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CrazyCat a écrit :Le reste me semble bon, donc essaye en ne mettant pas le set my-hostname. Tu peux peut-être utiliser le set nat-ip comme indiqué sur cette page

Donc en gros ca donnerais ca?

Code :
# Eggdrop has trouble detecting it when it starts up.
#set my-hostname "ip-83-141-153-109.evc.net"
set my-ip ""

# If you have a NAT firewall (you box has an IP in one of the following
# ranges:,,
# and your firewall transparently changes your
# address to a unique address for your box) or you have IP masquerading
# between you and the rest of the world, and /dcc chat, /ctcp chat or
# userfile sharing aren't working, enter your outside IP here. This IP
# is used for transfers only, and has nothing to do with the my-ip or
# my-hostname settings. You may still need to set my-ip and/or my-hostname.
set nat-ip ""

Ou bien j'ai mal compris quelque chose?

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Messages dans ce sujet
[Problèmes]Aucunes réponses. - par Arthyr - 16/12/2008, 15:57
RE: [Problèmes]Aucunes réponses. - par Arthyr - 16/12/2008, 20:36
RE: [Problèmes]Aucunes réponses. - par Arthyr - 17/12/2008, 13:47

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