soucis avec un script de greet
Bonjour je viens par ici car j'ai un soucis avec un script de greet.

voici le script

### Necessary configuration ###
set patch "home/shell557/eggdrop/scripts/greet" 
# Example: "home/darles/eggdrop/greet"
set greetsize "100"
# Greet limit (symbols)
set floodtimer "20"
# Time after which person can change it's greet

### End of necessary configuration ###

### Other configuration ### 
set floodtext "Don't flood!!! You could set greet after $floodtimer seconds"
# This is message will be showed for flooders
set greetok "Your greet has been successfully set"
# This message will be showed, when greet is OK
set greetbad "Your greet is longer than $greetsize symbols"
# This error message will be showed then greet is longer than it should be
set greetdel "Your greet successfully deleted"
# This message will be showed then greet will be successfully deleted
set greetdelerr "Your greet not found"
# This error message will be showed then greet file not found
set yourgreet "Your greet is:"
# This is message using in !mygreet command

#                                                   #
#        PLEASE DO NOT EDIT LINES BELOW!!!          #
#                                                   #
bind pub - !greet addgreet
bind pub - !remgreet remgreet
bind pub - !mygreet mygreet
bind pub - !help help
bind join - * showgreet
proc addgreet {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
global file greetsize patch greetbad greetok floodtext floodtimer
set file "$nick.txt2"
if {[file exist /$patch/$file]} {
set file2 [open /$patch/$file r]
gets $file2 ignore
close $file2
putserv "NOTICE $nick :$ignore"
} else {
set file3 [open /$patch/$nick.txt w+]
set text [lrange [split $arg] 0 end]
if {[string length $text] >= $greetsize} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :$greetbad"
return 1
} else {
puts $file3 "$text"
close $file3
putserv "NOTICE $nick :$greetok"
set file4 [open /$patch/$file w+]
puts $file4 $floodtext
close $file4
utimer $floodtimer del
proc del {} {
global file patch
file delete "/$patch/$file"
proc showgreet {nick uhost hand chan} {
global patch
if {[file exist /$patch/$nick.txt]} {
set file5 [open /$patch/$nick.txt r+]
gets $file5 text
close $file5
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\[$nick\] $text"
proc mygreet {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
global patch
if {[file exist /$patch/$nick.txt]} {
set file6 [open /$patch/$nick.txt r]
gets $file6 text
close $file6
putserv "NOTICE $nick :$yourgreet \[$nick\] $text"
proc remgreet {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
global patch greetdel greetdelerr
if {[file exist /$patch/$nick.txt]} {
file delete "/$patch/$nick.txt"
file delete "/$patch/$nick.txt2"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :$greetdel"
} else {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :$greetdelerr"
proc help {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :My commands is:"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :!greet <text> - set your greet, !remgreet - remove your greet, !mygreet - show your greet, !help - show this help"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Greet script by darles."

Il enregistre bien les greet, mais par contre quand on veux lire son greet en tapant la commande !mygreet il annonce l'erreure suivante:

[00:33:46] <(Experienza> [00:33] Tcl error [mygreet]: can't read "yourgreet": no such variable

j'ai essayé de modifié les noms des fichiers mais rien y fais.
Si quelqu'un à une idée merci d'avance.
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Tu as oublié d'appeler la variable en début de proc:

proc mygreet {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
global patch yourgreet
if {[file exist /$patch/$nick.txt]} {
set file6 [open /$patch/$nick.txt r]
gets $file6 text
close $file6
putserv "NOTICE $nick :$yourgreet \[$nick\] $text"

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Ha oui pffffff que suis je bete

Merci BdS pour ton observation.
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