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[Résolu] récupérer texte dans page html - Version imprimable

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récupérer texte dans page html - BrYcOu - 16/09/2015

Je souhaiterai si possible un script permettant de récupérer une information sur une page html par l'eggdrop et la dire sur un salon. Il s'agit en fait d'un titre d'une musique ainsi que l'artiste sur cette page: ou
Bien sur l'afficher à chaque fois aussi que celle-ci change. Merci

RE: récupérer texte dans page html - heartbroken - 16/09/2015

This one, gets song data from first link (in "text" format)
.chanset #channel +radioking to activate on your channel.

this script requires tls :

set link ""
bind time - "* * * * *" radio_chk
proc radio_chk {args} {
    foreach chan [channels] {
if {[channel get $chan radioking]} {
     set songdb "radio.db"
     set oldsong [read_song $songdb]
     set newsong [fetch_song $::link]
 #set artist [lindex [split [fetch_song $::link] -] 0]
 #set title [lindex [split [fetch_song $::link] -] 1]
 #if {$artist in [stripcodes bcruag $oldsong] && $title in [stripcodes bcruag $oldsong]} { continue }
 #putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002$artist\002 - \00304$title\003"
 #write_song $songdb "\002$artist\002 - \00304$title\003" 
        if {[string match $newsong $oldsong]} { continue }
             putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$newsong"
             write_song $songdb $newsong 
proc fetch_song {url} {
     package require http
     package require tls
     ::http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket -tls1 0 -ssl3 0]
     set token [::http::geturl $url]
     set data [::http::data $token]
     return $data
     ::http::cleanup $token
     ::http::unregister https
proc write_song {dbfile data} {
    set fp [open $dbfile w]
    puts $fp $data
    close $fp
proc read_song {dbfile} {
   if {![file exists $dbfile] || ![file readable $dbfile]} { return 0 }
         set fp [open $dbfile r]
         set dt [gets $fp] 
        close $fp
        return $dt
setudef flag radioking

and this one for second link you gave. ( for "json" format)
This one requires tcllib's json package and tls :

set link ""
bind time - "* * * * *" radio_chk
proc radio_chk {args} {
    foreach chan [channels] {
if {[channel get $chan radioking]} {
      set songdb "radio.db"
      set oldsong [read_song $songdb]
      set songdict [fetch_song $::link]
 #set newsong "\002[dict get $songdict artist]\002 - \00304[dict get $songdict title]\003"
      set newsong "\002[dict get $songdict artist]\002 - \00304[dict get $songdict title]\003 - \037[dict get $songdict cover]\037"
        if {[string match $newsong $oldsong]} { continue }
             putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$newsong"
             write_song $songdb $newsong 
proc fetch_song {url} {
     package require http
     package require tls
     package require json
     ::http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket -tls1 0 -ssl3 0]
     set token [::http::geturl $url]
     set data [::json::json2dict [::http::data $token]]
     return $data
     ::http::cleanup $token
     ::http::unregister https
proc write_song {dbfile data} {
    set fp [open $dbfile w]
    puts $fp $data
    close $fp
proc read_song {dbfile} {
   if {![file exists $dbfile] || ![file readable $dbfile]} { return 0 }
         set fp [open $dbfile r]
         set dt [gets $fp] 
         close $fp
         return $dt
setudef flag radioking

RE: récupérer texte dans page html - BrYcOu - 19/09/2015

Tout d'abord merci de ton aide.
J'ai bien rentré ce tcl dans mon eggdrop le format text mais je n'ai rien qui s'affiche du tout et aucun message d'erreur.

RE: récupérer texte dans page html - heartbroken - 19/09/2015

I've just tried and tested first code on a bot. (eggdrop1.8 , Tcl 8.6.4 )

I uploaded script in to my bot/scripts and added source scripts/radioking.tcl line into my bot's .conf file:

then i've connected to my bot via telnet
and i typed .rehash first:

then to activate this script on a #channel,
.chanset #channel +radioking

and my bot started posting new songs on #channel
like you've wanted if i understood your request correct before.

These radioking links has https needs tls ,
if you've .tcl .set commands enabled on your bot's .conf ,
.tcl package present tls
to check if it could see this package.

this : .tcl package present tls command should return tls version.
if it doesn't return any value and if you've already installed this,
you could try to add a line like:
lappend ::auto_path /path/to/tls

right before the : package require tls
or you can add this on bot's .conf
this may help to find this tls package has been located on the system.

RE: récupérer texte dans page html - BrYcOu - 19/09/2015

i send ou a MP ;)

RE: récupérer texte dans page html - BrYcOu - 22/09/2015

Bonjour ,
j'ai une erreur TCL:
Tcl error [radio_chk]: no valid protocol selected
Je suis en tcl 8.5 et eggdrop 1.6.21