11/12/2024, 05:22
Je voulais modifier le tcl en ajoutant un chemin au code où, par exemple, il ignore l'utilisation de : or ;
Modération: merci de ne pas copier/coller d'un site mettant de la coloration syntaxique
# caps.tcl
# set bot user flags to ignore text
set vCapsFlagsAllow fo
# set text length (excluding spaces) to allow without checking
set vCapsLengthAllow 8
# set maximum percentage caps allowed (calculation excludes spaces in text)
# greater than 0, less than or equal to 100
set vCapsPercentAllow 90
# set number of warnings before punishing
# integer value equal to or greater than 1
set vCapsWarnings 3
# set here the mode of punishment
# 1 == kick only (after warnings)
# 2 == kickban (after warnings)
set vCapsPunishMode 1
# time in minutes within which a warning remains valid
# even after the user is punished, passed offences remain valid for this time period
# hence a user could be punished twice for two consecutive offences
set vCapsSinTime 20
# if punishment mode 2, set here the time in minutes the ban lasts
set vCapsBanTime 10
# Set this to 1 to ignore nicks in lines
set vIgnoreNick 1
proc ldiff {list1 list2 {option -exact}} {
if {$option ne "-nocase"} { set option -exact }
return [lmap x $list1 {expr {[lsearch $option $list2 $x] < 0 ? $x : [continue]}}]
proc ctcp_capslock {nick uhost hand chan keyword arg} {
pCapsDetect $nick $uhost $hand $chan $arg
bind PUBM - * pCapsDetect
proc pCapsDetect {nick uhost hand chan text} {
global vCapsBanTime vCapsFlagsAllow vCapsLengthAllow vCapsPercentAllow
global vCapsPunishMode vCapsSinBin vCapsSinTime vCapsWarnings
if {[isbotnick $chan] || [string match -nocase "*:*" $text] || [string match -nocase "*;*" $text]} { return 0 }
if {[botisop $chan]} {
if {![matchattr [nick2hand $nick] $vCapsFlagsAllow $chan]} {
if {$::vIgnoreNick == 1} {
set nicks [split [chanlist $chan]]
set text [join [ldiff [split $text] $nicks]]
set caps [regexp -all -- {[A-Z]} $text]
set total [string length [regsub -all -- {[\s]} $text {}]]
if {$total > $vCapsLengthAllow} {
set percent [expr {$caps * 100.0 / $total}]
if {$percent > $vCapsPercentAllow} {
set now [unixtime]
set max [expr {$now - ($vCapsSinTime * 60)}]
lappend vCapsSinBin(${nick},$chan) $now
foreach sin $vCapsSinBin(${nick},$chan) {
if {$sin >= $max} {lappend newlist $sin}
set vCapsSinBin(${nick},$chan) $newlist
if {[llength $vCapsSinBin(${nick},$chan)] > $vCapsWarnings} {
switch -- $vCapsPunishMode {
1 {}
2 {
pushmode $chan +b ${nick}!$uhost
flushmode $chan
timer $vCapsBanTime [list pushmode $chan -b ${nick}!$uhost]
default {return 0}
putkick $chan $nick "excess caps, you were warned"
} else {
set output "*** [llength $vCapsSinBin(${nick},$chan)] WARNING(S) *** within the last $vCapsSinTime minutes for excess caps"
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick $output"
return 0
# eof
Modération: merci de ne pas copier/coller d'un site mettant de la coloration syntaxique