08/05/2024, 15:28
Ok, there is an error, strange you don't get it in partyline:
Tested with the new proc:
Code :
[15:24:00] Tcl error [aweather]: can't read "botnick": no such variable
Tested with the new proc:
# Set the city you want
set wcity "Paris"
# Set the chan you want
set wchan "#test"
proc aweather {min hour day month dow} {
weather $::botnick [getchanhost $::botnick $::wchan] $::botnick $::wchan $::wcity
# think to change the /2 for /30
bind cron - "*/2 * * * *" aweather
Code :
15:23:19 <+CrazyCat> !w london
15:23:20 <pyegg> london, GB -- Temperature: 19.12 °C / Humidity: 57 % / Wind speed: 2.06 km/h / Cloud cover: 75 % (cer fragmentat). Astronomy (Sunrise: 06:19 / Sunset: 21:34) - Last update: 29 seconds
15:26:00 <pyegg> Paris, FR -- Temperature: 13.09 °C / Humidity: 76 % / Wind speed: 4.63 km/h / Cloud cover: 100 % (cer acoperit de nori). Astronomy (Sunrise: 06:18 / Sunset: 21:15) - Last update: 4 minutes 34 seconds
15:28:01 <pyegg> Paris, FR -- Temperature: 13.09 °C / Humidity: 76 % / Wind speed: 4.63 km/h / Cloud cover: 100 % (cer acoperit de nori). Astronomy (Sunrise: 06:18 / Sunset: 21:15) - Last update: 7 minutes 35 seconds