petit soucis la recherche n'affiche jamais rien
voila un petit script de recherche de qu il est la il ne marche pas du tout

set pubvcdt "!vcdquality"

#############################DO NOT EDIT UNDER HERE!###########################################
package require http
bind pub -|- $pubvcdt vcdqw
proc vcdqw {nick uh handle chan text} {
global pubvcdt
set option ""
set search ""
set target "$nick"
set num "3"
set kind "PRIVMSG"
if {$text == ""} {putserv "NOTICE $nick :Looks like u need $pubvcdt -help" ;return}
foreach word $text {if {[string match "*-*" "$word" ]} {append option "$word "} }
foreach word $text {if {![string match "*-*" "$word" ]} {append search "$word "} }
    foreach word $option {
       if {[string match "*-x*" $word]} {set num "[lindex [split $word x] 1]"}
       if {[string match "*-notice*" $word]} {set kind "NOTICE"}
       if {[string match "*-msg*" $word] || [string match "*-pub*" $word]} {set kind "PRIVMSG" }
       if {[string match "*-pub*" $word]} {set target "$chan"}
       if {[string match "*-help*" $word]} {homohelp $nick ;return}
vqs $target $kind $num $option $search
proc vqs {target kind num option search} {
 regsub -all " " $search "+" search
 set url
 http::config -useragent "Mozilla/5.0"
 set conn [http::geturl $url -headers "Referer" -query query=$search&submit=search]
 set data [http::data $conn]
 set fdataz ""
 set count 0
 set vcdq ""
 set vcdq1 ""
  foreach line [split $data \n] {
    if {([string match "*cat-c*" $line]) && (![string match "*index.php?enddate=*" $line]) && (![string match "*align=\"center\">Next</td>*" $line]) } {append fdataz "$line \n"} 
 set nrels "[expr ([llength [split $fdataz \n]] - 1) / 12]"
 if {![llength [split $fdataz \n]]} {putserv "PRIVMSG $target :No Results!" ;return}
 if {$nrels < $num} {set num "$nrels"}
 putserv "$kind $target :$nrels Results/$num Displayed:"
   foreach {date type tittle sample nfo imdb ncd group vscore ascore mscore comm} [split $fdataz \n] {  
    incr count
     if {$count == [expr $num + 1]} { break }
    regsub -all {<[^>]*|>| } $date "" date
    regsub -all {/} $date "-" date
    regsub -all {<[^>]*|>| } $type "" type
    regsub -all {<[^>]*|>|'} $tittle "" tittle
    regsub -all { } $tittle "." tittle
    regsub -all {\*} $tittle "" tittle
    regexp {a href="(.+?)"} $sample {} sample
    regsub {.} $sample {} sample
    regexp {a href="(.+?)"} $nfo {} nfo
    regexp {a href="(.+?)"} $imdb {} imdb
    regsub -all {<[^>]*|>| } $group "" group
    regsub -all {<[^>]*|>| } $vscore "" vscore
    set vscore "[lindex [split $vscore (] 0]"
    regsub -all {<[^>]*|>| } $ascore "" ascore
    set ascore "[lindex [split $ascore (] 0]"
    regsub -all {<[^>]*|>| } $mscore "" mscore
    set mscore "[lindex [split $mscore (] 0]"
    regsub -all {<[^>]*|>|\[view\]| } $comm "" posts
    regexp {a href=".+?".+?a href="(.+?)"} $comm {} comm
    regsub {.} $comm {} comm
    if {[string match "**" $sample]} {set sample "No Sample" ;set vcdq ""}
    if {[string match "**" $imdb]} {set imdb "No IMDB" }       
    if {[string match "**" $comm]} {set comm "No Forum" ;set vcdq1 ""}
    set msgl "$date.$tittle$type-$group $vscore/$ascore/$mscore"
    if {[string match "*-sample*" $option] } {append msgl " $vcdq$sample"}
    if {[string match "*-imdb*" $option]} {append msgl " $imdb"}
    if {[string match "*-forum*" $option]} {append msgl " $vcdq1$comm $posts"}
    putserv "$kind $target :$msgl"
proc homohelp {victim} {
global pubvcdt
puthelp "NOTICE $victim :Y0 Moron Listen Up:"
puthelp "NOTICE $victim :$pubvcdt string \[options\]"
puthelp "NOTICE $victim :Options: -pub(msg to channel) -notice(notice) -msg(privmsg) -x#(limit resluts to #) -imdb -forum -sample"
puthelp "NOTICE $victim :Defaults: -msg -x3"
putlog " search script by dreamss loaded =)"

en modifiant la premiere proc la recherche se lance mais n'affiche rien, j'ai modifier comme cela

proc vqs {target kind num option search} {
 regsub -all " " $search "+" search
 set url
 http::config -useragent "Mozilla/5.0"
 set conn [http::geturl $url -headers "Referer" -query query=$search&submit=search]
 set data [http::data $conn]
 set fdataz ""
 set count 0
 set vcdq ""
 set vcdq1 ""
  foreach line [split $data \n] {
    if {([string match "*cat-c*" $line]) && (![string match "*index.php?enddate=*" $line]) && (![string match "*align=\"center\">Next</td>*" $line]) } {append fdataz "$line \n"} 
  } ou depuis un mirc client /server -m server fun cool et tolerants
Répondre Avertir
Petite note: le forum remplace les urls par des liens, donc quand vous voyez:
Code :
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
il y a en fait dans la source:
Code :

Sinon, pour répondre au non fonctionnement: essaye de rajouter un:
putlog $line

après la ligne
foreach line [split $data \n] {

pour voir si au moins tu récupères du contenu.
Si oui, le problème est peut-être dans le string match
jai ca en party line de l'eggdrop

[10:47] <HTML><HEAD>
[10:47] <TITLE>302 Found</TITLE>
[10:47] </HEAD><BODY>
[10:47] <H1>Found</H1>
[10:47] The document has moved <A HREF=";genre=1">here</A>.<P>
[10:47] </BODY></HTML>

et toujours pareil sur le chan

No Results!

le script est comme ceci maintenant :

set pubvcdt "!vcdquality"

#############################DO NOT EDIT UNDER HERE!###########################################
package require http
bind pub -|- $pubvcdt vcdqw
proc vcdqw {nick uh handle chan text} {
global pubvcdt
set option ""
set search ""
set target "$nick"
set num "3"
set kind "PRIVMSG"
if {$text == ""} {putserv "NOTICE $nick :Looks like u need $pubvcdt -help" ;return}
foreach word $text {if {[string match "*-*" "$word" ]} {append option "$word "} }
foreach word $text {if {![string match "*-*" "$word" ]} {append search "$word "} }
    foreach word $option {
       if {[string match "*-x*" $word]} {set num "[lindex [split $word x] 1]"}
       if {[string match "*-notice*" $word]} {set kind "NOTICE"}
       if {[string match "*-msg*" $word] || [string match "*-pub*" $word]} {set kind "PRIVMSG" }
       if {[string match "*-pub*" $word]} {set target "$chan"}
       if {[string match "*-help*" $word]} {homohelp $nick ;return}
vqs $target $kind $num $option $search
proc vqs {target kind num option search} {
 regsub -all " " $search "+" search
 set url
 http::config -useragent "Mozilla/5.0"
 set conn [http::geturl $url -headers "Referer" -query query=$search&submit=search]
 set data [http::data $conn]
 set fdataz ""
 set count 0
 set vcdq ""
 set vcdq1 ""
  foreach line [split $data \n] {
putlog $line
    if {([string match "*cat-c*" $line]) && (![string match "*index.php?enddate=*" $line]) && (![string match "*align=\"center\">Next</td>*" $line]) } {append fdataz "$line \n"} 
 set nrels "[expr ([llength [split $fdataz \n]] - 1) / 12]"
 if {![llength [split $fdataz \n]]} {putserv "PRIVMSG $target :No Results!" ;return}
 if {$nrels < $num} {set num "$nrels"}
 putserv "$kind $target :$nrels Results/$num Displayed:"
   foreach {date type tittle sample nfo imdb ncd group vscore ascore mscore comm} [split $fdataz \n] {  
    incr count
     if {$count == [expr $num + 1]} { break }
    regsub -all {<[^>]*|>| } $date "" date
    regsub -all {/} $date "-" date
    regsub -all {<[^>]*|>| } $type "" type
    regsub -all {<[^>]*|>|'} $tittle "" tittle
    regsub -all { } $tittle "." tittle
    regsub -all {\*} $tittle "" tittle
    regexp {a href="(.+?)"} $sample {} sample
    regsub {.} $sample {} sample
    regexp {a href="(.+?)"} $nfo {} nfo
    regexp {a href="(.+?)"} $imdb {} imdb
    regsub -all {<[^>]*|>| } $group "" group
    regsub -all {<[^>]*|>| } $vscore "" vscore
    set vscore "[lindex [split $vscore (] 0]"
    regsub -all {<[^>]*|>| } $ascore "" ascore
    set ascore "[lindex [split $ascore (] 0]"
    regsub -all {<[^>]*|>| } $mscore "" mscore
    set mscore "[lindex [split $mscore (] 0]"
    regsub -all {<[^>]*|>|\[view\]| } $comm "" posts
    regexp {a href=".+?".+?a href="(.+?)"} $comm {} comm
    regsub {.} $comm {} comm
    if {[string match "**" $sample]} {set sample "No Sample" ;set vcdq ""}
    if {[string match "**" $imdb]} {set imdb "No IMDB" }       
    if {[string match "**" $comm]} {set comm "No Forum" ;set vcdq1 ""}
    set msgl "$date.$tittle$type-$group $vscore/$ascore/$mscore"
    if {[string match "*-sample*" $option] } {append msgl " $vcdq$sample"}
    if {[string match "*-imdb*" $option]} {append msgl " $imdb"}
    if {[string match "*-forum*" $option]} {append msgl " $vcdq1$comm $posts"}
    putserv "$kind $target :$msgl"
proc homohelp {victim} {
global pubvcdt
puthelp "NOTICE $victim :Y0 Moron Listen Up:"
puthelp "NOTICE $victim :$pubvcdt string \[options\]"
puthelp "NOTICE $victim :Options: -pub(msg to channel) -notice(notice) -msg(privmsg) -x#(limit resluts to #) -imdb -forum -sample"
puthelp "NOTICE $victim :Defaults: -msg -x3"
putlog " search script by dreamss loaded =)"
#EOF ou depuis un mirc client /server -m server fun cool et tolerants
Répondre Avertir
Citation :[10:47] The document has moved <A HREF=";genre=1">here</A>.<P>
Ton url n'est plus bonne, il faut utiliser celle-là
crazycat merci il y a deja du mieu il ne me dis pas qu il n'y pas de resultat il m'affiche une erreur en partyline :

Tcl error [vcdqw]: invalid command name "genre=1"

je pense que jai du faire une erreur en changeant l' url quoique elle est tout indiquer en partyline et je me suis pas mal pris la tete dessus javais meme pas vu l'url et le 1 je ne voi spas trop a quoi il renvois ou depuis un mirc client /server -m server fun cool et tolerants
Répondre Avertir
Oui, en fait:
set conn [http::geturl $url -headers "Referer -query genre=1&searchstring=$search]

devrait aller mieux

Code :
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Code :

(il faut vraiment que je modifie mon plugin)
erf jai tjr un soucis moi en partyline :

Tcl error [vcdqw]: extra characters after close-quote

set pubvcdt "!dupe"

#############################DO NOT EDIT UNDER HERE!###########################################
package require http
bind pub -|- $pubvcdt vcdqw
proc vcdqw {nick uh handle chan text} {
global pubvcdt
set option ""
set search ""
set target "$nick"
set num "3"
set kind "PRIVMSG"
if {$text == ""} {putserv "NOTICE $nick :Looks like u need $pubvcdt -help" ;return}
foreach word $text {if {[string match "*-*" "$word" ]} {append option "$word "} }
foreach word $text {if {![string match "*-*" "$word" ]} {append search "$word "} }
    foreach word $option {
       if {[string match "*-x*" $word]} {set num "[lindex [split $word x] 1]"}
       if {[string match "*-notice*" $word]} {set kind "NOTICE"}
       if {[string match "*-msg*" $word] || [string match "*-pub*" $word]} {set kind "PRIVMSG" }
       if {[string match "*-pub*" $word]} {set target "$chan"}
       if {[string match "*-help*" $word]} {homohelp $nick ;return}
vqs $target $kind $num $option $search
proc vqs {target kind num option search} {
 regsub -all " " $search "+" search
 set url;genre=1
 http::config -useragent "Mozilla/5.0"
set conn [http::geturl $url -headers "Referer <a href="" target="_blank"></a> -query genre=1&searchstring=$search]
 set data [http::data $conn]
 set fdataz ""
 set count 0
 set vcdq ""
 set vcdq1 ""
  foreach line [split $data \n] {
    if {([string match "*cat-c*" $line]) && (![string match "*index.php?enddate=*" $line]) && (![string match "*align=\"center\">Next</td>*" $line]) } {append fdataz "$line \n"} 
 set nrels "[expr ([llength [split $fdataz \n]] - 1) / 12]"
 if {![llength [split $fdataz \n]]} {putserv "PRIVMSG $target :No Results!" ;return}
 if {$nrels < $num} {set num "$nrels"}
 putserv "$kind $target :$nrels Results/$num Displayed:"
   foreach {date type tittle sample nfo imdb ncd group vscore ascore mscore comm} [split $fdataz \n] {  
    incr count
     if {$count == [expr $num + 1]} { break }
    regsub -all {<[^>]*|>| } $date "" date
    regsub -all {/} $date "-" date
    regsub -all {<[^>]*|>| } $type "" type
    regsub -all {<[^>]*|>|'} $tittle "" tittle
    regsub -all { } $tittle "." tittle
    regsub -all {\*} $tittle "" tittle
    regexp {a href="(.+?)"} $sample {} sample
    regsub {.} $sample {} sample
    regexp {a href="(.+?)"} $nfo {} nfo
    regexp {a href="(.+?)"} $imdb {} imdb
    regsub -all {<[^>]*|>| } $group "" group
    regsub -all {<[^>]*|>| } $vscore "" vscore
    set vscore "[lindex [split $vscore (] 0]"
    regsub -all {<[^>]*|>| } $ascore "" ascore
    set ascore "[lindex [split $ascore (] 0]"
    regsub -all {<[^>]*|>| } $mscore "" mscore
    set mscore "[lindex [split $mscore (] 0]"
    regsub -all {<[^>]*|>|\[view\]| } $comm "" posts
    regexp {a href=".+?".+?a href="(.+?)"} $comm {} comm
    regsub {.} $comm {} comm
    if {[string match "**" $sample]} {set sample "No Sample" ;set vcdq ""}
    if {[string match "**" $imdb]} {set imdb "No IMDB" }       
    if {[string match "**" $comm]} {set comm "No Forum" ;set vcdq1 ""}
    set msgl "$date.$tittle$type-$group $vscore/$ascore/$mscore"
    if {[string match "*-sample*" $option] } {append msgl " $vcdq$sample"}
    if {[string match "*-imdb*" $option]} {append msgl " $imdb"}
    if {[string match "*-forum*" $option]} {append msgl " $vcdq1$comm $posts"}
    putserv "$kind $target :$msgl"
proc homohelp {victim} {
global pubvcdt
puthelp "NOTICE $victim :Y0 Moron Listen Up:"
puthelp "NOTICE $victim :$pubvcdt string \[options\]"
puthelp "NOTICE $victim :Options: -pub(msg to channel) -notice(notice) -msg(privmsg) -x#(limit resluts to #) -imdb -forum -sample"
puthelp "NOTICE $victim :Defaults: -msg -x3"
putlog " search script by dreamss loaded =)"

voila a quoi ressemble le tcl tel que je l'est modifier si bien jai fait une erreur et que tout seule je ne m'en apercois pas ou depuis un mirc client /server -m server fun cool et tolerants
Répondre Avertir
re bonjour alors jai rechercher et remodifier encore ce script

Tcl error [vcdqw]: extra characters after close-quote
par rapport a cette erreur jai modifier ca :
set conn [http::geturl $url -headers Referer <a href="" target="_blank"></a> -query genre=1&searchstring=$search]

il y avait un " en trop devant referer

et apres en remplacant comme tu mavais dit ne change rien crazycat jai toujours droit a
Tcl error [vcdqw]: invalid command name "genre=1" en partyline ou depuis un mirc client /server -m server fun cool et tolerants
Répondre Avertir

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