example check dns ip is on server a server b server c is not there and I try to check dns and ip on server c without bots check ip and dns on server c

bot checks ip or dns are on server a and I am on server c 2 this server uses your tcl relay then I want to check ip or dns with the .ip numberip command and than bot in server a respon my command

i am in server c using .ip
respons bot ip in server a is located in Beijing, Beijing, China (39.9288, 116.3889) ; TimeZone: Asia/Shanghai ; ISP: China Unicom Beijing Province Network ; Mobile: false ; Proxy: false
just example
Répondre Avertir
What is the command you (and the eggdrop'll have to) use to ask a check (on the server) ?
What kind of response give the server ? A notice, a message (query ? public ?)

Can you use the command on your server and paste here the exact call and response ?
if the order is good, the message is notice and many others such as .ip .dns .trans .port. is this what you need?
Répondre Avertir
Which command do you want to use ?
What command must be sent to the server ?
Copy and paste a response of the server.

I haven't any technical information so I can't do anything yet.
(18/02/2019, 14:38)CrazyCat a écrit : Which command do you want to use ?
What command must be sent to the server ?
Copy and paste a response of the server.

I haven't any technical information so I can't do anything yet.

i am used 2 server with relay to both server

<abi> .dns = i used this commands on server c
<bullah> [DNS] Resolve adalah = respon on server a
<abi> .dns 2604:180:1:972:1d1e:f02:11fe:1373 = i used this commands on server c
<bullah> [DNS] Maaf tidak bisa resolve 2604:180:1:972:1d1e:f02:11fe:1373 = respon on server a

<abi> .seen abdee = i used this commands on server c
<hasbullah> abdee ( was last seen parting #jakarta only 13 seconds ago stating "{}". = respon on server a

<abi> .ip frisca = i used this commands on server c
<bullah> Nick: frisca ; Host: = respon on server a
<bullah> is located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada (45.5049, -73.5723) ; TimeZone: America/Toronto ; ISP: OVH SAS ; Mobile: false ; Proxy: false = respon on server a
Répondre Avertir
I guess the .dns, .seen and .ip are the commands you want to use with the eggdrop.
What is the server command (usually beginning with a /) you use ?

Or simpliest: what kind of server (unrealircd, bahamut, inspireircd, ...) do you use with which module to have these feature ?
actually I only need a script where we can check such as ip or dns where the bot checks ip and dns is on a different server and still the bot responds to the command specified on the server that is not the same as the bot check
Répondre Avertir
Well well well...
(19/02/2019, 16:03)abi a écrit : DNS
<abi> .dns = i used this commands on server c
<bullah> [DNS] Resolve adalah = respon on server a
<abi> .dns 2604:180:1:972:1d1e:f02:11fe:1373 = i used this commands on server c
<bullah> [DNS] Maaf tidak bisa resolve 2604:180:1:972:1d1e:f02:11fe:1373 = respon on server a

<abi> .seen abdee = i used this commands on server c
<hasbullah> abdee ( was last seen parting #jakarta only 13 seconds ago stating "{}". = respon on server a

<abi> .ip frisca = i used this commands on server c
<bullah> Nick: frisca ; Host: = respon on server a
<bullah> is located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada (45.5049, -73.5723) ; TimeZone: America/Toronto ; ISP: OVH SAS ; Mobile: false ; Proxy: false = respon on server a

I NEED to know how bullah actually works. Wich script actually gives him the dns / ip / seen commands ? Attach the script to your answer.
I can't do anything yet.
(21/02/2019, 15:24)CrazyCat a écrit : Well well well...
(19/02/2019, 16:03)abi a écrit : DNS
<abi> .dns = i used this commands on server c
<bullah> [DNS] Resolve adalah = respon on server a
<abi> .dns 2604:180:1:972:1d1e:f02:11fe:1373 = i used this commands on server c
<bullah> [DNS] Maaf tidak bisa resolve 2604:180:1:972:1d1e:f02:11fe:1373 = respon on server a

<abi> .seen abdee = i used this commands on server c
<hasbullah> abdee ( was last seen parting #jakarta only 13 seconds ago stating "{}". = respon on server a

<abi> .ip frisca = i used this commands on server c
<bullah> Nick: frisca ; Host: = respon on server a
<bullah> is located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada (45.5049, -73.5723) ; TimeZone: America/Toronto ; ISP: OVH SAS ; Mobile: false ; Proxy: false = respon on server a

I NEED to know how bullah actually works. Wich script actually gives him the dns / ip / seen commands ? Attach the script to your answer.
I can't do anything yet.

- ip
## BlackIP.tcl 1.8                               Copyright 2008 - 2018 @ WwW.TCLScripts.NET ##
##                        _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _                      ##
##                       / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \                     ##
##                      ( T | C | L | S | C | R | I | P | T | S | . | N | E | T )                    ##
##                       \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/                     ##
##                                                                                                   ##
##                                      ® BLaCkShaDoW Production ®                                   ##
##                                                                                                   ##
##                                              PRESENTS                                             ##
##                                                               ® ##
###########################################   BLACK IP TCL   ##########################################
##                                                                 ##
##  DESCRIPTION:                                                          ##
##  Returns IP address dns, location and organization informations for a nick/IP/hostname.           ##
##                                                                 ##
##  Both IPv4 & IPv6 supported.                                                                      ##                                                                    ##
##                                                                 ##
##  Tested on Eggdrop v1.8.3 (Debian Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64) Tcl version: 8.6.6                        ##
##                                                                 ##
##                                                                 ##
##  INSTALLATION:                                                          ##
##     ++ http & tls packages are REQUIRED for this script to work.                                  ##
##     ++ Edit the BlackIP.tcl script and place it into your /scripts directory,                     ##
##     ++ add "source scripts/BlackIP.tcl" to your eggdrop config and rehash the bot.                ##
##                                                                 ##
##                                                                 ##
##  CHANGELOG:                                                                                       ##
##  - 1.8 version                                                                                    ##
##    + added a flood protection settings against those who abuse the use of command.                ##
##    + added extra stuff for suspicious details as: proxy, tor and spam.                            ##
##    + added extra stuff fo latitude/longitude, mobile and timezone date details.                   ##
##    + added utf-8 support.                                                                         ##
##    + minor bugs fixed.                                                                            ##
##  - 1.7 version                                                                                    ##
##    + completely rebuilt in a new style and with another source for IP informations.               ##
##    + now supports IPv6.                                                                           ##
##    + supports eggdrop version less than 1.8.*                                                     ##
##    + added multi-languages for every channel: RO, EN, FR, ES & IT.                                ##
##    + minor bugs fixed.                                                                            ##
##                                                                 ##
##                                                                 ##
##  OFFICIAL LINKS:                                                                                  ##
##   E-mail      : BLaCkShaDoW[at]                                                     ##
##   Bugs report :                                                         ##
##   GitHub page :                                          ##
##   Online help : irc://                                                   ##
##                 #TCL-HELP / UnderNet                                                                 ##
##                 You can ask in english or romanian                                                ##
##                                                                 ##
##          Please consider a donation. Thanks!                                                      ##
##                                                                 ##
##                                                                 ##
##                           You want a customised TCL Script for your eggdrop?                      ##
##                                Easy-peasy, just tell me what you need!                            ##
##                I can create almost anything in TCL based on your ideas and donations.             ##
##                  Email or with your                ##
##                    request informations and I'll contact you as soon as possible.                 ##
##                                                                 ##
##                                                                 ##
##  To activate: .chanset +ip | from BlackTools: .set #channel +ip                                   ##
##                                                                                                   ##
##  !ip [nick|IP|host] - shows details assigned to that IP address or nick.                          ##
##                                                                                                   ##
##  !set iplang [RO|EN|FR|ES|IT] - set a language for output messages.                               ##
##                                                                                                   ##
##  !ip version - returns the BlackIP script version.                                                ##
##                                                                                                   ##
##  Supports: both IPv4 & IPv6.                                                                      ##
##                                                                                                   ##
##                                                                                                   ##
##  EXAMPLES:                                                                                        ##
##                                                                 ##
## [request for IP]                                                                                  ##
##  <user> !ip                                                                        ##
##  <bot> is located in Netherlands (52.3824, 4.8995) ; Timezone: Europe/Amsterdam    ##
##        Host: ; ISP: BlazingFast LLC ; Mobile: false ; Proxy: false       ##
##        Spam: false ; TOR: false ; Suspicious: false                                               ##
##                                                                                                   ##
## [request for hostname]                                                                            ##
##  <user> !ip                                                              ##
##  <bot> is located in Amsterdam, Netherlands (52.3824, 4.8995)            ##
##        Timezone: Europe/Amsterdam ; IP: ;  ; ISP: BlazingFast LLC ; Mobile: false  ##
##        Proxy: false ; Spam: false ; TOR: false ; Suspicious: false                                ##
##                                                                                                   ##
## [request for nick]                                                                                ##
##  <user> !ip TCLHelp                                                                               ##
##  <bot> Nickname: TCLHelp ; Host:                                                   ##
##  <bot> is located in Munich (Ramersdorf - Perlach), Germany (48.1044, 11.601)      ##
##        Timezone: Europe/Berlin ; IP: ; ISP: Contabo GmbH ; Mobile: false             ##
##        Proxy: false ; Spam: false ; TOR: false ; Suspicious: false                                ##
##                                                                                                   ##
##                                                                 ##
##  LICENSE:                                                                                         ##
##   This code comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.                                                    ##
##                                                                                                   ##
##   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of      ##
##   the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.          ##
##                                                                                                   ##
##   This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          ##
##   MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                            ##
##   USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.                                                                           ##
##                                                                                                   ##
##   See the GNU General Public License for more details.                                            ##
##        (                                                  ##
##                                                                                                   ##
##                        Copyright 2008 - 2018 @ WwW.TCLScripts.NET                         ##
##                                                                                                   ##

###                                 CONFIGURATION FOR BlackIP.TCL                                   ###

# Cmdchar trigger
# - set here the trigger you want to use.
set blackip(cmd_char) "!"

# set here who can execute the command (-|- for all)
set black(ip_flags) "-|-"

# Language setting
# - set here the default language of the script
# - supports different languages for every channel
#   ( RO / EN / IT / FR / ES )
set black(default_lang) "en"

#Set the number of minute(s) to ignore flooders, 0 to disable flood protection
set black(ignore_prot) "1"

#Set the number of requests within specifide number of seconds to trigger flood protection.
# By default, 4:10, which allows for upto 3 queries in 10 seconds. 4 or more quries in 10 seconds would cuase
# the forth and later queries to be ignored for the amount of time specifide above.
set black(flood_prot) "2:10"

#Use secure connection (https) for host info ? (0-no; 1-yes)
#If you want https, you have to install tls package
# https version (using tls package) have extra informations as: is_spam, , is_tor or is_suspicious
set black(ip_secured) "0"

###                       DO NOT MODIFY HERE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING                      ###
package require http
package require json

# Channel flags
setudef flag ip
setudef str iplang

# Bindings
# - using commands
bind pub $black(ip_flags) $blackip(cmd_char)ip black:ip:check

if {$black(ip_secured) == "1"} {
package require tls
proc black:ip:check {nick host hand chan arg} {
    set ip [lindex [split $arg] 0]
if {![channel get $chan ip]} {
    set flood_protect [blackip:flood:prot $chan $host]
if {$flood_protect == "1"} {
    set get_seconds [blackip:get:flood_time $host $chan]
    blackip:tell $nick $chan 19 [list $get_seconds $nick]
if {[string match -nocase $ip "version"]} {
    blackip:tell $nick $chan 20 [list $nick]
if {$ip == ""} {
    blackip:tell $nick $chan 1 none
if {![string match -nocase "*:*" $ip] && ![string match -nocase "*.*" $ip]} {
    putserv "USERHOST :$ip"
    set ::ipchan $chan
    set ::ip_search $ip
    bind RAW - 302 check:for:nick
    set check_domain [blackip:domain $ip]
if {$check_domain != "0"} {
    check:ip $ip $chan 2 [list $check_domain $nick 1]
    set check_dns [blackip:getdns $ip]
if {$check_dns != "0"} {
    check:ip $ip $chan 2 [list $check_dns $nick 2]
    check:ip $ip $chan 2 [list 0 $nick 3]

proc check:for:nick { from keyword arguments } {
    global black
    set ip $::ip_search
    set chan $::ipchan
    set hosts [lindex [split $arguments] 1]
    set hostname [lindex [split $hosts "="] 1]
    regsub {^[-+]} $hostname "" mask
    set nickname [lindex [split $hosts "="] 0]
    regsub {^:} $nickname "" nick
if {$nick == ""} {
    blackip:tell "" $chan 2 $ip
    unbind RAW - 302 check:for:nick
    set mask [lindex [split $mask @] 1]
    set check_domain [blackip:domain $mask]
if {$check_domain != "0"} {
    check:ip $mask $chan 3 [list $check_domain $nick 1]
    unbind RAW - 302 check:for:nick
    set check_dns [blackip:getdns $mask]
if {$check_dns != "0"} {
    check:ip $mask $chan 3 [list $check_dns $nick 2]
    unbind RAW - 302 check:for:nick
    check:ip $mask $chan 3 [list 0 $nick 3]
    unbind RAW - 302 check:for:nick

proc blackip:domain {ip} {
    global black
    set get_domain ""
    set check_ipv4 [regexp {^[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}$} $ip]
    set check_ipv6 [regexp {^([0-9A-Fa-f]{0,4}:){2,7}([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}$|((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)(\.|$)){4})$} $ip]
if {$check_ipv4 == "1" || $check_ipv6 == "1"} {
    set gethost [catch {exec host $ip 2>/dev/null} results]
    regexp {(pointer) (.*)} $results get_domain
if {$get_domain != ""} {
    set domain [string trimright [lindex $get_domain 1] "."]
    return $domain
        } else { return 0 }
    } else { return 0 }

proc blackip:getdns {ip} {
    global black
    set ipv4 ""
    set ipv6 ""
    set gethost [catch {exec host $ip 2>/dev/null} results]
    set res [lrange [split $results] 0 end]
    set inc 0
    set llength [llength $res]
for {set i 0} { $i <= $llength} { incr i } {
    set word [lindex $res $i]
if {[string match -nocase "*IPv6*" $word]} {
    lappend ipv6 [join [lindex $res [expr $i + 2]]]
if {[string match -nocase "*address*" $word] && ![string match -nocase "*IPv6*" [lindex $res [expr $i - 1]]]} {
    lappend ipv4 [join [lindex $res [expr $i + 1]]]
if {$ipv4 == "" && $ipv6 == ""} {
    return 0
    return [list $ipv4 $ipv6]

proc check:ip {ip chan status arg} {
global black
    set type [lindex $arg 2]
    set reverse_dns 0
    set is_secured 0
    set domain ""
    set ipv4_list ""
    set ipv6 ""
    set proxy ""
    set is_tor ""
    set is_spam ""
    set is_suspicious ""
    set ipv4 ""
    set ipv6_list ""
    set other_ips ""
    set ip_to_check ""
if {$type == "1"} {
    set domain [lindex $arg 0]
    set reverse_dns 1
    set proxy [blackip:proxy_check $ip]
} elseif {$type == "2"} {
    set reverse_dns 2
    set ips [lindex $arg 0]
    set ipv4_list [lindex $ips 0]
    set ipv6_list [lindex $ips 1]
if {$ipv6_list != ""} {
if {[llength $ipv6_list] > 1} { 
    set ipv6 [lindex $ipv6_list 0]
    set ipv6_list [lreplace $ipv6_list 0 0]
    } else { 
    set ipv6 $ipv6_list 
    set ipv6_list ""
    } else {
if {[llength $ipv4_list] > 1} { 
    set ipv4 [lindex $ipv4_list 0]
    set ipv4_list [lreplace $ipv4_list 0 0]
} else { 
    set ipv4 $ipv4_list 
    set ipv4_list ""
    set ipv4_list [join $ipv4_list ", "]
    set ipv6_list [join $ipv6_list ", "]
if {$reverse_dns == "2"} {
if {$ipv6 != ""} {
    set ip_to_check $ipv6
    } elseif {$ipv4 != ""} {
    set ip_to_check $ipv4
} else {
    set ip_to_check $ip
if {$ipv4_list != ""} {
    lappend other_ips $ipv4_list
if {$ipv6_list != ""} {
    lappend other_ips $ipv6_list
    set other_ips [join $other_ips ", "]
    set data [blackip:data $ip_to_check]
    set stat [blackip:json "status" $data]
if {$stat == "fail"} {
    blackip:tell "" $chan 16 $ip_to_check
    set region_name [blackip:json "regionName" $data]
    set country [blackip:json "country" $data]
    set city [blackip:json "city" $data]
    set location [join [encoding convertfrom "utf-8" [list $city $region_name $country]] ", "]
    set lat [blackip:json "lat" $data]
    set lon [blackip:json "lon" $data]
    set latlon [join "$lat $lon" ", "]
    set timezone [blackip:json "timezone" $data]
    set mobile [blackip:getstatus [blackip:json "mobile" $data] $chan]
    set org [blackip:json "isp" [encoding convertfrom "utf-8" $data]]
if {$black(ip_secured) == "1"} {
    set is_secured 1
    set data_secured [blackip:data_secured $ip_to_check]
    set suspicious [blackip:json "suspicious_factors" $data_secured]
    set proxy [lindex $suspicious 1]
    set is_tor [blackip:getstatus [lindex $suspicious 3] $chan]
    set is_spam [blackip:getstatus [lindex $suspicious 5] $chan]
    set is_suspicious [blackip:getstatus [lindex $suspicious 7] $chan]
if {$ip_to_check != "" && $is_secured == "0"} {
    set proxy [blackip:proxy_check $ip_to_check]
if {$proxy != "0"} {
    set proxy "true"
    } else { set proxy "false" }
    set proxy [blackip:getstatus $proxy $chan]
if {$status == "3"} {
    set nickname [lindex $arg 1]
    blackip:tell "" $chan 9 [list $ip $nickname]
if {$reverse_dns == "1"} {
if {$is_secured == "1"} {
    blackip:tell "" $chan 13 [list $ip $location $latlon $timezone $domain $proxy $is_spam $is_tor $is_suspicious $org $mobile]
} else {    
    blackip:tell "" $chan 6 [list $ip $location $latlon $timezone $domain $org $proxy $mobile]
} elseif {$reverse_dns == "2"} {
if {$is_secured == "1"} {
    blackip:tell "" $chan 12 [list $ip $location $latlon $timezone $ip_to_check $proxy $is_spam $is_tor $is_suspicious $org $mobile]
} else {
    blackip:tell "" $chan 5 [list $ip $location $latlon $timezone $ip_to_check $org $proxy $mobile]
    } else {
if {$is_secured == "1"} {
    blackip:tell "" $chan 15 [list $ip $location $latlon $timezone $proxy $is_spam $is_tor $is_suspicious $org $mobile]
} else {
    blackip:tell "" $chan 14 [list $ip $location $latlon $timezone $org $proxy $mobile]
if {$other_ips != ""} {
    blackip:tell "" $chan 11 [list $other_ips]

# Credits
set blackip(projectName) "BlackIP"
set blackip(author) "BLaCkShaDoW"
set blackip(website) "wWw.TCLScriptS.NeT"
set blackip(email) "BLaCkShaDoW@TCLScriptS.NeT"
set blackip(version) "v1.8 (IPv6 support)"

proc blackip:data_secured {ip} {
    global black
    set link "$ip"
    http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket -tls1 1]
    set ipq [http::config -useragent "lynx"]
    set ipq [::http::geturl $link] 
    set data [http::data $ipq]
    ::http::cleanup $ipq
    return $data

proc blackip:data {ip} {
    global black
    set link "$ip?fields=country,regionName,city,lat,lon,timezone,mobile,proxy,query,reverse,status,message,isp"
    set ipq [http::config -useragent "lynx"]
    set ipq [::http::geturl $link] 
    set data [http::data $ipq]
    ::http::cleanup $ipq
    return $data

proc blackip:json {get data} {
    global black
    set parse [::json::json2dict $data]
    set return ""
foreach {name info} $parse {
if {[string equal -nocase $name $get]} {
    set return $info
    return $return

proc blackip:get_other {ip} {
    global black
    set link "$ip?fields=country,regionName,city,lat,lon,timezone,mobile,proxy,query,reverse,status,message,isp"
    set ipq [http::config -useragent "lynx"]
    set ipq [::http::geturl $link] 
    set data [http::data $ipq]
    ::http::cleanup $ipq
    set isp [blackip:json "isp" $data]
    set mobile [blackip:json "mobile" $data]
if {$isp != ""} { return [list $isp $mobile]} else { return 0 }

proc blackip:proxy_check {ip} {
    global black
    set type ""
    set link "$ip"
    set ipq [http::config -useragent "lynx"]
    set ipq [::http::geturl $link] 
    set data [http::data $ipq]
    ::http::cleanup $ipq
    set proxy [blackip:json "proxy" $data]
if {$proxy == "yes"} {
    return [list $proxy]
} else {
    return 0
    return 0

proc blackip:tell {nick chan type arg} {
    global black
    set inc 0
foreach s $arg {
    set inc [expr $inc + 1]
    set replace(%msg.$inc%) $s
    set getlang [blackip:getlang $chan]
if {[info exists black(blackip.$getlang.$type)]} {
    set reply [string map [array get replace] $black(blackip.$getlang.$type)]
if {$nick != ""} {
    putserv "NOTICE $nick :$reply"
} else {
    putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$reply"

proc blackip:getstatus {text chan} {
    global black
    set getlang [blackip:getlang $chan]
        switch $text {
    true {
    return $black(blackip.$getlang.17)
    false {
    return $black(blackip.$getlang.18)

proc blackip:getlang {chan} {
    global black
    set getlang [string tolower [channel get $chan iplang]]
if {$getlang == ""} {
    set lang [string tolower $black(default_lang)]
} else {
if {[info exists black(blackip.$getlang.1)]} {
    set lang $getlang
} else { 
    set lang [string tolower $black(default_lang)]
    return $lang

proc blackip:flood:prot {chan host} {
    global black
    set number [scan $black(flood_prot) %\[^:\]]
    set timer [scan $black(flood_prot) %*\[^:\]:%s]
if {[info exists black(ipflood:$host:$chan:act)]} {
    return 1
foreach tmr [utimers] {
if {[string match "*blackip:remove:flood $host $chan*" [join [lindex $tmr 1]]]} {
    killutimer [lindex $tmr 2]
if {![info exists black(ipflood:$host:$chan)]} { 
    set black(ipflood:$host:$chan) 0 
    incr black(ipflood:$host:$chan)
    utimer $timer [list blackip:remove:flood $host $chan]    
if {$black(ipflood:$host:$chan) > $number} {
    set black(ipflood:$host:$chan:act) 1
    utimer [expr $black(ignore_prot) * 60] [list blackip:expire:flood $host $chan]
    return 1
    } else {
    return 0

proc blackip:remove:flood {host chan} {
    global black
if {[info exists black(ipflood:$host:$chan)]} {
    unset black(ipflood:$host:$chan)

proc blackip:expire:flood {host chan} {
    global black
if {[info exists black(ipflood:$host:$chan:act)]} {
    unset black(ipflood:$host:$chan:act)

proc blackip:get:flood_time {host chan} {
    global black
        foreach tmr [utimers] {
if {[string match "*blackip:expire:flood $host $chan*" [join [lindex $tmr 1]]]} {
    return [lindex $tmr 0]

# Romanian
set black( "\[BlackIP\] Foloseste: \002!ip\002 \[ip|\002host\002|nickname\]"
set black( "\[\002%msg.1%\002\] nu este online."
set black( "\[\002X\002\] nu am putut rezolva adresa \002%msg.1%\002."
set black( "\[\002X\002\] nu am putut rezolva adresa \002%msg.1%\002 apartinand lui \002%msg.2%\002."
set black( "\002%msg.1%\002 e localizat in \002%msg.2%\002 (%msg.3%) ; \002Fus orar\002: %msg.4% ; \002IP\002: %msg.5% ; \002ISP\002: %msg.6% ; \002Mobil\002: %msg.8% ; \002Proxy\002: %msg.7%"
set black( "\002%msg.1%\002 e localizat in \002%msg.2%\002 (%msg.3%) ; \002Fus orar\002: %msg.4% ; \002Host\002: %msg.5% ; \002ISP\002: %msg.6% ; \002Mobil\002: %msg.8% ; \002Proxy\002: %msg.7%"
set black( "\002Nick\002: %msg.2% ; \002Host\002: %msg.1%"
set black( "\002Alte rDNS\002: %msg.1%"
set black( "\002%msg.1%\002 e localizat in \002%msg.2%\002 (%msg.3%) ; \002Fus orar\002: %msg.4% ; \002IP\002: %msg.5% ; \002ISP\002: %msg.10% ; \002Mobil\002: %msg.11% ; \002Proxy\002: %msg.6% ; \002Spam\002: %msg.7% ; \002TOR\002: %msg.8% ; \002Suspect\002: %msg.9%"
set black( "\002%msg.1%\002 e localizat in \002%msg.2%\002 (%msg.3%) ; \002Fus orar\002: %msg.4% ; \002Host\002: %msg.5% ; \002ISP\002: %msg.10% ; \002Mobil\002: %msg.11% ; \002Proxy\002: %msg.6% ; \002Spam\002: %msg.7% ; \002TOR\002: %msg.8% ; \002Suspect\002: %msg.9%"
set black( "\002%msg.1%\002 e localizat in \002%msg.2%\002 (%msg.3%) ; \002Fus orar\002: %msg.4% ; \002ISP\002: %msg.5% ; \002Mobil\002: %msg.7% ; \002Proxy\002: %msg.6%"
set black( "\002%msg.1%\002 e localizat in \002%msg.2%\002 (%msg.3%) ; \002Fus orar\002: %msg.4% ; \002ISP\002: %msg.9% ; \002Mobil\002: %msg.10% ; \002Proxy\002: %msg.5% ; \002Spam\002: %msg.6% ; \002TOR\002: %msg.7% ; \002Suspect\002: %msg.8%"
set black( "\[X\] \002%msg.1%\002 adresa IP necunoscuta"
set black( "da"
set black( "nu"
set black( "\002%msg.2%\002: Trimiti cereri prea repede. Calmeaza-te si incearca din nou dupa \002%msg.1% secunde\002. Multumesc!"
set black( "\002$blackip(projectName) $blackip(version)\002 realizat de\002 $blackip(author)\002 ($blackip(website))"

# English
set black(blackip.en.1) "\[BlackIP\] Use: \002!ip\002 \[ip|\002host\002|nickname\]"
set black(blackip.en.2) "\[\002%msg.1%\002\] is not Online."
set black(blackip.en.3) "\[\002X\002\] unable to resolve address \002%msg.1%\002."
set black(blackip.en.4) "\[\002X\002\] unable to resolve address \002%msg.1%\002 from \002%msg.2%\002."
set black(blackip.en.5) "\002%msg.1%\002 is located in \002%msg.2%\002 (%msg.3%) ; \002TimeZone\002: %msg.4% ; \002IP\002: %msg.5% ; \002ISP\002: %msg.6% ; \002Mobile\002: %msg.8% ; \002Proxy\002: %msg.7%"
set black(blackip.en.6) "\002%msg.1%\002 is located in \002%msg.2%\002 (%msg.3%) ; \002TimeZone\002: %msg.4% ; \002Host\002: %msg.5% ; \002ISP\002: %msg.6% ; \002Mobile\002: %msg.8% ; \002Proxy\002: %msg.7%"
set black(blackip.en.9) "\002Nick\002: %msg.2% ; \002Host\002: %msg.1%"
set black(blackip.en.11) "\002Other rDNS\002: %msg.1%"
set black(blackip.en.12) "\002%msg.1%\002 is located in \002%msg.2%\002 (%msg.3%) ; \002TimeZone\002: %msg.4% ; \002IP\002: %msg.5% ; \002ISP\002: %msg.10% ; \002Mobile\002: %msg.11% ; \002Proxy\002: %msg.6% ; \002Spam\002: %msg.7% ; \002TOR\002: %msg.8% ; \002Suspicious\002: %msg.9%"
set black(blackip.en.13) "\002%msg.1%\002 is located in \002%msg.2%\002 (%msg.3%) ; \002TimeZone\002: %msg.4% ; \002Host\002: %msg.5% ; \002ISP\002: %msg.10% ; \002Mobile\002: %msg.11% ; \002Proxy\002: %msg.6% ; \002Spam\002: %msg.7% ; \002TOR\002: %msg.8% ; \002Suspicious\002: %msg.9%"
set black(blackip.en.14) "\002%msg.1%\002 is located in \002%msg.2%\002 (%msg.3%) ; \002TimeZone\002: %msg.4% ; \002ISP\002: %msg.5% ; \002Mobile\002: %msg.7% ; \002Proxy\002: %msg.6%"
set black(blackip.en.15) "\002%msg.1%\002 is located in \002%msg.2%\002 (%msg.3%) ; \002TimeZone\002: %msg.4% ; \002ISP\002: %msg.9% ; \002Mobile\002: %msg.10% ; \002Proxy\002: %msg.5% ; \002Spam\002: %msg.6% ; \002TOR\002: %msg.7% ; \002Suspicious\002: %msg.8%"
set black(blackip.en.16) "\[X\] \002%msg.1%\002 unknown ip address"
set black(blackip.en.17) "true"
set black(blackip.en.18) "false"
set black(blackip.en.19) "\002%msg.2%\002: You're sending requests too fast. Calm down and try again after \002%msg.1% seconds\002. Thanks!"
set black(blackip.en.20) "\002$blackip(projectName) $blackip(version)\002 made by\002 $blackip(author)\002 ($blackip(website))"

# French
set black( "\[BlackIP\] Utilisation: \002!ip\002 \[ip|\002host\002|nickname\]"
set black( "\[\002%msg.1%\002\] n'est pas en ligne."
set black( "\[\002X\002\] incapable de resoudre l'adresse \002%msg.1%\002."
set black( "\[\002X\002\] incapable de resoudre l'adresse \002%msg.1%\002 de \002%msg.2%\002."
set black( "\002%msg.1%\002 se encuentra en \002%msg.2%\002 (%msg.3%) ; \002Fuseau horaire\002: %msg.4% ; \002IP\002: %msg.5% ; \002ISP\002: %msg.6% ; \002Portable\002: %msg.8% ; \002Proxy\002: %msg.7%"
set black( "\002%msg.1%\002 se encuentra en \002%msg.2%\002 (%msg.3%) ; \002TimeZone\002: %msg.4% ; \002Host\002: %msg.5% ; \002ISP\002: %msg.6% ; \002Portable\002: %msg.8% ; \002Proxy\002: %msg.7%"
set black( "\002Nick\002: %msg.2% ; \002Host\002: %msg.1%"
set black( "\002Autre rDNS\002: %msg.1%"
set black( "\002%msg.1%\002 est situe dans \002%msg.2%\002 (%msg.3%) ; \002Fuseau horaire\002: %msg.4% ; \002IP\002: %msg.5% ; \002ISP\002: %msg.10% ; \002Portable\002: %msg.11% ; \002Proxy\002: %msg.6% ; \002Spam\002: %msg.7% ; \002TOR\002: %msg.8% ; \002Soupconneux\002: %msg.9%"
set black( "\002%msg.1%\002 est situe dans \002%msg.2%\002 (%msg.3%) ; \002Fuseau horaire\002: %msg.4% ; \002Host\002: %msg.5% ; \002ISP\002: %msg.10% ; \002Portable\002: %msg.11% ; \002Proxy\002: %msg.6% ; \002Spam\002: %msg.7% ; \002TOR\002: %msg.8% ; \002Soupconneux\002: %msg.9%"
set black( "\002%msg.1%\002 est situe dans \002%msg.2%\002 (%msg.3%) ; \002Fuseau horaire\002: %msg.4% ; \002ISP\002: %msg.5% ; \002Portable\002: %msg.7% ; \002Proxy\002: %msg.6%"
set black( "\002%msg.1%\002 est situe dans \002%msg.2%\002 (%msg.3%) ; \002Fuseau horaire\002: %msg.4% ; \002ISP\002: %msg.9% ; \002Portable\002: %msg.10% ; \002Proxy\002: %msg.5% ; \002Spam\002: %msg.6% ; \002TOR\002: %msg.7% ; \002Soupconneux\002: %msg.8%"
set black( "\[X\] \002%msg.1%\002 adresse IP inconnue"
set black( "vrai"
set black( "faux"
set black( "\002%msg.2%\002: Vous envoyez des demandes trop rapidement. Calmez-vous et reessayez apres \002%msg.1% secondes\002. Merci!"
set black( "\002$blackip(projectName) $blackip(version)\002 fait par\002 $blackip(author)\002 ($blackip(website))"

# Spanish
set black( "\[BlackIP\] Uso: \002!ip\002 \[ip|\002host\002|nickname\]"
set black( "\[\002%msg.1%\002\] no esta en linea."
set black( "\[\002X\002\] incapaz de resolver la direccion \002%msg.1%\002."
set black( "\[\002X\002\] incapaz de resolver la direccion \002%msg.1%\002 desde \002%msg.2%\002."
set black( "\002%msg.1%\002 se encuentra en \002%msg.2%\002 (%msg.3%) ; \002Zona horaria\002: %msg.4% ; \002IP\002: %msg.5% ; \002ISP\002: %msg.6% ; \002Movil\002: %msg.8% ; \002Proxy\002: %msg.7%"
set black( "\002%msg.1%\002 se encuentra en \002%msg.2%\002 (%msg.3%) ; \002Zona horaria\002: %msg.4% ; \002Host\002: %msg.5% ; \002ISP\002: %msg.6% ; \002Movil\002: %msg.8% ; \002Proxy\002: %msg.7%"
set black( "\002Nick\002: %msg.2% ; \002Host\002: %msg.1%"
set black( "\002Otro rDNS\002: %msg.1%"
set black( "\002%msg.1%\002 se encuentra en \002%msg.2%\002 (%msg.3%) ; \002Zona horaria\002: %msg.4% ; \002IP\002: %msg.5% ; \002ISP\002: %msg.10% ; \002Movil\002: %msg.11% ; \002Proxy\002: %msg.6% ; \002Spam\002: %msg.7% ; \002TOR\002: %msg.8% ; \002Suspicaz\002: %msg.9%"
set black( "\002%msg.1%\002 se encuentra en \002%msg.2%\002 (%msg.3%) ; \002Zona horaria\002: %msg.4% ; \002Host\002: %msg.5% ; \002ISP\002: %msg.10% ; \002Movil\002: %msg.11% ; \002Proxy\002: %msg.6% ; \002Spam\002: %msg.7% ; \002TOR\002: %msg.8% ; \002Suspicaz\002: %msg.9%"
set black( "\002%msg.1%\002 se encuentra en \002%msg.2%\002 (%msg.3%) ; \002Zona horaria\002: %msg.4% ; \002ISP\002: %msg.5% ; \002Movil\002: %msg.7% ; \002Proxy\002: %msg.6%"
set black( "\002%msg.1%\002 se encuentra en \002%msg.2%\002 (%msg.3%) ; \002Zona horaria\002: %msg.4% ; \002ISP\002: %msg.9% ; \002Movil\002: %msg.10% ; \002Proxy\002: %msg.5% ; \002Spam\002: %msg.6% ; \002TOR\002: %msg.7% ; \002Suspicaz\002: %msg.8%"
set black( "\[X\] \002%msg.1%\002 direccion IP desconocida"
set black( "verdadero"
set black( "falso"
set black( "\002%msg.2%\002: Estas enviando solicitudes demasiado rapido. Calmate e intenta de nuevo despues de \002%msg.1% segundos\002. Gracias!"
set black( "\002$blackip(projectName) $blackip(version)\002 hecho por\002 $blackip(author)\002 ($blackip(website))"

# Italian
set black( "\[BlackIP\] Use: \002!ip\002 \[ip|\002host\002|nickname\]"
set black( "\[\002%msg.1%\002\] non e online."
set black( "\[\002X\002\] incapace di risolvere l'indirizzo \002%msg.1%\002."
set black( "\[\002X\002\] incapace di risolvere l'indirizzo \002%msg.1%\002 da \002%msg.2%\002."
set black( "\002%msg.1%\002 si trova in \002%msg.2%\002 (%msg.3%) ; \002Fuso orario\002: %msg.4% ; \002IP\002: %msg.5% ; \002ISP\002: %msg.6% ; \002Mobile\002: %msg.8% ; \002Proxy\002: %msg.7%"
set black( "\002%msg.1%\002 si trova in \002%msg.2%\002 (%msg.3%) ; \002Fuso orario\002: %msg.4% ; \002Host\002: %msg.5% ; \002ISP\002: %msg.6% ; \002Mobile\002: %msg.8% ; \002Proxy\002: %msg.7%"
set black( "\002Nick\002: %msg.2% ; \002Host\002: %msg.1%"
set black( "\002Altro rDNS\002: %msg.1%"
set black( "\002%msg.1%\002 si trova in \002%msg.2%\002 (%msg.3%) ; \002Fuso orario\002: %msg.4% ; \002IP\002: %msg.5% ; \002ISP\002: %msg.10% ; \002Mobile\002: %msg.11% ; \002Proxy\002: %msg.6% ; \002Spam\002: %msg.7% ; \002TOR\002: %msg.8% ; \002Sospetto\002: %msg.9%"
set black( "\002%msg.1%\002 si trova in \002%msg.2%\002 (%msg.3%) ; \002Fuso orario\002: %msg.4% ; \002Host\002: %msg.5% ; \002ISP\002: %msg.10% ; \002Mobile\002: %msg.11% ; \002Proxy\002: %msg.6% ; \002Spam\002: %msg.7% ; \002TOR\002: %msg.8% ; \002Sospetto\002: %msg.9%"
set black( "\002%msg.1%\002 si trova in \002%msg.2%\002 (%msg.3%) ; \002Fuso orario\002: %msg.4% ; \002ISP\002: %msg.5% ; \002Mobile\002: %msg.7% ; \002Proxy\002: %msg.6%"
set black( "\002%msg.1%\002 si trova in \002%msg.2%\002 (%msg.3%) ; \002Fuso orario\002: %msg.4% ; \002ISP\002: %msg.9% ; \002Mobile\002: %msg.10% ; \002Proxy\002: %msg.5% ; \002Spam\002: %msg.6% ; \002TOR\002: %msg.7% ; \002Sospetto\002: %msg.8%"
set black( "\[X\] \002%msg.1%\002 indirizzo IP sconosciuto"
set black( "vero"
set black( "falso"
set black( "\002%msg.2%\002: Stai inviando richieste troppo velocemente. Calmati e riprova dopo \002%msg.1% secondi\002. Grazie!"
set black( "\002$blackip(projectName) $blackip(version)\002 prodotto da\002 $blackip(author)\002 ($blackip(website))"
putlog "\002$blackip(projectName) $blackip(version)\002 coded by\002 $blackip(author)\002 ($blackip(website)): Loaded & initialized.."

###                  *** END OF BlackIP TCL ***                                                     ###

- dns

set dnshost(cmdchar) "!"
bind pub - [string trim $dnshost(cmdchar)]dns dns:res
bind pub n|n [string trim $dnshost(cmdchar)]amsg pub:amsg
bind pub - [string trim $dnshost(cmdchar)]User@host pub:host
bind pub - [string trim $dnshost(cmdchar)]persi pub:persi
bind pub - [string trim $dnshost(cmdchar)]dnsnick dns:nick
bind raw * 311 raw:host
bind raw * 401 raw:fail
set dns_chan ""
set dns_host ""
set dns_nick ""
set dns_bynick ""
proc pub:host {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
global dns_chan
set dns_chan "$chan"
putserv "whois [lindex $arg 0]"
proc raw:host {from signal arg} {
global dns_chan dns_nick dns_host dns_bynick
set dns_nick "[lindex $arg 1]"
set dns_host "*!*[lindex $arg 2]@[lindex $arg 3]"
foreach dns_say $dns_chan { puthelp "privmsg $dns_say :\[4DNS Nick\] $dns_nick 12adalah $dns_host " }
if {$dns_bynick == "oui"} {
                set hostip [split [lindex $arg 3] ]
                dnslookup $hostip resolve_rep $dns_chan $hostip
                set dns_bynick "non"
proc raw:fail {from signal arg} {
global dns_chan
set arg "[lindex $arg 1]"
foreach dns_say $dns_chan { puthelp "privmsg $dns_say :Nick $arg Tidak online keknya kakak." }
proc pub:persi {nick uhost hand chan text} {
putserv "privmsg $chan :Dns Resolver 3.1 oleh $botnick"
proc dns:res {nick uhost hand chan text} {
 if {$text == ""} {
            puthelp "privmsg $chan :Syntax: [string trim $dnshost(cmdchar)]dns <host or ip>"
        } else {
                set hostip [split $text]
                dnslookup $hostip resolve_rep $chan $hostip
proc dns:nick {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
global dns_chan dns_bynick dnshost
 if {$arg == ""} {
 puthelp "privmsg $chan :Syntax: [string trim $dnshost(cmdchar)]dnsnick <nick>"
        } else {
set dns_chan "$chan"
set dns_bynick "oui"
putserv "whois [lindex $arg 0]"
proc resolve_rep {ip host status chan hostip} {
        if {!$status} {
                puthelp "privmsg $chan :\[4DNS\] Maaf tidak bisa resolve 14$hostip"
        } elseif {[regexp -nocase -- $ip $hostip]} {
                puthelp "privmsg $chan :\[4DNS\] Resolve 14$ip 12adalah 14$host"
        } else {
                puthelp "privmsg $chan :\[4DNS\] Resolve 14$host 12adalah 14$ip"

that's one of the scripts and it's on the server a and if I can check on the server c like the server c there's a server then the server resets and sends it via relay to the c-zeloa server so that it can be read
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Ok, now I can work.
(22/02/2019, 12:35)CrazyCat a écrit : Ok, now I can work.

niice i will waiting sir
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