# Set the city you want
set wcity "London"
# Set the chan you want
set wchan "#mychan"
proc aweather {min hour day month dow} {
  weather $botnick [getchanhost $botnick $::wchan] $botnick $::wchan $::wcity
bind cron - "*/30 * * * *" aweather

the cron is not showing from the channel,  but there's no error after all. if anyone knows what's the matter, please help.
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Messages dans ce sujet
weather.tcl - par aslpls - 07/05/2024, 12:17
RE: weather.tcl - par CrazyCat - 07/05/2024, 13:14
RE: weather.tcl - par aslpls - 07/05/2024, 13:31
RE: weather.tcl - par aslpls - 08/05/2024, 10:18
RE: weather.tcl - par CrazyCat - 08/05/2024, 11:57
RE: weather.tcl - par aslpls - 08/05/2024, 15:09
RE: weather.tcl - par CrazyCat - 08/05/2024, 15:28
RE: weather.tcl - par aslpls - 08/05/2024, 18:20

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