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[script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - Version imprimable

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RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - ShowDowN - 18/04/2016

donc oui j'ai fais une DB différentes pour chaque lien dans le répertoire que j'ai créé à savoir scripts ==>> feeds et les deux fichier sont dedans "sauvegarde1 et sauvegarde2 et les fichiers sont écris dedans j'ai vérifié donc l'eggdrop arrive bien à écrire dedans.

Ensuite non il n'y a pas d'autres entrée dans le flux j'ai mis que les deux ci dessus. Il n'y a que si je supprime les databases qu'il envoie les liens sur l'IRC... EN fait il ne les répètes pas malgré l'intervalle de 30 minutes !

RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - ShowDowN - 18/04/2016

Je viens de penser à ça mais la version de l'eggdrop joue t'elle quelque chose la dedans ? J'utilise la dernière actuellement...

RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - CrazyCat - 19/04/2016

rss-synd ne répète pas les liens qu'il a déjà annoncé, le délai que tu indiques dans le réglage est le délai d'attente entre deux vérifications sur le flux.
Si aucune nouvelle entrée n'est présente dans le flux rss pendant 15 jours, ton eggdrop sera muet 15 jours. Si 3 nouvelles entrées arrivent en 5 minutes (et que tu as réglé le délai sur 10 minutes), tu auras tout d'un coup 3 nouvelles annonces en même temps.

RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - cestlemien - 19/04/2016

Truc bête, ton salon autorise las couleurs ? ( +C qui bloque les couleurs, +S qui ne fait que les filtrer)


RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - ShowDowN - 20/04/2016

coucou je reviens vers vous après avoir attendu une nouvelle entrée sur le flux. En effet comme tu m'as dit Crazy, "Si aucune nouvelle entrée n'est présente dans le flux rss pendant 15 jours, ton eggdrop sera muet 15 jours. "

Et bien en effet ce matin en ayant laissé 2 jours mon egg tranquille, il a "cracher" un lien. bon va falloir que je travail pour qu'il m'en balance souvent !

Donc c'est tout bon en fin de compte tout fonctionne nickel

Et oui les couleurs passent pas de souci à ce niveau Smile

RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - ShowDowN - 20/04/2016

merci @ vous Smile

RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - T3nS - 25/10/2017

Bonjour j'ai un problème avec ce script sur mon eggdrop qui est en version 1.8.2 alors que pourtant il fonctionne bien sur un eggdrop 1.6.

Il m'affiche les erreurs suivantes :

<Bowser> [11:54:19] RSS Error: Unable to decompress "": zlib error (decompressor): invalid stored block lengths

<Bowser> [11:54:19] RSS Error: Unable to decompress "": zlib error (decompressor): invalid stored block lengths

Voilà le script  des settings

Code :
# Start of Settings

# See the README file for more information

namespace eval ::rss-synd {
    variable rss
    variable default

#    set rss(slashdot) {
#        "url"            ""
#        "channels"        "#channel1"
#        "database"        "./scripts/feeds/slashdot.db"
#        "output"        "\\\[\002Slashdot\002\\\] @@item!title@@ ( Plus d'info sur ) \[string map { \"&from=rss\" \"\" } \"@@item!feedburner:origLink@@\"\]"
#        "trigger"        "!@@feedid@@"
#        "evaluate-tcl"    0
#    }

    set rss(series) {
        "url"            ""
        "channels"        "#entretien"
        "database"        "./scripts/feeds/series.db"
        "output"        "\\\[\002Serie\002\\\] @@item!title@@ (Plus d'info sur \[string map { \"&from=rss\" \"\" } \"@@item!feedburner:origLink@@\"\]"
        "trigger"        "!@@feedid@@"
        "evaluate-tcl"    1
    set rss(films) {
        "url"            ""
        "channels"        "#entretien"
        "database"        "./scripts/feeds/films.db"
        "output"        "\\\[\002Film\002\\\] @@item!title@@ (Plus d'info sur \[string map { \"&from=rss\" \"\" } \"@@item!feedburner:origLink@@\"\]"
        "trigger"        "!@@feedid@@"
        "evaluate-tcl"    1

    #set rss(test2) {
    #    "url"            ""
    #    "channels"        "#test"
    #    "database"        "./scripts/feeds/test2.db"
    #    "trigger"        "!@@feedid@@"

    #set rss(test3) {
    #    "url"            ""
    #    "channels"        "#test"
    #    "database"        "./scripts/feeds/test3.db"
    #    "output"        "\[\002@@channel!title@@\002\] @@item!title@@ - @@item!guid@@"
    #    "trigger"        "!@@feedid@@"

    #set rss(test4) {
    #    "url"            ""
    #    "channels"        "#test"
    #    "database"        "./scripts/feeds/test4.db"
    #    "trigger"        "!@@feedid@@"

    # Doesn't work with "charset" "utf-8" because TCL converts characters
    #  with umlauts in to multibyte characters (eg: ü = ü). Works fine
    #  without.
    #set rss(test5) {
    #    "url"            ""
    #    "channels"        "#test"
    #    "database"        "./scripts/feeds/test5.db"
    #    "trigger"        "!@@feedid@@"

    #set rss(test6) {
    #    "url"            ""
    #    "channels"        "#test"
    #    "charset"        "utf-8"
    #    "database"        "./scripts/feeds/test6.db"
    #    "trigger"        "!@@feedid@@"

    #set rss(test7) {
    #    "url"            ""
    #    "channels"        "#test"
    #    "charset"        "utf-8"
    #    "database"        "./scripts/feeds/test7.db"
    #    "trigger"        "!@@feedid@@"

    #set rss(test8) {
    #    "url"            ""
    #    "channels"        "#test"
    #    "charset"        "utf-8"
    #    "database"        "./scripts/feeds/test8.db"
    #    "trigger"        "!@@feedid@@"

    # The default settings, If any setting isn't set for an individual feed
    #   it'll use the defaults listed here.
    # WARNING: You can change the options here, but DO NOT REMOVE THEM, doing
    #   so will create errors.
    set default {
        "announce-output"    3
        "trigger-output"    3
        "remove-empty"        1
        "trigger-type"        0:2
        "announce-type"        0
        "max-depth"            5
        "evaluate-tcl"        0
        "update-interval"    30
        "output-order"        0
        "timeout"            60000
        "channels"            "#channel1"
        "trigger"            "!rss @@feedid@@"
        "output"            "\[\002@@channel!title@@@@title@@\002\] @@item!title@@@@entry!title@@ - @@item!link@@@@entry!link!=href@@"
        "user-agent"        "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20100316 Firefox/3.6.2"

# End of Settings

et le script en lui même :

Code :
# -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t; -*-
# rss-synd.tcl -- 0.5.1
#   Highly configurable asynchronous RSS & Atom feed reader for Eggdrops
#     written in TCL. Supports multiple feeds, gzip compressed feeds,
#     automatically messaging channels with updates at set intervals,
#     custom private/channel triggers and more.
# Copyright (c) 2011 Andrew Scott, HM2K
# Name: RSS & Atom Syndication Script for Eggdrop
# Author: Andrew Scott <>
# Author: HM2K <>
# License: See LICENSE file
# Link:
# Tags: rss, atom, syndication
# Updated: 05-Jan-2011
# See README file
# See HISTORY file

# Include Settings
if {[catch {source scripts/rss-synd-settings.tcl} err]} {
 putlog "Error: Could not load 'rss-synd-settings.tcl file.'";

proc ::rss-synd::init {args} {
    variable rss
    variable default
    variable version
    variable packages

    set version(number)    0.5.1
    set version(date)    "2012-02-27"

    package require http
    set packages(base64) [catch {package require base64}]; # http auth
    set packages(tls) [catch {package require tls}]; # https
    set packages(trf) [catch {package require Trf}]; # gzip compression

    foreach feed [array names rss] {
        array set tmp $default
        array set tmp $rss($feed)

        set required [list "announce-output" "trigger-output" "max-depth" "update-interval" "timeout" "channels" "output" "user-agent" "url" "database" "trigger-type" "announce-type"]
        foreach {key value} [array get tmp] {
            if {[set ptr [lsearch -exact $required $key]] >= 0} {
                set required [lreplace $required $ptr $ptr]

        if {[llength $required] == 0} {
            regsub -nocase -all -- {@@feedid@@} $tmp(trigger) $feed tmp(trigger)

            set ulist [regexp -nocase -inline -- {(http(?:s?))://(?:(.[^:]+:.[^@]+)?)(?:@?)(.*)} $tmp(url)]

            if {[llength $ulist] == 0} {
                putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Unable to parse URL, Invalid format for feed \"$feed\"."
                unset rss($feed)

            set tmp(url) "[lindex $ulist 1]://[lindex $ulist 3]"

            if {[lindex $ulist 1] == "https"} {
                if {$packages(tls) != 0} {
                    putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Unable to find tls package required for https, unloaded feed \"$feed\"."
                    unset rss($feed)

                ::http::register https 443 ::tls::socket

            if {(![info exists tmp(url-auth)]) || ($tmp(url-auth) == "")} {
                set tmp(url-auth) ""

                if {[lindex $ulist 2] != ""} {
                    if {$packages(base64) != 0} {
                        putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Unable to find base64 package required for http authentication, unloaded feed \"$feed\"."
                        unset rss($feed)

                    set tmp(url-auth) [::base64::encode [lindex $ulist 2]]

            if {[regexp {^[0123]{1}:[0123]{1}$} $tmp(trigger-type)] != 1} {
                putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Invalid 'trigger-type' syntax for feed \"$feed\"."
                unset rss($feed)

            set tmp(trigger-type) [split $tmp(trigger-type) ":"]

            if {([info exists tmp(charset)]) && ([lsearch -exact [encoding names] [string tolower $tmp(charset)]] < 0)} {
                putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Unable to load feed \"$feed\", unknown encoding \"$tmp(charset)\"."
                unset rss($feed)
            if {([info exists tmp(feedencoding)]) && ([lsearch -exact [encoding names] [string tolower $tmp(feedencoding)]] < 0)} {
                putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Unable to load feed \"$feed\", unknown feedencoding \"$tmp(feedencoding)\"."
                unset rss($feed)

            set tmp(updated) 0
            if {([file exists $tmp(database)]) && ([set mtime [file mtime $tmp(database)]] < [unixtime])} {
                set tmp(updated) [file mtime $tmp(database)]

            set rss($feed) [array get tmp]
        } else {
            putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Unable to load feed \"$feed\", missing one or more required settings. \"[join $required ", "]\""
            unset rss($feed)

        unset tmp

    bind evnt -|- prerehash [namespace current]::deinit
    bind time -|- {* * * * *} [namespace current]::feed_get
    bind pubm -|- {* *} [namespace current]::trigger
    bind msgm -|- {*} [namespace current]::trigger

    putlog "\002RSS Syndication Script v$version(number)\002 ($version(date)): Loaded."

proc ::rss-synd::deinit {args} {
    catch {unbind evnt -|- prerehash [namespace current]::deinit}
    catch {unbind time -|- {* * * * *} [namespace current]::feed_get}
    catch {unbind pubm -|- {* *} [namespace current]::trigger}
    catch {unbind msgm -|- {*} [namespace current]::trigger}

    foreach child [namespace children] {
        catch {[set child]::deinit}

    namespace delete [namespace current]

# Trigger Function

proc ::rss-synd::trigger {nick user handle args} {
    variable rss
    variable default

    set i 0
    set chan ""
    if {[llength $args] == 2} {
        set chan [lindex $args 0]
        incr i
    set text [lindex $args $i]

    array set tmp $default

    if {[info exists tmp(trigger)]} {
        regsub -all -- {@@(.*?)@@} $tmp(trigger) "" tmp_trigger
        set tmp_trigger [string trimright $tmp_trigger]

        if {[string equal -nocase $text $tmp_trigger]} {
            set list_feeds [list]

    unset -nocomplain tmp tmp_trigger

    foreach name [array names rss] {
        array set feed $rss($name)

        if {(![info exists list_feeds]) && \
            ([string equal -nocase $text $feed(trigger)])} {
            if {(![[namespace current]::check_channel $feed(channels) $chan]) && \
                ([string length $chan] != 0)} {

            set feed(nick) $nick

            if {$chan != ""} {
                set feed(type) [lindex $feed(trigger-type) 0]
                set feed(channels) $chan
            } else {
                set feed(type) [lindex $feed(trigger-type) 1]
                set feed(channels) ""

            if {[catch {set data [[namespace current]::feed_read]} error] == 0} {
                if {![[namespace current]::feed_info $data]} {
                    putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Invalid feed database file format ($feed(database))!"

                if {$feed(trigger-output) > 0} {
                    set feed(announce-output) $feed(trigger-output)

                    [namespace current]::feed_output $data
            } else {
                putlog "\002RSS Warning\002: $error."
        } elseif {[info exists list_feeds]} {
            if {$chan != ""} {
                # triggered from a channel
                if {[[namespace current]::check_channel $feed(channels) $chan]} {
                    lappend list_feeds $feed(trigger)
            } else {
                # triggered from a privmsg
                foreach tmp_chan $feed(channels) {
                    if {([catch {botonchan $tmp_chan}] == 0) && \
                        ([onchan $nick $tmp_chan])} {
                        lappend list_feeds $feed(trigger)

    if {[info exists list_feeds]} {
        if {[llength $list_feeds] == 0} {
            lappend list_feeds "None"

        lappend list_msgs "Available feeds: [join $list_feeds ", "]."

        if {$chan != ""} {
            set list_type [lindex $feed(trigger-type) 0]
            set list_targets $chan
        } else {
            set list_type [lindex $feed(trigger-type) 1]
            set list_targets ""

        [namespace current]::feed_msg $list_type $list_msgs list_targets $nick

# Feed Retrieving Functions

proc ::rss-synd::feed_get {args} {
    variable rss

    set i 0
    foreach name [array names rss] {
        if {$i == 3} { break }

        array set feed $rss($name)

        if {$feed(updated) <= [expr { [unixtime] - ($feed(update-interval) * 60) }]} {
            ::http::config -useragent $feed(user-agent)

            set feed(type) $feed(announce-type)
            set feed(headers) [list]

            if {$feed(url-auth) != ""} {
                lappend feed(headers) "Authorization" "Basic $feed(url-auth)"

            if {([info exists feed(enable-gzip)]) && ($feed(enable-gzip) == 1)} {
                lappend feed(headers) "Accept-Encoding" "gzip"

            catch {::http::geturl "$feed(url)" -command "[namespace current]::feed_callback {[array get feed] depth 0}" -timeout $feed(timeout) -headers $feed(headers)} debug

            set feed(updated) [unixtime]
            set rss($name) [array get feed]
            incr i

        unset feed

proc ::rss-synd::feed_callback {feedlist args} {
    set token [lindex $args end]
    array set feed $feedlist

    upvar 0 $token state

    if {[set status $state(status)] != "ok"} {
        if {$status == "error"} { set status $state(error) }
        putlog "\002RSS HTTP Error\002: $state(url) (State: $status)"
        ::http::cleanup $token
        return 1

    array set meta $state(meta)

    if {([::http::ncode $token] == 302) || ([::http::ncode $token] == 301)} {
        set feed(depth) [expr {$feed(depth) + 1 }]

        if {$feed(depth) < $feed(max-depth)} {
            catch {::http::geturl "$meta(Location)" -command "[namespace current]::feed_callback {$feedlist}" -timeout $feed(timeout) -headers $feed(headers)}
        } else {
            putlog "\002RSS HTTP Error\002: $state(url) (State: timeout, max refer limit reached)"

        ::http::cleanup $token
        return 1
    } elseif {[::http::ncode $token] != 200} {
        putlog "\002RSS HTTP Error\002: $state(url) ($state(http))"
        ::http::cleanup $token
        return 1

    set data [::http::data $token]
    if {[info exists feed(feedencoding)]} {
        set data [encoding convertfrom [string tolower $feed(feedencoding)] $data]

    if {[info exists feed(charset)]} {
        if {[string tolower $feed(charset)] == "utf-8" && [is_utf8_patched]} {
            #do nothing, already utf-8
        } else {
            set data [encoding convertto [string tolower $feed(charset)] $data]

    if {([info exists meta(Content-Encoding)]) && \
        ([string equal $meta(Content-Encoding) "gzip"])} {
        if {[catch {[namespace current]::feed_gzip $data} data] != 0} {
            putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Unable to decompress \"$state(url)\": $data"
            ::http::cleanup $token
            return 1

    if {[catch {[namespace current]::xml_list_create $data} data] != 0} {
        putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Unable to parse feed properly, parser returned error. \"$state(url)\""
        ::http::cleanup $token
        return 1

    if {[string length $data] == 0} {
        putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Unable to parse feed properly, no data returned. \"$state(url)\""
        ::http::cleanup $token
        return 1

    set odata ""
    if {[catch {set odata [[namespace current]::feed_read]} error] != 0} {
        putlog "\002RSS Warning\002: $error."

    if {![[namespace current]::feed_info $data]} {
        putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Invalid feed format ($state(url))!"
        ::http::cleanup $token
        return 1

    ::http::cleanup $token

    if {[catch {[namespace current]::feed_write $data} error] != 0} {
        putlog "\002RSS Database Error\002: $error."
        return 1

    if {$feed(announce-output) > 0} {
        [namespace current]::feed_output $data $odata

proc ::rss-synd::feed_info {data {target "feed"}} {
    upvar 1 $target feed
    set length [[namespace current]::xml_get_info $data [list -1 "*"]]

    for {set i 0} {$i < $length} {incr i} {
        set type [[namespace current]::xml_get_info $data [list $i "*"] "name"]

        # tag-name: the name of the element that contains each article and its data
        # tag-list: the position in the xml structure where all 'tag-name' reside
        switch [string tolower $type] {
            rss {
                # RSS v0.9x & x2.0
                set feed(tag-list) [list 0 "channel"]
                set feed(tag-name) "item"
            rdf:rdf {
                # RSS v1.0
                set feed(tag-list) [list]
                set feed(tag-name) "item"
            feed {
                # ATOM
                set feed(tag-list) [list]
                set feed(tag-name) "entry"

    if {![info exists feed(tag-list)]} {
        return 0

    set feed(tag-feed) [list 0 $type]

    return 1

# decompress gzip formatted data
proc ::rss-synd::feed_gzip {cdata} {
    variable packages

    if {(![info exists packages(trf)]) || \
        ($packages(trf) != 0)} {
        error "Trf package not found."

    # remove the 10 byte gzip header and 8 byte footer
    set cdata [string range $cdata 10 [expr { [string length $cdata] - 9 } ]]

    # decompress the raw data
    if {[catch {zip -mode decompress -nowrap 1 $cdata} data] != 0} {
        error $data

    return $data

proc ::rss-synd::feed_read { } {
    upvar 1 feed feed

    if {[catch {open $feed(database) "r"} fp] != 0} {
        error $fp

    set data [read -nonewline $fp]

    close $fp

    return $data

proc ::rss-synd::feed_write {data} {
    upvar 1 feed feed

    if {[catch {open $feed(database) "w+"} fp] != 0} {
        error $fp

    set data [string map { "\n" "" "\r" "" } $data]

    puts -nonewline $fp $data

    close $fp

# XML Functions

proc ::rss-synd::xml_list_create {xml_data} {
    set xml_list [list]
    set ns_current [namespace current]

    set ptr 0
    while {[set tag_start [${ns_current}::xml_get_position $xml_data $ptr]] != ""} {
        set tag_start_first [lindex $tag_start 0]
        set tag_start_last [lindex $tag_start 1]

        set tag_string [string range $xml_data $tag_start_first $tag_start_last]

        # move the pointer to the next character after the current tag
        set last_ptr $ptr
        set ptr [expr { $tag_start_last + 2 }]

        array set tag [list]
        # match 'special' tags that dont close
        if {[regexp -nocase -- {^!(\[CDATA|--|DOCTYPE)} $tag_string]} {
            set tag_data $tag_string

            regexp -nocase -- {^!\[CDATA\[(.*?)\]\]$} $tag_string -> tag_data
            regexp -nocase -- {^!--(.*?)--$} $tag_string -> tag_data

            if {[info exists tag_data]} {
                set tag(data) [${ns_current}::xml_escape $tag_data]
        } else {
            # we should only ever encounter opening tags, if we hit a closing one somethings wrong
            if {[string match {[/]*} $tag_string]} {
                putlog "\002RSS Malformed Feed\002: Tag not open: \"<$tag_string>\" ($tag_start_first => $tag_start_last)"

            # split up the tag name and attributes
            regexp -- {(.[^ \/\n\r]*)(?: |\n|\r\n|\r|)(.*?)$} $tag_string -> tag_name tag_args
            set tag(name) [${ns_current}::xml_escape $tag_name]

            # split up all of the tags attributes
            set tag(attrib) [list]
            if {[string length $tag_args] > 0} {
                set values [regexp -inline -all -- {(?:\s*|)(.[^=]*)=["'](.[^"']*)["']} $tag_args]

                foreach {r_match r_tag r_value} $values {
                    lappend tag(attrib) [${ns_current}::xml_escape $r_tag] [${ns_current}::xml_escape $r_value]

            # find the end tag of non-self-closing tags
            if {(![regexp {(\?|!|/)(\s*)$} $tag_args]) || \
                (![string match "\?*" $tag_string])} {
                set tmp_num 1
                set tag_success 0
                set tag_end_last $ptr

                # find the correct closing tag if there are nested elements
                #  with the same name
                while {$tmp_num > 0} {
                    # search for a possible closing tag
                    set tag_success [regexp -indices -start $tag_end_last -- "</$tag_name>" $xml_data tag_end]

                    set last_tag_end_last $tag_end_last

                    set tag_end_first [lindex $tag_end 0]
                    set tag_end_last [lindex $tag_end 1]

                    # check to see if there are any NEW opening tags within the
                    #  previous closing tag and the new closing one
                    incr tmp_num [regexp -all -- "<$tag_name\(\[\\s\\t\\n\\r\]+\(\[^/>\]*\)?\)?>" [string range $xml_data $last_tag_end_last $tag_end_last]]

                    incr tmp_num -1

                if {$tag_success == 0} {
                    putlog "\002RSS Malformed Feed\002: Tag not closed: \"<$tag_name>\""

                # set the pointer to after the last closing tag
                set ptr [expr { $tag_end_last + 1 }]

                # remember tag_start*'s character index doesnt include the tag start and end characters
                set xml_sub_data [string range $xml_data [expr { $tag_start_last + 2 }] [expr { $tag_end_first - 1 }]]

                # recurse the data within the currently open tag
                set result [${ns_current}::xml_list_create $xml_sub_data]

                # set the list data returned from the recursion we just performed
                if {[llength $result] > 0} {
                    set tag(children) $result

                # set the current data we have because we're already at the end of a branch
                #  (ie: the recursion didnt return any data)
                } else {
                    set tag(data) [${ns_current}::xml_escape $xml_sub_data]

        # insert any plain data that appears before the current element
        if {$last_ptr != [expr { $tag_start_first - 1 }]} {
            lappend xml_list [list "data" [${ns_current}::xml_escape [string range $xml_data $last_ptr [expr { $tag_start_first - 2 }]]]]

        # inset tag data
        lappend xml_list [array get tag]

        unset tag

    # if there is still plain data left add it
    if {$ptr < [string length $xml_data]} {
        lappend xml_list [list "data" [${ns_current}::xml_escape [string range $xml_data $ptr end]]]

    return $xml_list

# simple escape function
proc ::rss-synd::xml_escape {string} {
    regsub -all -- {([\{\}])} $string {\\\1} string

    return $string

# this function is to replace:
#  regexp -indices -start $ptr {<(!\[CDATA\[.+?\]\]|!--.+?--|!DOCTYPE.+?|.+?)>} $xml_data -> tag_start
# which doesnt work correctly with tcl's re_syntax
proc ::rss-synd::xml_get_position {xml_data ptr} {
    set tag_start [list -1 -1]

    regexp -indices -start $ptr {<(.+?)>} $xml_data -> tmp(tag)
    regexp -indices -start $ptr {<(!--.*?--)>} $xml_data -> tmp(comment)
    regexp -indices -start $ptr {<(!DOCTYPE.+?)>} $xml_data -> tmp(doctype)
    regexp -indices -start $ptr {<(!\[CDATA\[.+?\]\])>} $xml_data -> tmp(cdata)

    # 'tag' regexp should be compared last
    foreach name [lsort [array names tmp]] {
        set tmp_s [split $tmp($name)]
        if {( ([lindex $tmp_s 0] < [lindex $tag_start 0]) && \
              ([lindex $tmp_s 0] > -1) ) || \
           ([lindex $tag_start 0] == -1)} {
            set tag_start $tmp($name)

    if {([lindex $tag_start 0] == -1) || \
        ([lindex $tag_start 1] == -1)}  {
        set tag_start ""

    return $tag_start

# recursivly flatten all data without tags or attributes
proc ::rss-synd::xml_list_flatten {xml_list {level 0}} {
    set xml_string ""

    foreach e_list $xml_list {
        if {[catch {array set e_array $e_list}] != 0} {
            return $xml_list

        if {[info exists e_array(children)]} {
            append xml_string [[namespace current]::xml_list_flatten $e_array(children) [expr { $level + 1 }]]
        } elseif {[info exists e_array(data)]} {
            append xml_string $e_array(data)

        unset e_array

    return $xml_string

# returns information on a data structure when given a path.
#  paths can be specified using: [struct number] [struct name] <...>
proc ::rss-synd::xml_get_info {xml_list path {element "data"}} {
    set i 0

    foreach {t_data} $xml_list {
        array set t_array $t_data

        # if the name doesnt exist set it so we can still reference the data
        #  using the 'stuct name' *
        if {![info exists t_array(name)]} {
            set t_array(name) ""

        if {[string match -nocase [lindex $path 1] $t_array(name)]} {

            if {$i == [lindex $path 0]} {
                set result ""

                if {([llength $path] == 2) && \
                    ([info exists t_array($element)])} {
                    set result $t_array($element)
                } elseif {[info exists t_array(children)]} {
                    # shift the first path reference of the front of the path and recurse
                    set result [[namespace current]::xml_get_info $t_array(children) [lreplace $path 0 1] $element]

                return $result

            incr i

        unset t_array

    if {[lindex $path 0] == -1} {
        return $i

# converts 'args' into a list in the same order
proc ::rss-synd::xml_join_tags {args} {
    set list [list]

    foreach tag $args {
        foreach item $tag {
            if {[string length $item] > 0} {
                lappend list $item

    return $list

# Output Feed Functions

proc ::rss-synd::feed_output {data {odata ""}} {
    upvar 1 feed feed
    set msgs [list]

    set path [[namespace current]::xml_join_tags $feed(tag-feed) $feed(tag-list) -1 $feed(tag-name)]
    set count [[namespace current]::xml_get_info $data $path]

    for {set i 0} {($i < $count) && ($i < $feed(announce-output))} {incr i} {
        set tmpp [[namespace current]::xml_join_tags $feed(tag-feed) $feed(tag-list) $i $feed(tag-name)]
        set tmpd [[namespace current]::xml_get_info $data $tmpp "children"]

        if {[[namespace current]::feed_compare $odata $tmpd]} {

        set tmp_msg [[namespace current]::cookie_parse $data $i]
        if {(![info exists feed(output-order)]) || \
            ($feed(output-order) == 0)} {
            set msgs [linsert $msgs 0 $tmp_msg]
        } else {
            lappend msgs $tmp_msg

    set nick [expr {[info exists feed(nick)] ? $feed(nick) : ""}]

    [namespace current]::feed_msg $feed(type) $msgs $feed(channels) $nick

proc ::rss-synd::feed_msg {type msgs targets {nick ""}} {
    # check if our target is a nick
    if {(($nick != "") && \
         ($targets == "")) || \
        ([regexp -- {[23]} $type])} {
        set targets $nick

    foreach msg $msgs {
        foreach chan $targets {
            if {([catch {botonchan $chan}] == 0) || \
                ([regexp -- {^[#&]} $chan] == 0)} {
                foreach line [split $msg "\n"] {
                    if {($type == 1) || ($type == 3)} {
                        putserv "NOTICE $chan :$line"
                    } else {
                        putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$line"

proc ::rss-synd::feed_compare {odata data} {
    if {$odata == ""} {
        return 0

    upvar 1 feed feed
    array set ofeed [list]
    [namespace current]::feed_info $odata "ofeed"

    if {[array size ofeed] == 0} {
        putlog "\002RSS Error\002: Invalid feed format ($feed(database))!"
        return 0

    if {[string equal -nocase [lindex $feed(tag-feed) 1] "feed"]} {
        set cmp_items [list {0 "id"} "children" "" 3 {0 "link"} "attrib" "href" 2 {0 "title"} "children" "" 1]
    } else {
        set cmp_items [list {0 "guid"} "children" "" 3 {0 "link"} "children" "" 2 {0 "title"} "children" "" 1]

    set path [[namespace current]::xml_join_tags $ofeed(tag-feed) $ofeed(tag-list) -1 $ofeed(tag-name)]
    set count [[namespace current]::xml_get_info $odata $path]

    for {set i 0} {$i < $count} {incr i} {
        # extract the current article from the database
        set tmpp [[namespace current]::xml_join_tags $ofeed(tag-feed) $ofeed(tag-list) $i $ofeed(tag-name)]
        set tmpd [[namespace current]::xml_get_info $odata $tmpp "children"]

        set w 0; # weight value
        set m 0; # item tag matches
        foreach {cmp_path cmp_element cmp_attrib cmp_weight} $cmp_items {
            # try and extract the tag info from the current article
            set oresult [[namespace current]::xml_get_info $tmpd $cmp_path $cmp_element]
            if {$cmp_element == "attrib"} {
                array set tmp $oresult
                catch {set oresult $tmp($cmp_attrib)}
                unset tmp

            # if the tag doesnt exist in the article ignore it
            if {$oresult == ""} { continue }

            incr m

            # extract the tag info from the current article
            set result [[namespace current]::xml_get_info $data $cmp_path $cmp_element]
            if {$cmp_element == "attrib"} {
                array set tmp $result
                catch {set result $tmp($cmp_attrib)}
                unset tmp

            if {[string equal -nocase $oresult $result]} {
                set w [expr { $w + $cmp_weight }]

        # value of 100 or more means its a match
        if {($m > 0) && \
            ([expr { round(double($w) / double($m) * 100) }] >= 100)} {
            return 1

    return 0

# Cookie Parsing Functions

proc ::rss-synd::cookie_parse {data current} {
    upvar 1 feed feed
    set output $feed(output)

    set eval 0
    if {([info exists feed(evaluate-tcl)]) && ($feed(evaluate-tcl) == 1)} { set eval 1 }
    set variable_index 0

    set matches [regexp -inline -nocase -all -- {@@(.*?)@@} $output]
    foreach {match tmpc} $matches {
        set tmpc [split $tmpc "!"]
        set index 0
        set cookie [list]
        incr variable_index
        foreach piece $tmpc {
            set tmpp [regexp -nocase -inline -all -- {^(.*?)\((.*?)\)|(.*?)$} $piece]

            if {[lindex $tmpp 3] == ""} {
                lappend cookie [lindex $tmpp 2] [lindex $tmpp 1]
            } else {
                lappend cookie 0 [lindex $tmpp 3]

        # replace tag-item's index with the current article
        if {[string equal -nocase $feed(tag-name) [lindex $cookie 1]]} {
            set cookie [[namespace current]::xml_join_tags $feed(tag-list) [lreplace $cookie $index $index $current]]

        set cookie [[namespace current]::xml_join_tags $feed(tag-feed) $cookie]

        if {[set tmp [[namespace current]::cookie_replace $cookie $data]] != ""} {
            set tmp [[namespace current]::xml_list_flatten $tmp]

            regsub -all -- {([\"\$\[\]\{\}\(\)\\])} $match {\\\1} match
            set feed_data "[string map { "&" "\\\x26" } [[namespace current]::html_decode $eval $tmp]]"
            if {$eval == 1} {
                # We are going to eval this string so we can't insert untrusted
                # text. Instead create variables and insert references to those
                # variables that will be expanded in the subst call below.
                set cookie_val($variable_index) $feed_data
                regsub -- $match $output "\$cookie_val($variable_index)" output
            } else {
                regsub -- $match $output $feed_data output

    # remove empty cookies
    if {(![info exists feed(remove-empty)]) || ($feed(remove-empty) == 1)} {
        regsub -nocase -all -- "@@.*?@@" $output "" output

    # evaluate tcl code
    if {$eval == 1} {
        if {[catch {set output [subst $output]} error] != 0} {
            putlog "\002RSS Eval Error\002: $error"

    return $output

proc ::rss-synd::cookie_replace {cookie data} {
    set element "children"

    set tags [list]
    foreach {num section} $cookie {
        if {[string equal "=" [string range $section 0 0]]} {
            set attrib [string range $section 1 end]
            set element "attrib"
        } else {
            lappend tags $num $section

    set return [[namespace current]::xml_get_info $data $tags $element]

    if {[string equal -nocase "attrib" $element]} {
        array set tmp $return

        if {[catch {set return $tmp($attrib)}] != 0} {

    return $return

# Misc Functions

proc ::rss-synd::html_decode {eval data {loop 0}} {
    if {![string match *&* $data]} {return $data}
    array set chars {
             nbsp    \x20 amp    \x26 quot    \x22 lt        \x3C
             gt        \x3E iexcl    \xA1 cent    \xA2 pound    \xA3
             curren    \xA4 yen    \xA5 brvbar    \xA6 brkbar    \xA6
             sect    \xA7 uml    \xA8 die    \xA8 copy    \xA9
             ordf    \xAA laquo    \xAB not    \xAC shy    \xAD
             reg    \xAE hibar    \xAF macr    \xAF deg    \xB0
             plusmn    \xB1 sup2    \xB2 sup3    \xB3 acute    \xB4
             micro    \xB5 para    \xB6 middot    \xB7 cedil    \xB8
             sup1    \xB9 ordm    \xBA raquo    \xBB frac14    \xBC
             frac12    \xBD frac34    \xBE iquest    \xBF Agrave    \xC0
             Aacute    \xC1 Acirc    \xC2 Atilde    \xC3 Auml    \xC4
             Aring    \xC5 AElig    \xC6 Ccedil    \xC7 Egrave    \xC8
             Eacute    \xC9 Ecirc    \xCA Euml    \xCB Igrave    \xCC
             Iacute    \xCD Icirc    \xCE Iuml    \xCF ETH    \xD0
             Dstrok    \xD0 Ntilde    \xD1 Ograve    \xD2 Oacute    \xD3
             Ocirc    \xD4 Otilde    \xD5 Ouml    \xD6 times    \xD7
             Oslash    \xD8 Ugrave    \xD9 Uacute    \xDA Ucirc    \xDB
             Uuml    \xDC Yacute    \xDD THORN    \xDE szlig    \xDF
             agrave    \xE0 aacute    \xE1 acirc    \xE2 atilde    \xE3
             auml    \xE4 aring    \xE5 aelig    \xE6 ccedil    \xE7
             egrave    \xE8 eacute    \xE9 ecirc    \xEA euml    \xEB
             igrave    \xEC iacute    \xED icirc    \xEE iuml    \xEF
             eth    \xF0 ntilde    \xF1 ograve    \xF2 oacute    \xF3
             ocirc    \xF4 otilde    \xF5 ouml    \xF6 divide    \xF7
             oslash    \xF8 ugrave    \xF9 uacute    \xFA ucirc    \xFB
             uuml    \xFC yacute    \xFD thorn    \xFE yuml    \xFF
             ensp    \x20 emsp    \x20 thinsp    \x20 zwnj    \x20
             zwj    \x20 lrm    \x20 rlm    \x20 euro    \x80
             sbquo    \x82 bdquo    \x84 hellip    \x85 dagger    \x86
             Dagger    \x87 circ    \x88 permil    \x89 Scaron    \x8A
             lsaquo    \x8B OElig    \x8C oelig    \x8D lsquo    \x91
             rsquo    \x92 ldquo    \x93 rdquo    \x94 ndash    \x96
             mdash    \x97 tilde    \x98 scaron    \x9A rsaquo    \x9B
             Yuml    \x9F apos    \x27

    regsub -all -- {<(.[^>]*)>} $data " " data

    if {$eval != 1} {
        regsub -all -- {([\$\[\]\{\}\(\)\\])} $data {\\\1} data
    } else {
        regsub -all -- {([\$\[\]\{\}\(\)\\])} $data {\\\\\\\1} data

    regsub -all -- {&#(\d+);} $data {[subst -nocomm -novar [format \\\u%04x [scan \1 %d]]]} data
    regsub -all -- {&#x(\w+);} $data {[format %c [scan \1 %x]]} data
    regsub -all -- {&([0-9a-zA-Z#]*);} $data {[if {[catch {set tmp $chars(\1)} char] == 0} { set tmp }]} data
    regsub -all -- {&([0-9a-zA-Z#]*);} $data {[if {[catch {set tmp [string tolower $chars(\1)]} char] == 0} { set tmp }]} data

    regsub -nocase -all -- "\\s{2,}" $data " " data

    set data [subst $data]
    if {[incr loop] == 1} {
        set data [[namespace current]::html_decode 0 $data $loop]

    return $data

proc ::rss-synd::is_utf8_patched {} { catch {queuesize a} err1; catch {queuesize \u0754} err2; expr {[string bytelength $err2]!=[string bytelength $err1]} }

proc ::rss-synd::check_channel {chanlist chan} {
    foreach match [split $chanlist] {
        if {[string equal -nocase $match $chan]} {
            return 1

    return 0

proc ::rss-synd::urldecode {str} {
    regsub -all -- {([\"\$\[\]\{\}\(\)\\])} $str {\\\1} str

    regsub -all -- {%([aAbBcCdDeEfF0-9][aAbBcCdDeEfF0-9]);?} $str {[format %c [scan \1 %x]]} str

    return [subst $str]


 Merci d'avance pour votre aide

RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - CrazyCat - 25/10/2017

Il semblerait plutôt que ce soit un souci avec tcl8.6 :
Citation :Tcl 8.6 is using build-in zlib for compression so thats why Trf fails, I installed tcl 8.6b2 and I can use both build-in zlib & trf (i've scripts that needs zlib but for sake of rss-synd i installed trf). You can use guide from here to locally install tcl & compile eggdrop against it.

Tu peux peut-être essayer de modifier la procédure en cause:
# decompress gzip formatted data
proc ::rss-synd::feed_gzip {cdata} {
    variable packages
    if {(![info exists packages(trf)]) || \
        ($packages(trf) != 0)} {
        error "Trf package not found."

    # remove the 10 byte gzip header and 8 byte footer
    set cdata [string range $cdata 10 [expr { [string length $cdata] - 9 } ]]

    # decompress the raw data
    if {[catch {zip -mode decompress -nowrap 1 $cdata} data] != 0} {
        error $data
    return $data

# decompress gzip formatted data
proc ::rss-synd::feed_gzip {cdata} {
   return $cdata

EDIT : En fait, il suffit que la procédure retourne ce qu'elle reçoit

RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - T3nS - 25/10/2017

Merci CrazyCat,
Je suis au travail là mais j'essaye ça dès ce soir.

Je te dirai si ça fonctionne ou pas. Petite question qui n'a rien à voir, vous n'être donc pas obligé d'y répondre mais quand je me connecte en DCC sur mon bot il coupe la connexion très vite si je ne fais aucune commande (donc pour voir certain message d'erreur éventuelle c'est assez gênant.) Est-ce qu'il y a un moyen qu'il ne coupe pas la connexion aussi rapidement ? Ou alors est-ce qu'en me connectant en telnet il arrêtera de la couper sans arrêt ?

Merci d'avance et je reviens ce soir soit te remercier une seconde fois soit te transmettre les nouvelles erreurs éventuelle.

Merci encore.


RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - T3nS - 25/10/2017

Il semblerait que ça Fonctionne. merci beaucoup CrazyCat.

Je suis connecté en telnet pour le moment et il m'a pas encore déconnecté donc ça c'est une bonne chose.

J'ai deux questions :

- La première quand j'ai restart le bot il m'a affiché des films et des infos du flux RSS est-ce normal ?
- La seconde c'est que mon bot est en UTF-8 et les infos que je récupère je pense qu'elles ne le sont pas car les accents s'affichent mal, est-ce qu'il existe un petit script pour remplacer les accents ou pour tout simplement les afficher ?

Merci d'avance.


RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - T3nS - 28/10/2017


J'ai deux questions

La première pour un script RSS il n'affiche pas automatiquement les nouvelles news, est-ce parce que je réécris tout le fichier xml à chaque ajout de news ? L'url est :

Ma seconde question est tous les combien de temps est-ce que le script regarde ce qui a changé sur un flux pour afficher les dernières actus ?

Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.


RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - CrazyCat - 29/10/2017

Je pense que ton flux est mal formé. Il manque des balises CDATA pour encapsuler tes descriptions.

Et pour ta seconde question, il s'agit du réglage update-intervall qui est bien expliqué dans le fichier README:
Citation :update-interval How often (in minutes) you want the feed to be checked. Try and keep this number sensible, something above 15 minutes.
Some websites will ban you for hammering their feeds.
Default: 30

RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - T3nS - 29/10/2017

D'accord pour le flux, en tout cas quand je tape la commande il me remonte bien les informations concernant les news, il le met effectivement à jour au bout d'une trentaine de minutes. Tu penses que c'est l'absence des balises CDATA qui fait en sorte qu'il n'annonce pas de lui même le nouveau contenu ?

Y a t-il un moyen également pour qu'il écrive ce qu'il trouve en UTF-8 parce que actuellement ce n'est pas le cas et de fait nous n'avons pas les accents.


RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - CrazyCat - 29/10/2017

Tu as l'option charset dans les réglages de chaque flux (et aussi de manière globale).
Je te conseille de lire le fichier README, et plutôt deux fois qu'une.

RE: [script] Eggdrop RSS Syndication - T3nS - 29/10/2017

J'ai bien réglé le charset sur chacun des flux mais pourtant pas de changement:

Code :
set rss(news) {
        "url"            ""
        "channels"        "#entretien"
        "charset"        "utf-8"
        "database"        "./scripts/feeds/news.db"
        "output"        "\\\[\002news\002\\\] @@item!title@@ (Plus d'info sur \[string map { \"&from=rss\" \"\" } \"@@item!feedburner:origLink@@\"\]"
        "trigger"        "!@@feedid@@"
        "evaluate-tcl"    1

J'ai toujours la réponse du style

Citation :<Bowser> [news] La Bretagne débarque ! (Plus d'info sur

Pourtant le flux que je génère est bien en utf-8