Modification proxycheck

Et oui c'est encore moi ...

Voici le TCL de base :

# open proxy checker for eggdrop
# (c) James Seward 2003/4
# version 1.0


# Released under the GPL


# This script will check the hosts of people joining channels against one or
# RBLs. Choose your RBLs wisely, some of them list DIALUP SPACE and that would
# be a bad thing to be matching your IRC users against :P
# Enable the 'proxycheck' flag for channels you want the script active on
# --> .chanset #somechannel +proxycheck
# Users who are +o, +v, or +f in your bot (local or global) won't be checked.
# Turn on console level d on the partyline to see some debug from the script
# --> .console +d (to enable)
# --> .console -d (to disable)


# space-separated list of RBLs to look in
set proxycheck_rbls { "" "" "" }

# time in minutes to ban for
set proxycheck_bantime 15

# stop editing here unless you're TCL-proof


#add our channel flag
setudef flag proxycheck

#bind our events
bind join - *!*@* proxycheck_join

#swing your pants

# catch joins
proc proxycheck_join { nick host handle channel } {
  #check we're active
  if {![channel get $channel proxycheck]} {
    return 0

  #don't apply to friends, voices, ops
  if {[matchattr $handle fov|fov $channel]} {
    return 0

  #get the actual host
  regexp ".+@(.+)" $host matches newhost
  if [regexp {[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}$} $newhost] {
    #it's a numeric host, skip the lookup
    proxycheck_check2 $newhost $newhost 1 $nick $newhost $channel
  } else {
    putloglev d * "proxycheck: doing dns lookup on $newhost to get IP"
    dnslookup $newhost proxycheck_check2 $nick $newhost $channel

# first callback (runs RBL checks)
proc proxycheck_check2 { ip host status nick orighost channel } {
  global proxycheck_rbls
  if {$status} {
    putloglev d * "proxycheck: $host resolves to $ip"

    # reverse the IP
    regexp {([0-9]{1,3}).([0-9]{1,3}).([0-9]{1,3}).([0-9]{1,3})} $ip matches a b c d
    set newip "$d.$c.$b.$a"

    # look it up in the rbls
    foreach rbl $proxycheck_rbls {
      putloglev d * "proxycheck: looking up $newip.$rbl"
      dnslookup "$newip.$rbl" proxycheck_check3 $nick $host $channel $rbl
  } else {
    putlog "proxycheck: Couldn't resolve $host. (No further action taken.)"

# second callback (catches RBL results)
proc proxycheck_check3 { ip host status nick orighost channel rbl } {
  global proxycheck_bantime
  if {$status} {
    putlog "proxycheck: got host $host = ip $ip from RBL $rbl ... banning"
    newchanban $channel "*@$orighost" "proxychk" "proxycheck: $rbl" $proxycheck_bantime
  #if we didn't get a host, they're not in RBL
putlog "proxycheck 1.0 by JamesOff loaded"

En fait ce que je souhaiterais faire, ( bien évidement, le bot est ircop ) c'est qu'il puisse détecter directement les host decrypter, étant donné que les hosts sur mon IRC sont crypté ...

bind raw - 320 whois:aa
proc whois:aa {from key arg} {
set ip [lindex $arg 5]
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :host : $ip"

Le raw fonctionne et m'indique bien l'host décrypter.

néanmoins j'ai essayé de modifier comme ceci :

# open proxy checker for eggdrop
# (c) James Seward 2003/4
# version 1.0


# Released under the GPL


# This script will check the hosts of people joining channels against one or
# RBLs. Choose your RBLs wisely, some of them list DIALUP SPACE and that would
# be a bad thing to be matching your IRC users against :P
# Enable the 'proxycheck' flag for channels you want the script active on
# --> .chanset #somechannel +proxycheck
# Users who are +o, +v, or +f in your bot (local or global) won't be checked.
# Turn on console level d on the partyline to see some debug from the script
# --> .console +d (to enable)
# --> .console -d (to disable)


# space-separated list of RBLs to look in
set proxycheck_rbls { "" "" "" }

# time in minutes to ban for
set proxycheck_bantime 15

# stop editing here unless you're TCL-proof


#add our channel flag
setudef flag proxycheck

#bind our events
bind join - *!*@* proxycheck_join
bind raw - 320 whois:aa

#swing your pants

# catch joins
proc proxycheck_join { nick host handle channel } {
proc whois:aa {from key arg} {
set ip [lindex $arg 5]
putserv "PRIVMSG #!accueil! :IP =>>>> $ip <<<<="

  #check we're active
  if {![channel get $channel proxycheck]} {
    return 0

  #don't apply to friends, voices, ops
  if {[matchattr $handle fov|fov $channel]} {
    return 0

  #get the actual host
  regexp ".+@(.+)" $host matches newhost
  if [regexp {[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}$} $newhost] {
    #it's a numeric host, skip the lookup
    proxycheck_check2 $newhost $newhost 1 $nick $newhost $channel
  } else {
    putloglev d * "proxycheck: doing dns lookup on $newhost to get IP"
    dnslookup $newhost proxycheck_check2 $nick $newhost $channel

# first callback (runs RBL checks)
proc proxycheck_check2 { ip host status nick orighost channel } {
  global proxycheck_rbls
  if {$status} {
    putloglev d * "proxycheck: $host resolves to $ip"
    # reverse the IP
    regexp {([0-9]{1,3}).([0-9]{1,3}).([0-9]{1,3}).([0-9]{1,3})} $ip matches a b c d
    set newip "$d.$c.$b.$a"

    # look it up in the rbls
    foreach rbl $proxycheck_rbls {
      putloglev d * "proxycheck: looking up $newip.$rbl"
      dnslookup "$newip.$rbl" proxycheck_check3 $nick $host $channel $rbl
  } else {
       putlog "proxycheck: Couldn't resolve $host. (No further action taken.)"

# second callback (catches RBL results)
proc proxycheck_check3 { ip host status nick orighost channel rbl } {
  global proxycheck_bantime
  if {$status} {
    putlog "proxycheck: got host $host = ip $ip from RBL $rbl ... banning"
    newchanban $channel "*@$orighost" "proxychk" "proxycheck: $rbl" $proxycheck_bantime
  #if we didn't get a host, they're not in RBL
putlog "proxycheck 1.0 by JamesOff loaded"

Et ça ne fonctionne pas, je ne sais pas si c'est possible en TCL de pouvoir mettre deux proc ensemble ... car après le problème de variable non déclarée survienne.

Enfin dans le code c'était un test afin de pouvoir vérifier si le bot détecte bien les host décrypté mais j'arrive pas à y adapter dans ce code, pour qu'il puisse directement au join salon avoir l'host decrypter de l'user ... et vérifier au dnsbl.

j'ai également aussi tenté une méthode ou le bot whois l'user et obtient son host décrypter mais je n'ai toujours pas compris comment y adapter dedans.

Merci encore.
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Messages dans ce sujet
Modification proxycheck - par crash - 02/02/2009, 22:40
RE: Modification proxycheck - par CrazyCat - 03/02/2009, 10:15
RE: Modification proxycheck - par Merwin - 03/02/2009, 10:20
RE: Modification proxycheck - par CrazyCat - 03/02/2009, 12:47
RE: Modification proxycheck - par Merwin - 03/02/2009, 14:39
RE: Modification proxycheck - par crash - 03/02/2009, 17:01
RE: Modification proxycheck - par CrazyCat - 03/02/2009, 18:29

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