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Problème commande .chattr - Version imprimable

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Problème commande .chattr - Alucard`68 - 01/07/2012

Bonjour, tout est dans le titre.

Donc quand je tape la commande .chattr pour ajour le flag +F a certain user sa ne fonctionne pas...
Code :
[12:02:30] ‹AngeDesOmbres› .chattr AngeDesOmbres +f
[12:02:30] <Thor> No such user!
Une idée d'ou cela pourrai venir ?


RE: Problème commande .chattr - ZarTek - 01/07/2012

Tu as essayer d'ajouté l'utilisateur avant via .adduser ou .+user ?

Code :
Adding/removing users

There are three ways a user can be added to the bot. If you have learn-users enabled in the config file, anyone can msg the hello command to the bot and the bot will add them with the default flags (as set in the config file's default-flags setting). Otherwise, you may add a user using either the .adduser or .+user command in the console. If the user you want to add is in one of the bot's channels, then .adduser is the most convenient command. Make sure the channel the user is in is your current console channel (read Using the Console again if you're not sure about this), then type .adduser <nick>, where <nick> is the nickname of the user you want to add. The user will be added to the bot's userfile with the default flags, and their hostmask will automatically be added. The .+user command should be used when the person you want to add is not on IRC. Type .+user <nick> <hostmask> to add the user with the specified nickname and hostmask.

Once a user has been added, they will need to set a password using the pass command. Tell the user to type /msg <botnick> pass <password> to set their password. You may instead wish to set a password for them using the .chpass command (explained below).

To remove a user from the bot, simply type .-user <handle>.

Code :
User flags

User flags determine what privileges a user has, e.g. whether or not they can get ops on a channel, which bot commands they can use, etc. All built-in flags are lower case alphabet letters. You can list all the flags by typing .help whois, but for now you only need to know the most important flags:

    v - voice
    o - op
    m - master
    n - owner
    f - friend
    p - partyline access

Many of the user flags are separated into two categories - global and channel - while some flags are global only. The v, o, m, n, and f flags are examples of flags that may be global or channel-specific, while the p flag is global-only. Channel flags only apply to a specific channel, e.g. if you give someone the o flag on #donkeys, the user will only be able to get ops on #donkeys, but if you give the user a global o flag, they will be able to get ops on all channels the bot is on. Global flags are also more powerful in nature, in that they give the user access to more powerful bot commands than the equivalent channel flags.

Flags are added to or removed from a user using the .chattr command. To add a global o flag, for example, you would type .chattr <handle> +o. To add a channel specific o flag, you would do .chattr <handle> +o <#channel>. Removing flags is much the same - to remove a global o it's .chattr <handle> -o, and to remove a channel o it's .chattr <handle> -o <#channel>. You can also add/remove multiple flags in one command, e.g. .chattr <handle> +fo will give the user the f and o flags.

Be very careful when giving out a global n (owner) flag. This will give the user access to virtually all the commands on your bot, and depending on how you have the bot configured it may also give the user access to your shell account via the .tcl command.

RE: Problème commande .chattr - CrazyCat - 02/07/2012

Et il faudrait vérifier que le handle est bien AngeDesOmbres, ce dont je doute légèrement vu sa longueur.

Essaye de taper: .match ange*

RE: Problème commande .chattr - aliasangelius - 02/07/2012


Une solution disont plutôt un compléments d'information de CrazyCat au niveau de l'handle..


Sa peut-être la solution.
Et aussi à la base eggdrop ne prend que 9 caractères donc c'est possible que le soucis viens de la.

RE: Problème commande .chattr - Alucard`68 - 02/07/2012

Bonjour, oui entre autre le pseudo trop long je n'avais pas non plus ajouter fait .+user

Enfin problème résolue merci de votre aide Smile