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commande "bind" - Version imprimable

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commande "bind" - XchatUser - 08/06/2011

Tout est dans mon speudo et dans le titre de mon sujet...
Donc de fait rien à voir avec votre site qui traite des eggdrops Sad

Donc je suis un utilisateur de xchat pour windows (désolé pour les puristes linuxiens) et je suis à la recherche de script pour mon client, ors tout ce que je trouve dans les divers "langage" (python, perl ...) a été écrit pour Linux et font planter mon client à chaque essai de chargement, ce qui est normal... Les seuls script fonctionnels que je trouve sont en TCL.

Mon problème est que j'ai trouvé sur le net plusieurs scripts "scanneur de clones" mais écrit pour les eggdrops :/ et dont les commande "bind" ne sont pas reconnues par xchat.

J'en viens donc à ma question : par quelle commande puis je remplacer tout ces binds qui se trouvent sur les scripts qui m’intéresse ?

Voici par exemple le code d'un des scripts :
# $Id: clonescan.tcl, v5.90.b eggdrop-1.6.18 2007/08/09 04:42:06 Exp $

# Begin - Clone Scanner v5.90.b [clonescan.tcl]
#       Build date: 23rd July 2007
#       Copyright © 1998-2007 awyeah (
#       This TCL script is designed to work with eggdrop v1.6.17 or higher

#                         Clone Scanner v5.90.b                         #
#                                                                       #
#                                                                       #
# Author: awyeah                                        9th August 2007 #
# Email:                   Build version 5.90.b #
#                                                                       #
# #######                                                               #
# PURPOSE                                                               #
# #######                                                               #
#                                                                       #
# This script serves the purpose of eliminating excessive clones        #
# residing in a channel. These clones are detected in the format of     #
# *!*                                                  #
#                                                                       #
#                                                                       #
# ########                                                              #
# FEATURES                                                              #
# ########                                                              #
#                                                                       #
# (1) This script has '2' settings of channels to work on.              #
#      (a) Can be activated to work on user defined channels.           #
#      (b) Can be activated to work on all the channels the bot is on.  #
#                                                                       #
# (2) The clone scan invertal time is customizable, to scan the channel #
#     continuously after 'X' number of minutes.                         #
#                                                                       #
# (3) This script also has a feature to scan users on joining channels  #
#     to check for clones. This feature can be enabled or disabled as   #
#     desired.                                                          #
#                                                                       #
# (4) This script automatically exempts people with OPS and VOICES from #
#     the clone detection mechansim. This has been implemented since    #
#     most channel ops and voices have spam cycler bots running around  #
#     the channel.                                                      #
#                                                                       #
# (5) An additional feature in this script is that it automatically     #
#     exempts all users with virtual hosts (vhosts) from the clone      #
#     detection mechanism. Hence, users with real ISP (Internet         #
#     Service Provider) IP addresses are only checked for clones.       #
#                                                                       #
#                                                                       #
# ############                                                          #
# REQUIREMENTS                                                          #
# ############                                                          #
#                                                                       #
#  The following requirements must be taken into consideration before   #
#  utilizing this script further:                                       #
#                                                                       #
#   (Fields marked with a '*' are compulsory requirements)              #
#                                                                       #
# (*) (1) You must be running EGGDROP v1.6.17 or higher.                #
# (*) (2) You must have TCL v8.4 or higher installed on the system.     #
#                                                                       #
#   To FIND the TCL VERSION and PATCH LEVEL your shell is running:      #
#     (1) At your shell prompt type: tclsh                              #
#         (a) If you have several different versions of tcl installed   #
#             on the system, pick the latest version. E.g: tclsh8.3,    #
#             tclsh8.4 which is installed from the given list.          #
#             (i) At shell prompt type: tclsh8.4 (and go to step 2)     #
#         (b) If you have only one version, pick that one or continue   #
#             with 'tclsh' only if it doesn't say to use another name.  #
#     (2) To find your tcl version type: info tclversion                #
#     (3) To exit tclsh, type: exit                                     #
#                                                                       #
#                                                                       #
# ############                                                          #
# INSTALLATION                                                          #
# ############                                                          #
#                                                                       #
#  This quick installation tutorial consists of 5 steps. Please follow  #
#  all steps correctly in order to setup your script.                   #
#                                                                       #
# (1) Upload the file clonescan.tcl in your eggdrop '/scripts' folder   #
#     along with your other TCL scripts.                                #
#                                                                       #
# (2) OPEN your eggdrops configuration (.conf) file and add a link at   #
#     the bottom of the configuration file to the path of drone nick    #
#     remover script, it would be:                                      #
#                                                                       #
#               source scripts/clonescan.tcl                            #
#                                                                       #
#                                                                       #
# (3) SAVE your bots configuration file.                                #
#                                                                       #
# (4) OPEN clonescan.tcl and start configuring variables for the        #
#     script. (START FROM: 'Start configuring variables from here!'     #
#     END AT: 'Congratulations! Script configuration is now complete')  #
#                                                                       #
# (5) RESTART your bot and start logging verbose notices!               #
#                                                                       #
#                                                                       #
# ########                                                              #
# VERSIONS                                                              #
# ########                                                              #
#                                                                       #
#  v5.90.b  - Fixed the mask exemption detection in both procs to work  #
# (09/08/07)  properly for all types of masks.                          #
#           - Split the list of defined channels correctly for the      #
#             on:join proc to work for all defined channels.            #
#                                                                       #
#  v5.16.b  - Fixed the kicking queue so that, if there are many clones #
# (06/08/07)  the bot doesn't get excess flood while kicking them out.  #
#                                                                       #
#  v2.58.b  - Added an exemption option for specific masks for use      #
# (23/07/07)  on irc networks utilzing host-masking services such as    #
#             HostServ.                                                 #
#           - Added an unban time for unbanning banned clone hosts.     #
#                                                                       #
#  v2.35.b  - First public release.                                     #
# (12/07/07)                                                            #
#                                                                       #
#                                                                       #
# ########                                                              #
# CONTACTS                                                              #
# ########                                                              #
#                                                                       #
#  (*) For any suggestions, comments, questions or bugs reports, feel   #
#      free to email me at:                                             #
#                                                                       #
#                                      #
#                                                                       #
#                                                                       #
#  (*) You can also contact me on MSN Messenger - my messenger ID is:   #
#                                                                       #
#                                            #
#                                                                       #
#                                                                       #
#  (*) You can also catch me on The DALnet Network:                     #
#                                                                       #
#               /server, Nick: awyeah                  #
#                      Channels: #awyeah, #eggdrops                     #
#                                                                       #
#                                                                       #
# NOTE: I have a lot of people bothering me for scripts, which they     #
#       haven't configured properly themselves. So please read ALL the  #
#       comments provided while configuring the script and make sure    #
#       you follow the same standard formats as of the examples when    #
#       you are setting and configurating the scripts variables.        #
#                                                                       #
#                                                                       #
# #########                                                             #
# COPYRIGHT                                                             #
# #########                                                             #
#                                                                       #
# This program is a free software; you can distribute it under the      #
# terms of the GNU General Public License under Section 1 as published  #
# by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the license, or  #
# (at your option) any later version.                                   #
#                                                                       #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        #
# GNU General Public License for more details.                          #
#                                                                       #
# WARNING:                                                              #
# This program is protected by copyright law and international          #
# treaties. Unauthorized reproduction of this program, or any portion   #
# of it, may result in severe civil penalties and will be prosecuted to #
# the maximum extent possible under the law.                            #
#                                                                       #
#                                                                       #
# #########                                                             #
# DOWNLOADS                                                             #
# #########                                                             #
#                                                                       #
#  Latest versions of this script can be found on the TCL archives of   #
#  the following websites:                                              #
#                                                                       #
#   1)                                          #
#   2)                                        #
#   3)                          #
#                                                                       #

### Start configuring variables from here! ###

#Set the channels you would like this script to work on.
#USAGE: [1/2] (1=User defined channels, 2=All channels the bot is on)
set clonescan(chantype) "1"

#Set the channels below (each separated by a space) on which this script would work.
#USAGE: set clonescan(channels) "#channel1 #channel2 #mychannel"
set clonescan(channels) "#Shareaza-French  #french"

#Set the time here in 'minutes' after which you would like the bot to scan the channel for clones.
#Note: Clones are detected in the format of: *!*
#USAGE: Any integer value between 0 and 60.
set clonescan(time) "10"

#Set the 'maximum number' of clones here which would be detected by the script.
#If the number of users using the same *!* is detected more than or
#equal to this number then the script will ban that IP address and kick out all the clones.
#USAGE: Any integer value
set clonescan(max) "10"

#Set this if you want the bot to scan users on joining the channel for clones.
#USAGE: [0/1] (0=OFF, 1=ON)
set clonescan(join) "1"

#Set the bantime here in 'minutes' which you want to ban the clones for with
#the hostmask *!*
#USAGE: Any integer value
set clonescan(bantime) "0"

#Set the list of masks here you want the script to exempt from being detected as clones. This
#option is good for exempting masks on host-masking networks which have services such as HostServ.
#(NOTE: Wildcards such as '*' and '?' can be used)
#Guidelines for the mask exemption list:
#1) All masks should be in the format: nick!
#2) Every mask pattern should be placed in a new line
#3) Only add suitable patterns which effect small mask ranges - if you are using wildcards
#Explanation of wildcards masks:
# - The character '*' matches 0 or more characters of any type
# - The character '?' matches any single character
#If you do not have any mask to exempt: set clonescan(exempt) {}
set clonescan(exempt) {

# This script automatically exempts people with: #
# (a) OPS and VOICES                             #
# (b) Virtual hosts (vhosts)                     #
# from the clone detection mechansim.            #

### Congratulations! Script configuration is now complete ###

### Don't edit anything else from this point onwards even if you know tcl! ###
if {$clonescan(chantype) == 1} {
 set clonescan(chans) $clonescan(channels)
} elseif {$clonescan(chantype) == 2} {
 set clonescan(chans) [channels]
set clonescan(auth) "\x61\x77\x79\x65\x61\x68"
set clonescan(ver) "v5.90.b"
bind time - "*" clone:scan:in:chan
if {$clonescan(join) == 1} { bind join - "*" clone:scan:on:join }
proc clone:scan:in:chan {m h d mo y} {
 global clonescan
 #check the time interval to perform the scan
 if {([scan $m %d]+([scan $h %d]*60)) % $clonescan(time) == 0} {
 #check all channels in the scan list
 foreach chan [split $clonescan(chans)] {
 #if channel is empty, skip to next channel in scan list
 if {[llength [chanlist $chan]] <= 1} { continue }

 #build list of channel users
 set userlist [list]
 foreach nick [chanlist $chan] {
  if {![isbotnick $nick] && ![matchattr [nick2hand $nick $chan] mn|mn $chan]} {
   lappend userlist [string tolower [lindex [split [getchanhost $nick $chan] @] 1]]

 #build list of channel ops and voices
 set oplist [list]
 foreach nick [chanlist $chan] {
  if {![isbotnick $nick] && ![matchattr [nick2hand $nick $chan] mn|mn $chan] && [isop $nick $chan] || [isvoice $nick $chan]} {
   lappend oplist [string tolower [lindex [split [getchanhost $nick $chan] @] 1]]
 set oplist [lsort -unique $oplist]

 #find no. of clone hosts in channel user list
 foreach host $userlist {
  if {![info exists count($host)]} {
   set count($host) 0
  } else {
   incr count($host)
 #if clones more than or equal to $clonescan(max), add them to the clone list
 set clonehost [list]
 foreach host $userlist {
  if {[expr $count($host) + 1] >= $clonescan(max)} {
   lappend clonehost $host
 unset count
 set clonehost [lsort -unique $clonehost]
 if {[llength $clonehost] == "0"} { continue }

 #filter out any exempt masks found in the clone list
 if {[llength [split $clonescan(exempt) "\n"]] > 0} {
 set exemptlist [list]
 foreach exempthost $clonescan(exempt) {
  lappend exemptlist $exempthost
 if {[llength $exemptlist] > 0} {
  set exemptclones [list]
   foreach host $clonehost {
    if {![string match -nocase "*$host*" $exemptlist]} {
     lappend exemptclones $host
    } else {
  set clonehost [lsort -unique $exemptclones]
  if {[llength $clonehost] == "0"} { continue }

 #make a new list of clone ips, and exlude the ones found as vhosts
 set clonevhost [list]
 foreach host $clonehost {
  if {[info exists no_vhost_found]} { unset no_vhost_found }
  set tld [lindex [split $host "."] [expr [llength [split $host "."]] - 1]]
  set domain [lindex [split $host "."] [expr [llength [split $host "."]] - 2]]
  set nodomaintld [string map {" " "."} [lrange [split $host "."] 0 [expr [llength [split $host "."]] - 3]]]
  set numbers [regexp -all {[0-9]} $host]
  set alphabets [regexp -nocase -all {[a-z]} $host]
  set totalchar [expr $numbers + $alphabets]
  set numbersper [expr (($totalchar - $alphabets) * 100) / $totalchar]

  #ip address in format (
  if {([string length [string map {"." ""} $host]] <= 12) && ([regexp -all {\.} $host] == "3") && [string equal [string length [string map {"." ""} $host]] [regexp -all {[0-9]} $host]] && ([regexp -all -nocase {[a-z]} $host] == "0") && [regexp {^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$} $host] && ([regexp -all -nocase {[a-z]} $host] == "0") || ($numbersper == "100") && [regexp {^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$} $host]} {
   set no_vhost_found 1
  #ip address in domain format
  } elseif {([string length [string map {"." ""} $host]] >= 18) && ($numbersper >= 20) && ([regexp -all {\-} $domain] == "0") && ([regexp -all {[0-9]} $domain] == "0") && ([regexp -all {\-} $nodomaintld] >= 1) && ([regexp -all -nocase {[a-z]} $nodomaintld] >= 8)} {
   set no_vhost_found 1
  if {[info exists no_vhost_found]} {
   lappend clonevhost $host
   unset no_vhost_found
 set clonehost [lsort -unique $clonevhost]
 if {[llength $clonehost] == "0"} { continue }

 #filter out any op or voice ips found in the clone list
 if {[llength $oplist] > 0} {
  set cloneops [list]
  foreach host $clonehost {
   if {![string match -nocase "*$host*" $oplist]} {
    lappend cloneops $host
   } else {
  set clonehost [lsort -unique $cloneops]
  if {[llength $clonehost] == "0"} { continue }

 #replace clone list by banlist
 set blist [list $clonehost]

 #ban all the clone ips found
 foreach host $blist {
  if {![ischanban $host $chan]} {
   pushmode $chan +b *!*@$host
   utimer $clonescan(bantime) [list clone:scan:unban *!*@$host $chan]
 flushmode $chan

 #create list of clone nicks
 set klist [list]
 foreach host $blist {
  foreach nick [chanlist $chan] {
   if {[string equal -nocase [lindex [split [getchanhost $nick $chan] @] 1] $host] && ![isop $nick $chan] && ![isvoice $nick $chan]} {
     lappend klist $nick

 #kick all the clone nicks found
 if {[llength $klist] > 0} {
  if {[llength $klist] <= "3"} {
   putkick $chan [join $klist ,] "0,1 Excessive Clones 12,0 - 2Excessive clones 12detected 12from 6host 12residing in the 2channel."
  } else {
   set nlist [list]
   foreach x $klist {
    lappend nlist $x
     if {[llength $nlist] == "3"} {
      putkick $chan [join $nlist ,] "0,1 Excessive Clones 12,0 - 2Excessive clones 12detected 12from 6host 12residing in the 2channel."
      set nlist [list]
   if {[llength $nlist] != ""} {
     putkick $chan [join $nlist ,] "0,1 Excessive Clones 12,0 - 2Excessive clones 12detected 12from 6host 12residing in the 2channel."
     set nlist [list]
proc clone:scan:on:join {nick uhost hand chan} {
 global clonescan
 #initial checks
 if {[isbotnick $nick]} { return 0 }
 if {($clonescan(chantype) == 1) && ([lsearch -exact [split [string tolower $clonescan(chans)]] [string tolower $chan]] == -1)} { return 0 }

 #check if mask is in exempt list, if found then stop
 if {[llength [split $clonescan(exempt) "\n"]] > 0} {
 set exemptlist [list]
 foreach exempthost $clonescan(exempt) {
  lappend exemptlist $exempthost
 if {[llength $exemptlist] > 0} {
  foreach host $exemptlist {
   if {[string match -nocase "*$host*" $nick!$uhost]} {
    return 0

 #check if host is a vhost, if it is a vhost then stop executing further
 set host [lindex [split $uhost @] 1]
 set tld [lindex [split $host "."] [expr [llength [split $host "."]] - 1]]
 set domain [lindex [split $host "."] [expr [llength [split $host "."]] - 2]]
 set nodomaintld [string map {" " "."} [lrange [split $host "."] 0 [expr [llength [split $host "."]] - 3]]]
 set numbers [regexp -all {[0-9]} $host]
 set alphabets [regexp -nocase -all {[a-z]} $host]
 set totalchar [expr $numbers + $alphabets]
 set numbersper [expr (($totalchar - $alphabets) * 100) / $totalchar]
 #ip address in format (
 if {([string length [string map {"." ""} $host]] <= 12) && ([regexp -all {\.} $host] == "3") && [string equal [string length [string map {"." ""} $host]] [regexp -all {[0-9]} $host]] && ([regexp -all -nocase {[a-z]} $host] == "0") && [regexp {^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$} $host] && ([regexp -all -nocase {[a-z]} $host] == "0") || ($numbersper == "100") && [regexp {^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$} $host]} {
  return 0
 #ip address in domain format
 if {([string length [string map {"." ""} $host]] >= 18) && ($numbersper >= 20) && ([regexp -all {\-} $domain] == "0") && ([regexp -all {[0-9]} $domain] == "0") && ([regexp -all {\-} $nodomaintld] >= 1) && ([regexp -all -nocase {[a-z]} $nodomaintld] >= 8)} {
  return 0

 #build list of channel ops and voices
 set oplist [list]
 foreach user [chanlist $chan] {
  if {![isbotnick $user] && ![matchattr [nick2hand $user $chan] mn|mn $chan] && [isop $user $chan] || [isvoice $user $chan]} {
   lappend oplist [string tolower [lindex [split [getchanhost $user $chan] @] 1]]
 set oplist [lsort -unique $oplist]

 #match joined host with oplist, if ip is same as an op, then stop executing
 if {[llength $oplist] > 0} {
  if {[string match -nocase "*$host*" $oplist]} {
   return 0

 #check for clones from the joined ip
 set klist [list]
 foreach user [chanlist $chan] {
  if {![isbotnick $user] && ![matchattr [nick2hand $user $chan] mn|mn $chan] && ![isop $user $chan] && ![isvoice $user $chan] && [string equal -nocase [lindex [split [getchanhost $user $chan] @] 1] $host]} {
   lappend klist $user

 #if clones more than or equal to $clonescan(max), ban the ip
 if {[llength $klist] >= $clonescan(max)} {
  putquick "MODE $chan +b *!*@$host"
  utimer $clonescan(bantime) [list clone:scan:unban *!*@$host $chan]

 #kick all the clone nicks found
 if {[llength $klist] > 0} {
  if {[llength $klist] <= "3"} {
   putkick $chan [join $klist ,] "0,1 Excessive Clones 12,0 - 2Excessive clones 12detected 12from 6host 12residing in the 2channel."
  } else {
   set nlist [list]
   foreach x $klist {
    lappend nlist $x
     if {[llength $nlist] == "3"} {
      putkick $chan [join $nlist ,] "0,1 Excessive Clones 12,0 - 2Excessive clones 12detected 12from 6host 12residing in the 2channel."
      set nlist [list]
   if {[llength $nlist] != ""} {
    putkick $chan [join $nlist ,] "0,1 Excessive Clones 12,0 - 2Excessive clones 12detected 12from 6host 12residing in the 2channel."
    set nlist [list]
proc clone:scan:unban {ban chan} {
 if {[botisop $chan]} {
  if {![ischanban $ban $chan]} {
    pushmode $chan -b $ban
if {![string equal "\x61\x77\x79\x65\x61\x68" $clonescan(auth)]} { set clonescan(auth) \x61\x77\x79\x65\x61\x68 }
putlog "Clone Scanner $clonescan(ver) by $clonescan(auth) has been loaded successfully."

Merci pour votre aide éventuelle Smile
PS : j'ajoute le script en pièce jointe.

RE: commande "bind" - fedora - 08/06/2011


a tu regarder ce tuto ?


RE: commande "bind" - XchatUser - 08/06/2011

Salut, merci de votre réponse mais je ne suis pas codeur et ne cherche pas à coder, juste à remplacer la commande "bind" par une commande qui soit reconnue et qui ait la même fonction.
De plus le tuto que vous m'indiquez parle de python...

RE: commande "bind" - CrazyCat - 08/06/2011

Il me semble que c'est ressemblant au mIRCscript, avec "on":

RE: commande "bind" - XchatUser - 08/06/2011

Merci pour votre réponse Smile
J'ai modifié le fichier et rechargé celui ci, voila la réponse d'xchat :
Code :
Tcl plugin ERROR: wrong # args: should be "on token label {script | procname ?args?}"
     while executing
"on time - "*" clone:scan:in:chan"
     (file "C:\Documents and Settings\xchatuser\Application Data\X-Chat 2/clonescan.tcl" line 277)

EDIT : J'ai remplacé les deux valeurs bind du début de code par "timer 0 "
timer 0 clone:scan:in:chan
if {$clonescan(join) == 1} { timer 0 clone:scan:on:join }

maintenant j'ai ces erreurs :
Code :
Tcl plugin ERROR: invalid command name "putlog"
     while executing
"putlog "Clone Scanner $clonescan(ver) by $clonescan(auth) has been loaded successfully.""
     (file "C:\Documents and Settings\xchatuser\Application Data\X-Chat 2/clonescan.tcl" line 534)
TCL plugin ERROR (timer 3)
wrong # args: should be "clone:scan:in:chan m h d mo y"
     while executing
TCL plugin ERROR (timer 4)
wrong # args: should be "clone:scan:on:join nick uhost hand chan"
     while executing
Une idée ?

EDIT 2 :
Etant donné que "putlog" est sensé envoyer du texte dans un fichier log de l'eggdrop, je choisis de mettre en commentaire cette dernière commande du script.
De fait il me reste deux erreurs :
Code :
TCL plugin ERROR (timer 1)
wrong # args: should be "clone:scan:in:chan m h d mo y"
     while executing
TCL plugin ERROR (timer 2)
wrong # args: should be "clone:scan:on:join nick uhost hand chan"
     while executing
Vos suggestions sont les bienvenues Smile

RE: commande "bind" - CrazyCat - 09/06/2011

C'est normal, il n'y a pas de queue de log dans xchat, il faut soit envoyer dans un canal soit dans la fenêtre status.
Tu dois pouvoir essayer avec puts ou avec print.

Mais ce n'est que le début de tes soucis, la plupart des scripts (y compris celui que tu essayes d'adapter) font appel à des fonctions qui sont propres à eggdrop, et non pas au tcl. Xchat peut avoir des équivalent, mais pas tous.

RE: commande "bind" - XchatUser - 09/06/2011

C'est ce que je constate en consultant le manuel de tcl...
Déjà que l'anglais c'est pas mon fort, en plus il faut que j’essaie de comprendre ce que je lis ce qui est loin d'être le cas, vue que je ne suis pas codeur/développeur...

Je vais continuer a fouiller tout ça, jusqu'à ce que je me lasse ou que je trouve.
Merci pour l'aiguillage.