Modification MySQLEGGLog

j'ai un petit soucis au niveau du script MySQLEGGLog.
en effet si mes bots annonce exactement la même chose au même moment j'ai un doublon dans la base de données et je ne peux donc pas lancer mes scripts.

comme je ne connais pas trop bien les fonctions peut-on mettre en place un "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" afin de justement eviter d'avoir des doublons
car la le script ne crée par d'index et donc c'est génant ou alors crée un index ?

si quelqu'un connait une solution.
voici le script :

Code :
# Use @ your own risk.
# DO use properly configured flood protection.
# It uses the mysqltcl package @

# this works for freebsd..
#load /usr/local/lib/tcl8.5/mysqltcl/
load /usr/lib/tcltk/mysqltcl-3.05/
# channel name is converted to lower case and an md5 hash of it is made..
# why? if anyone knows a better way to handle the weird accented chars problem, lemme know ;-)

set dst([md5 [string tolower #INFO]]) info_table
set dst([md5 [string tolower #INFO.Admin]]) admin_table
set dst([md5 [string tolower #DEV]]) DEV_table

set db_handle [mysqlconnect -host localhost -user xxxxx  -password xxxx -db HOSTING]

putlog "MySQLEGGLog v0.5 loaded!"

# bind pubm <flags> <mask> <proc>
# procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel> <text>

bind pubm - * egglog_pubmsg

proc egglog_pubmsg { nick host handle channel text } {
  global dst
  set channel [string tolower $channel]
  if { [info exists dst([md5 $channel])] == 0 } { return 0 }
  if { ($handle == "") || ($handle == "*")} {
    set handle $nick

  global db_handle
  set sql "INSERT DELAYED INTO $dst([md5 $channel]) VALUES(now(), "
  set nick [ mysqlescape $nick ]
  append sql "'$nick', "
  set host [ mysqlescape $host ]
  append sql "'$host', "
  set channel [ mysqlescape $channel ]
  append sql "'$channel', "
  set text [mysqlescape $text]
  append sql "'$text', "
  append sql "'PRIVMSG', "
  append sql "'') "
  set result [mysqlexec $db_handle $sql]
  if {$result != 1} {
    putlog "Couldn't execute $sql on the server!"

# bind notc <flags> <mask> <proc>
# procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <text> <dest>

bind notc - * egglog_pubnotc

proc egglog_pubnotc { nick host handle text dest } {
  global dst
   set channel [string tolower $dest]
  if { [info exists dst([md5 $channel])] == 0 } { return 0 }
if {($handle == "") || ($handle == "*")} {
    set handle $nick
global db_handle
  set sql "INSERT DELAYED INTO $dst([md5 $channel]) VALUES(now(), "
  set nick [ mysqlescape $nick ]
  append sql "'$nick', "
  set host [ mysqlescape $host ]
  append sql "'$host', "
  set dest [ mysqlescape $dest ]
  append sql "'$dest', "
  set text [mysqlescape $text]
  append sql "'$text', "
  append sql "'NOTICE', "
  append sql "'') "
  set result [mysqlexec $db_handle $sql]
  if {$result != 1} {
    putlog "Couldn't execute $sql on the server!"

# bind join <flags> <mask> <proc>
# procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel>

bind join - * egglog_join

proc egglog_join { nick host handle channel } {
    global dst
    set channel [string tolower $channel]
  if { [info exists dst([md5 $channel])] == 0 } { return 0 }
if {($handle == "") || ($handle == "*")} {
    set handle $nick
global db_handle
  set sql "INSERT DELAYED INTO $dst([md5 $channel]) VALUES(now(), "
  set nick [ mysqlescape $nick ]
  append sql "'$nick', "
  set host [ mysqlescape $host ]
  append sql "'$host', "
  set channel [ mysqlescape $channel ]
  append sql "'$channel', "
  append sql "'', "
  append sql "'JOIN',"
  append sql "'') "
  set result [mysqlexec $db_handle $sql]
  if {$result != 1} {
    putlog "Couldn't execute $sql on the server!"

# bind part <flags> <mask> <proc>
# procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel> <msg>

bind part - * egglog_part

proc egglog_part { nick host handle channel msg} {
    global dst
    set channel [string tolower $channel]
  if { [info exists dst([md5 $channel])] == 0 } { return 0 }
if {($handle == "") || ($handle == "*")} {
    set handle $nick
global db_handle
  set sql "INSERT DELAYED INTO $dst([md5 $channel]) VALUES(now(), "
  set nick [ mysqlescape $nick ]
  append sql "'$nick', "
  set host [ mysqlescape $host ]
  append sql "'$host', "
  set channel [ mysqlescape $channel ]
  append sql "'$channel', "
  set msg [ mysqlescape $msg ]
  append sql "'$msg', "
  append sql "'PART',"
  append sql "'') "
  set result [mysqlexec $db_handle $sql]
  if {$result != 1} {
    putlog "Couldn't execute $sql on the server!"

# bind sign <flags> <mask> <proc>
# procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel> <reason>

bind sign - * egglog_quit

proc egglog_quit { nick host handle channel msg} {
    global dst
    set channel [string tolower $channel]
  if { [info exists dst([md5 $channel])] == 0 } { return 0 }
if {($handle == "") || ($handle == "*")} {
    set handle $nick
global db_handle
  set sql "INSERT DELAYED INTO $dst([md5 $channel]) VALUES(now(), "
  set nick [ mysqlescape $nick ]
  append sql "'$nick', "
  set host [ mysqlescape $host ]
  append sql "'$host', "
  set channel [ mysqlescape $channel ]
  append sql "'$channel', "
  set msg [ mysqlescape $msg ]
  append sql "'$msg', "
  append sql "'QUIT',"
  append sql "'') "
  set result [mysqlexec $db_handle $sql]
  if {$result != 1} {
    putlog "Couldn't execute $sql on the server!"

# bind topc <flags> <mask> <proc>
# procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel> <topic>

bind topc - * egglog_topic

proc egglog_topic { nick host handle channel msg} {
    global dst
    set channel [string tolower $channel]
  if { [info exists dst([md5 $channel])] == 0 } { return 0 }
if {($handle == "") || ($handle == "*")} {
    set handle $nick
global db_handle
  set sql "INSERT DELAYED INTO $dst([md5 $channel]) VALUES(now(), "
  set nick [ mysqlescape $nick ]
  append sql "'$nick', "
  set host [ mysqlescape $host ]
  append sql "'$host', "
  set channel [ mysqlescape $channel ]
  append sql "'$channel', "
  set msg [mysqlescape $msg]
  append sql "'$msg', "
  append sql "'TOPIC',"
  append sql "'') "
  set result [mysqlexec $db_handle $sql]
  if {$result != 1} {
    putlog "Couldn't execute $sql on the server!"

# bind kick <flags> <mask> <proc>
# procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel> <target> <reason>

bind kick - * egglog_kick

proc egglog_kick { nick host handle channel target action_data } {
    global dst
    set channel [string tolower $channel]
  if { [info exists dst([md5 $channel])] == 0 } { return 0 }
if {($handle == "") || ($handle == "*")} {
    set handle $nick
global db_handle
  set sql "INSERT DELAYED INTO $dst([md5 $channel]) VALUES(now(), "
  set nick [ mysqlescape $nick ]
  append sql "'$nick', "
  set host [ mysqlescape $host ]
  append sql "'$host', "
  set channel [ mysqlescape $channel ]
  append sql "'$channel', "
  set target [ mysqlescape $target ]
  append sql "'$target', "
  append sql "'KICK',"
  set action_data [mysqlescape $action_data ]
  append sql "'$action_data') "
  set result [mysqlexec $db_handle $sql]
  if {$result != 1} {
    putlog "Couldn't execute $sql on the server!"

# bind nick <flags> <mask> <proc>
# procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel> <newnick>

bind nick - * egglog_nick

proc egglog_nick { nick host handle channel newnick } {
    global dst
    set channel [string tolower $channel]
  if { [info exists dst([md5 $channel])] == 0 } { return 0 }
if {($handle == "") || ($handle == "*")} {
    set handle $nick
global db_handle
  set sql "INSERT DELAYED INTO $dst([md5 $channel]) VALUES(now(), "
  set nick [ mysqlescape $nick ]
  append sql "'$nick', "
  set host [ mysqlescape $host ]
  append sql "'$host', "
  set channel [ mysqlescape $channel ]
  append sql "'$channel', "
  set newnick [ mysqlescape $newnick ]
  append sql "'$newnick', "
  append sql "'NICK',"
  append sql "'') "
  set result [mysqlexec $db_handle $sql]
  if {$result != 1} {
    putlog "Couldn't execute $sql on the server!"

# bind mode <flags> <mask> <proc>
# proc-name <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel> <mode-change> <victim>

bind mode - * egglog_mode

proc egglog_mode { nick host handle channel modechange victim } {
    global dst
    set channel [string tolower $channel]
  if { [info exists dst([md5 $channel])] == 0 } { return 0 }
if {($handle == "") || ($handle == "*")} {
    set handle $nick
global db_handle
  set sql "INSERT DELAYED INTO $dst([md5 $channel]) VALUES(now(), "
  set nick [ mysqlescape $nick ]
  append sql "'$nick', "
  set host [ mysqlescape $host ]
  append sql "'$host', "
  set channel [ mysqlescape $channel ]
  append sql "'$channel', "
  set modechange [ mysqlescape $modechange ]
  append sql "'$modechange', "
  append sql "'MODE',"
  set victim [ mysqlescape $victim ]
  append sql "'$victim') "
  set result [mysqlexec $db_handle $sql]
  if {$result != 1} {
    putlog "Couldn't execute $sql on the server!"

# bind ctcp <flags> <keyword> <proc>
# proc-name <nick> <user@host> <handle> <dest> <keyword> <text>

bind ctcp - * egglog_ctcp

proc egglog_ctcp { nick host handle dest keyword text } {
    global dst
    set channel [string tolower $dest]
  if { [info exists dst([md5 $channel])] == 0 } { return 0 }
if {($handle == "") || ($handle == "*")} {
    set handle $nick
global db_handle
  set sql "INSERT DELAYED INTO $dst([md5 $channel]) VALUES(now(), "
  set nick [ mysqlescape $nick ]
  append sql "'$nick', "
  set host [ mysqlescape $host ]
  append sql "'$host', "
  set dest [ mysqlescape $dest ]
  append sql "'$dest', "
  set keyword [mysqlescape $keyword]
  append sql "'$keyword', "
  append sql "'CTCP',"
  set text [mysqlescape $text]
  append sql "'$text') "
  set result [mysqlexec $db_handle $sql]
  if {$result != 1} {
    putlog "Couldn't execute $sql on the server!"

# bind ctcr <flags> <keyword> <proc>
# proc-name <nick> <user@host> <handle> <dest> <keyword> <text>

bind ctcr - * egglog_ctcpreply

proc egglog_ctcpreply { nick host handle dest keyword text } {
    global dst
    set channel [string tolower $dest]
  if { [info exists dst([md5 $channel])] == 0 } { return 0 }
if {($handle == "") || ($handle == "*")} {
    set handle $nick
global db_handle
  set sql "INSERT DELAYED INTO $dst([md5 $channel]) VALUES(now(), "
  set nick [ mysqlescape $nick ]
  append sql "'$nick', "
  set host [ mysqlescape $host ]
  append sql "'$host', "
  set dest [ mysqlescape $dest ]
  append sql "'$dest', "
  set keyword [mysqlescape $keyword]
  append sql "'$keyword', "
  append sql "'CTCP-REPLY',"
  set text [mysqlescape $text]
  append sql "'$text') "
  set result [mysqlexec $db_handle $sql]
  if {$result != 1} {
    putlog "Couldn't execute $sql on the server!"

# bind splt <flags> <mask> <proc>
# procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel>

bind splt - * egglog_split

proc egglog_split { nick host handle channel } {
    global dst
    set channel [string tolower $channel]
  if { [info exists dst([md5 $channel])] == 0 } { return 0 }
if {($handle == "") || ($handle == "*")} {
    set handle $nick
global db_handle
  set sql "INSERT DELAYED INTO $dst([md5 $channel]) VALUES(now(), "
  set nick [ mysqlescape $nick ]
  append sql "'$nick', "
  set host [ mysqlescape $host ]
  append sql "'$host', "
  set channel [ mysqlescape $channel ]
  append sql "'$channel', "
  append sql "'', "
  append sql "'NETSPLIT',"
  append sql "'') "
  set result [mysqlexec $db_handle $sql]
  if {$result != 1} {
    putlog "Couldn't execute $sql on the server!"

# bind rejn <flags> <mask> <proc>
# procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel>

bind rejn - * egglog_rejoin

proc egglog_rejoin { nick host handle channel } {
    global dst
   set channel [string tolower $channel]
  if { [info exists dst([md5 $channel])] == 0 } { return 0 }
if {($handle == "") || ($handle == "*")} {
    set handle $nick
global db_handle
  set sql "INSERT DELAYED INTO $dst([md5 $channel]) VALUES(now(), "
  set nick [ mysqlescape $nick ]
  append sql "'$nick', "
  set host [ mysqlescape $host ]
  append sql "'$host', "
  set channel [ mysqlescape $channel ]
  append sql "'$channel', "
  append sql "'', "
  append sql "'REJOIN',"
  append sql "'') "
  set result [mysqlexec $db_handle $sql]
  if {$result != 1} {
    putlog "Couldn't execute $sql on the server!"

Merci pour votre aide
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