Communauté Eggdrop
[WINDOWS] invalid command name "%H:%M:%S" - Version imprimable

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[WINDOWS] invalid command name "%H:%M:%S" - webmast72 - 16/07/2010


J'essaie en vain d'installer WINDROP 1.6.20 handlen sur unrealircd

J'obtiens une erreur qui m'empêche d'aller plus loin

[13:42:19] --- Loading eggdrop v1.6.20+logts (Fri Jul 16 2010)
[13:42:19] Tcl error in file 'eggdrop.conf':
[13:42:19] invalid command name "%H:%M:%S"
while executing
invoked from within
"set timestamp-format "[%H:%M:%S]""
(file "eggdrop.conf" line 143)

merci de votre aide

RE: [WINDOWS] invalid command name "%H:%M:%S" - MenzAgitat - 16/07/2010

Les [ ] forcent l'exécution de ce qui est contenu.
Modifie la ligne en :
set timestamp-format "\[%H:%M:%S\]"

RE: [WINDOWS] invalid command name "%H:%M:%S" - webmast72 - 16/07/2010

merci, en effet je n'ai plus le message d'erreur, cependant ça ne se lance pas (voir logs ci-dessous)

comment savoir d'où provient l'erreur ?

C:\Program Files\Windrop>runonce.bat
You're about to start Eggdrop with a new user file. Be sure that you've already
edited the settings in eggdrop.conf.
Press any key to continue . . .

Eggdrop v1.6.20+logts © 1997 Robey Pointer © 2010 Eggheads
[14:26:22] --- Loading eggdrop v1.6.20+logts (Fri Jul 16 2010)
[14:26:22] * Please make sure you edit your config file completely.
If there's no errors above, your bot should show up on IRC soon.
Check for help with any errors or
if bot doesn't show up on IRC.
Press any key to continue . . .

C:\Program Files\Windrop>eggdrop.exe

Eggdrop v1.6.20+logts © 1997 Robey Pointer © 2010 Eggheads
[14:26:31] --- Loading eggdrop v1.6.20+logts (Fri Jul 16 2010)
[14:26:31] * Please make sure you edit your config file completely.

RE: [WINDOWS] invalid command name "%H:%M:%S" - CrazyCat - 16/07/2010

Citation :[14:26:31] * Please make sure you edit your config file completely.
Dans ton fichier de config, tu dois avoir 2 lignes qui commencent par "die". Il faut les commenter.

RE: [WINDOWS] invalid command name "%H:%M:%S" - webmast72 - 16/07/2010

Merci pour ton aide précieuse, ça fonctionne grace à toi