctly with tcl's re_syntax.
proc ::rss-synd::xml_get_position {xml_data ptr} {
	set tag_start [list -1 -1]
	regexp -indices -start $ptr {<(.+?)>} $xml_data -> tmp(tag)
	regexp -indices -start $ptr {<(!--.*?--)>} $xml_data -> tmp(comment)
	regexp -indices -start $ptr {<(!DOCTYPE.+?)>} $xml_data -> tmp(doctype)
	regexp -indices -start $ptr {<(!\[CDATA\[.+?\]\])>} $xml_data -> tmp(cdata)
	# 'tag' regexp should be compared last
	foreach name [lsort [array names tmp]] {
		set tmp_s [split $tmp($name)]
		if {( ([lindex $tmp_s 0] < [lindex $tag_start 0]) && \
		      ([lindex $tmp_s 0] > -1) ) || \
            ([lindex $tag_start 0] == -1)} {
			set tag_start $tmp($name)
	if {([lindex $tag_start 0] == -1) || \
	    ([lindex $tag_start 1] == -1)}  {
		set tag_start ""
	return $tag_start
# recursivly flatten all data without tags or attributes
proc ::rss-synd::xml_list_flatten {xml_list {level 0}} {
	set xml_string ""
	foreach e_list $xml_list {
		if {[catch {array set e_array $e_list}] != 0} {
			return $xml_list
		if {[info exists e_array(children)]} {
			append xml_string [[namespace current]::xml_list_flatten $e_array(children) [expr { $level + 1 }]]
		} elseif {[info exists e_array(data)]} {
			append xml_string $e_array(data)
		array unset e_array "*"
	return $xml_string
# returns information on a data structure when given a path.
#  paths can be specified using: [struct number] [struct name] <...>
proc ::rss-synd::xml_get_info {xml_list path {element "data"}} {
	set i 0
	foreach {t_data} $xml_list {
		array set t_array $t_data
		# if the name doesnt exist set it so we can still reference the data
		#  using the 'stuct name' *
		if {![info exists t_array(name)]} {
			set t_array(name) ""
		if {[string match -nocase [lindex $path 1] $t_array(name)]} {
			if {$i == [lindex $path 0]} {
				set result ""
				if {([llength $path] == 2) && \
				    ([info exists t_array($element)])} {
					set result $t_array($element)
				} elseif {[info exists t_array(children)]} {
					# shift the first path reference of the front of the path and recurse
					set result [[namespace current]::xml_get_info $t_array(children) [lreplace $path 0 1] $element]
				return $result
			incr i
		array unset t_array
	if {[lindex $path 0] == -1} {
		return $i
# converts 'args' into a list in the same order
proc ::rss-synd::xml_join_tags {args} {
	set list [list]
	foreach tag $args {
		foreach item $tag {
			if {[string length $item] > 0} {
				lappend list $item
	return $list
# Output Feed Functions
proc ::rss-synd::feed_output {feedlist data {odata ""}} {
	array set feed $feedlist
	set msgs [list]
	set path [[namespace current]::xml_join_tags $feed(tag-feed) $feed(tag-list) -1 $feed(tag-name)]
	set count [[namespace current]::xml_get_info $data $path]
	for {set i 0} {($i < $count) && ($i < $feed(announce-output))} {incr i} {
		set tmpp [[namespace current]::xml_join_tags $feed(tag-feed) $feed(tag-list) $i $feed(tag-name)]
		set tmpd [[namespace current]::xml_get_info $data $tmpp "children"]
		if {[[namespace current]::feed_compare $feedlist $odata $tmpd]} {
		set tmp_msg [[namespace current]::cookie_parse $feedlist $data $i]
		if {(![info exists feed(output-order)]) || \
		    ($feed(output-order) == 0)} {
			set msgs [linsert $msgs 0 $tmp_msg]
		} else {
			lappend msgs $tmp_msg
	set nick ""
	if {[info exists feed(nick)]} {
		set nick $feed(nick)
	[namespace current]::feed_msg $feed(type) $msgs $feed(channels) $nick
proc ::rss-synd::feed_msg {type msgs targets {nick ""}} {
	# check if our target is a nick
	if {(($nick != "") && \
	     ($targets == "")) || \
	    ([regexp -- {[23]} $type])} {
		set targets $nick
	foreach msg $msgs {
		foreach chan $targets {
			if {([catch {botonchan $chan}] == 0) || \
			    ([regexp -- {^[#&]} $chan] == 0)} {
				foreach line [split $msg "\n"] {
					if {($type == 1) || ($type == 3)} {
						putserv "NOTICE $chan :$line"
					} else {
						putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$line"
proc ::rss-synd::feed_compare {feedlist odata data} {
	if {[string compare $odata ""] == 0} {
		return 0
	array set feed $feedlist
	array set ofeed [[namespace current]::feed_info [list] $odata]
	if {[array size ofeed] == 0} {
		putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Invalid feed format ($feed(database))!"
		return 0
	if {[string compare -nocase [lindex $feed(tag-feed) 1] "feed"] == 0} {
		set cmp_items [list {0 "id"} "children" "" 2 {0 "link"} "attrib" "href" 1 {0 "title"} "children" "" 1]
	} else {
		set cmp_items [list {0 "guid"} "children" "" 2 {0 "link"} "children" "" 1 {0 "title"} "children" "" 1]
	set path [[namespace current]::xml_join_tags $ofeed(tag-feed) $ofeed(tag-list) -1 $ofeed(tag-name)]
	set count [[namespace current]::xml_get_info $odata $path]
	for {set i 0} {$i < $count} {incr i} {
		# extract the current article from the database
		set tmpp [[namespace current]::xml_join_tags $ofeed(tag-feed) $ofeed(tag-list) $i $ofeed(tag-name)]
		set tmpd [[namespace current]::xml_get_info $odata $tmpp "children"]
		set e 0; # compare items that existed in the feed
		set m 0; # total matches
		foreach {cmp_path cmp_element cmp_attrib cmp_weight} $cmp_items {
			# try and extract the tag info from the database
			set oresult [[namespace current]::xml_get_info $tmpd $cmp_path $cmp_element]
			if {[string compare -nocase $cmp_element "attrib"] == 0} {
				array set tmp $oresult
				catch {set oresult $tmp($cmp_attrib)}
				unset tmp
			# the tag doesnt exist in this feed so we'll ignore it
			if {[string compare $oresult ""] == 0} {
			incr e
			# extract the tag info from the current article
			set result [[namespace current]::xml_get_info $data $cmp_path $cmp_element]
			if {[string compare -nocase $cmp_element "attrib"] == 0} {
				array set tmp $result
				catch {set result $tmp($cmp_attrib)}
				unset tmp
			if {[string compare -nocase $oresult $result] == 0} {
				set m [expr { $m + $cmp_weight} ]
		# announce if we have over 66% certainty that this is new
		if {[expr { round(double($m) / double($e) * 100) }] >= 66} {
			return 1
	return 0
# Cookie Parsing Functions
proc ::rss-synd::cookie_parse {feedlist data current} {
	array set feed $feedlist
	set output $feed(output)
	set eval 0
	if {([info exists feed(evaluate-tcl)]) && ($feed(evaluate-tcl) == 1)} { set eval 1 }
	set matches [regexp -inline -nocase -all -- {@@(.*?)@@} $output]
	foreach {match tmpc} $matches {
		set tmpc [split $tmpc "!"]
		set index 0
		set cookie [list]
		foreach piece $tmpc {
			set tmpp [regexp -nocase -inline -all -- {^(.*?)\((.*?)\)|(.*?)$} $piece]
			if {[lindex $tmpp 3] == ""} {
				lappend cookie [lindex $tmpp 2] [lindex $tmpp 1]
			} else {
				lappend cookie 0 [lindex $tmpp 3]
		# replace tag-item's index with the current article
		if {[string compare -nocase $feed(tag-name) [lindex $cookie 1]] == 0} {
			set cookie [[namespace current]::xml_join_tags $feed(tag-list) [lreplace $cookie $index $index $current]]
		set cookie [[namespace current]::xml_join_tags $feed(tag-feed) $cookie]
		if {[set tmp [[namespace current]::charset_encode $feedlist [[namespace current]::cookie_replace $cookie $data]]] != ""} {
			set tmp [[namespace current]::xml_list_flatten $tmp]
			regsub -all -- {([\"\$\[\]\{\}\(\)\\])} $match {\\\1} match
			regsub -- $match $output "[string map { "&" "\\\x26" } [[namespace current]::html_decode $eval $tmp]]" output
	# remove empty cookies
	if {(![info exists feed(remove-empty)]) || ($feed(remove-empty) == 1)} {
		regsub -nocase -all -- "@@.*?@@" $output "" output
	# evaluate tcl code
	if {$eval == 1} {
		if {[catch {set output [subst $output]} error] != 0} {
			putlog "\002RSS Eval Error\002: $error"
	return $output
proc ::rss-synd::cookie_replace {cookie data} {
	set element "children"
	set tags [list]
	foreach {num section} $cookie {
		if {[string compare "=" [string range $section 0 0]] == 0} {
			set attrib [string range $section 1 end]
			set element "attrib"
		} else {
			lappend tags $num $section
	set return [[namespace current]::xml_get_info $data $tags $element]
	if {[string compare -nocase "attrib" $element] == 0} {
		array set tmp $return
		if {[catch {set return $tmp($attrib)}] != 0} {
	return $return
# Misc Functions
proc ::rss-synd::html_decode {eval data {loop 0}} {
	array set chars {
			 nbsp	\x20 amp	\x26 quot	\x22 lt		\x3C
			 gt		\x3E iexcl	\xA1 cent	\xA2 pound	\xA3
			 curren	\xA4 yen	\xA5 brvbar	\xA6 brkbar	\xA6
			 sect	\xA7 uml	\xA8 die	\xA8 copy	\xA9
			 ordf	\xAA laquo	\xAB not	\xAC shy	\xAD
			 reg	\xAE hibar	\xAF macr	\xAF deg	\xB0
			 plusmn	\xB1 sup2	\xB2 sup3	\xB3 acute	\xB4
			 micro	\xB5 para	\xB6 middot	\xB7 cedil	\xB8
			 sup1	\xB9 ordm	\xBA raquo	\xBB frac14	\xBC
			 frac12	\xBD frac34	\xBE iquest	\xBF Agrave	\xC0
			 Aacute	\xC1 Acirc	\xC2 Atilde	\xC3 Auml	\xC4
			 Aring	\xC5 AElig	\xC6 Ccedil	\xC7 Egrave	\xC8
			 Eacute	\xC9 Ecirc	\xCA Euml	\xCB Igrave	\xCC
			 Iacute	\xCD Icirc	\xCE Iuml	\xCF ETH	\xD0
			 Dstrok	\xD0 Ntilde	\xD1 Ograve	\xD2 Oacute	\xD3
			 Ocirc	\xD4 Otilde	\xD5 Ouml	\xD6 times	\xD7
			 Oslash	\xD8 Ugrave	\xD9 Uacute	\xDA Ucirc	\xDB
			 Uuml	\xDC Yacute	\xDD THORN	\xDE szlig	\xDF
			 agrave	\xE0 aacute	\xE1 acirc	\xE2 atilde	\xE3
			 auml	\xE4 aring	\xE5 aelig	\xE6 ccedil	\xE7
			 egrave	\xE8 eacute	\xE9 ecirc	\xEA euml	\xEB
			 igrave	\xEC iacute	\xED icirc	\xEE iuml	\xEF
			 eth	\xF0 ntilde	\xF1 ograve	\xF2 oacute	\xF3
			 ocirc	\xF4 otilde	\xF5 ouml	\xF6 divide	\xF7
			 oslash	\xF8 ugrave	\xF9 uacute	\xFA ucirc	\xFB
			 uuml	\xFC yacute	\xFD thorn	\xFE yuml	\xFF
			 ensp	\x20 emsp	\x20 thinsp	\x20 zwnj	\x20
			 zwj	\x20 lrm	\x20 rlm	\x20 euro	\x80
			 sbquo	\x82 bdquo	\x84 hellip	\x85 dagger	\x86
			 Dagger	\x87 circ	\x88 permil	\x89 Scaron	\x8A
			 lsaquo	\x8B OElig	\x8C oelig	\x8D lsquo	\x91
			 rsquo	\x92 ldquo	\x93 rdquo	\x94 ndash	\x96
			 mdash	\x97 tilde	\x98 scaron	\x9A rsaquo	\x9B
			 Yuml	\x9F apos	\x27
	regsub -all -- {<(.[^>]*)>} $data " " data
	if {$eval != 1} {
		regsub -all -- {([\"\$\[\]\{\}\(\)\\])} $data {\\\1} data
	} else {
		regsub -all -- {([\"\$\[\]\{\}\(\)\\])} $data {\\\\\\\1} data
	regsub -all -- {&#([0-9]+);} $data {[format %c [scan \1 %d]]} data
	regsub -all -- {&#x([0-9a-zA-Z]+);} $data {[format %c [scan \1 %x]]} data
	regsub -all -- {&([0-9a-zA-Z#]*);} $data {[if {[catch {set tmp $chars(\1)} char] == 0} { set tmp }]} data
	regsub -all -- {&([0-9a-zA-Z#]*);} $data {[if {[catch {set tmp [string tolower $chars(\1)]} char] == 0} { set tmp }]} data
	regsub -nocase -all -- "\\s{2,}" $data " " data
	set data [subst $data]
	if {[incr loop] == 1} {
		set data [[namespace current]::html_decode 0 $data $loop]
	return $data
proc ::rss-synd::charset_encode {feedlist string} {
	array set feed $feedlist
	if {[info exists feed(charset)]} {
		set string [encoding convertto [string tolower $feed(charset)] $string]
	return $string
proc ::rss-synd::check_channel {chanlist chan} {
	foreach match [split $chanlist] {
		if {[string compare -nocase $match $chan] == 0} {
			return 1
	return 0
proc ::rss-synd::urldecode {str} {
	regsub -all -- {([\"\$\[\]\{\}\(\)\\])} $str {\\\1} str
	regsub -all -- {%([aAbBcCdDeEfF0-9][aAbBcCdDeEfF0-9]);?} $str {[format %c [scan \1 %x]]} str
	return [subst $str]

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Messages dans ce sujet
[script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par CrazyCat - 21/02/2008, 18:14
RE: Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par Piepierre - 21/02/2008, 18:23
RE: Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par CrazyCat - 21/02/2008, 18:28
RE: Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par MenzAgitat - 22/02/2008, 02:17
RE: Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par titinio - 15/05/2008, 09:26
RE: Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par CrazyCat - 15/05/2008, 13:30
RE: Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par tr3nk1l - 15/06/2008, 23:27
RE: Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par Helias - 16/06/2008, 02:00
RE: Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par knx - 11/07/2008, 21:44
RE: Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par lepheniX - 21/07/2008, 03:52
RE: Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par lepheniX - 22/07/2008, 13:40
RE: Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par BdS - 23/07/2008, 12:53
RE: Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par knx - 25/07/2008, 07:28
RE: Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par MenzAgitat - 28/07/2008, 02:27
RE: Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par MenzAgitat - 28/07/2008, 16:29
RE: Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par Rikito - 04/09/2008, 13:52
RE: Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par CrazyCat - 04/09/2008, 21:28
RE: Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par Rikito - 04/09/2008, 22:19
RE: Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par CrazyCat - 05/09/2008, 20:14
RE: Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par MenzAgitat - 05/09/2008, 01:18
RE: Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par Rikito - 05/09/2008, 19:59
RE: Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par kipof - 22/02/2009, 17:30
RE: Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par CrazyCat - 22/02/2009, 22:48
RE: Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par kipof - 22/02/2009, 23:37
RE: Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par CrazyCat - 23/02/2009, 10:24
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par Behemoth - 07/06/2009, 21:04
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par joh93 - 17/10/2009, 16:58
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par Utas - 29/04/2010, 16:40
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par Marc - 29/04/2010, 20:45
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par Utas - 30/04/2010, 02:52
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par nolaan - 06/06/2010, 10:39
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par Xima - 29/08/2010, 17:45
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par uto - 25/06/2011, 19:30
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par Cain - 18/08/2011, 05:41
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par Cain - 22/08/2011, 05:24
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par Nosy - 21/12/2011, 08:53
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par Nosy - 21/12/2011, 15:16
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par Nosy - 21/12/2011, 16:32
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par Nosy - 21/12/2011, 16:49
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par Nosy - 21/12/2011, 17:08
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par Nosy - 21/12/2011, 17:35
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par Nosy - 21/12/2011, 17:49
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par Nosy - 21/12/2011, 18:00
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par Nosy - 21/12/2011, 18:28
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par Nosy - 21/12/2011, 19:48
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par Nosy - 21/12/2011, 20:21
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par Nosy - 21/12/2011, 23:40
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par Nosy - 22/12/2011, 13:29
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par Nosy - 04/06/2012, 23:27
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par Nosy - 05/06/2012, 22:27
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par Nosy - 07/06/2012, 14:21
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par T3nS - 25/10/2017, 12:01
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par T3nS - 25/10/2017, 13:02
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par T3nS - 25/10/2017, 17:18
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par T3nS - 28/10/2017, 00:23
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par T3nS - 29/10/2017, 16:19
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par T3nS - 29/10/2017, 16:56
RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - par T3nS - 29/10/2017, 17:11

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