22/02/2010, 19:45
J'utilise le script Logger afin de créer des logs pour mes statistiques.
Seulement je constate qu'il ne log pas ce que le bot 'dit' et j'aimerai bien que les phrase dites par le bot soient loggée aussi.
Vous pouvez m'aidez?
Voici le script :
J'utilise le script Logger afin de créer des logs pour mes statistiques.
Seulement je constate qu'il ne log pas ce que le bot 'dit' et j'aimerai bien que les phrase dites par le bot soient loggée aussi.
Vous pouvez m'aidez?
Voici le script :
Code :
# Eggdrop Logger 2.0 - www.mircstats.com #
# Logging in mIRC 6.17 format. 27/04/2006 #
# #
# Make sure you have created the dir 'logger(dir)' #
# #
# Created by Lanze <simon@freeworld.dk> #
# Improved by zowtar <zowtar@gmail.com> #
# #
### Configuration
#;;; Where the logs will be saved.
set logger(dir) "logs/"
#;;; Strip codes?
#;;; 0 = save codes\colors
#;;; 1 = no save codes\colors
set logger(strip) "1"
#;;; Save by Day, Week, Month or Disable?
set logger(time) "Month"
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW HERE # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
### Events
bind join - "#* *!*@*" logger:join
bind part - "#* *!*@*" logger:part
bind sign - "#* *!*@*" logger:quit
bind pubm - "#* *" logger:text
bind nick - "#* *" logger:nick
bind kick - "#* *" logger:kick
bind mode - "#* *" logger:mode
bind topc - "#* *" logger:topic
bind raw - "333" logger:topic-author
bind ctcp - "ACTION" logger:action
### Primary Commands
proc logger:join {nick uhost handle chan} {
global logger botnick
if {$nick == $botnick} {
set log "[open "$logger(dir)$chan.log" a]"
puts $log "\r"
puts $log "Session Start: [strftime "%a %b %d %T %Y"]\r"
puts $log "Session Ident: $chan\r"
puts $log "\[[strftime "%H:%M"]\] * Now talking in $chan\r"
close $log
} else {
logger:save $chan "* $nick ($uhost) has joined $chan"
proc logger:part {nick uhost handle chan msg} {
if {$msg == ""} {
logger:save $chan "* $nick ($uhost) has left $chan"
} else {
logger:save $chan "* $nick ($uhost) has left $chan ($msg)"
proc logger:quit {nick uhost handle chan reason} {
logger:save $chan "* $nick ($uhost) Quit ($reason)"
proc logger:text {nick uhost handle chan text} {
if {[isop $nick $chan] == "1"} {
set nick "@$nick"
} elseif {[ishalfop $nick $chan] == "1"} {
set nick "%$nick"
} elseif {[isvoice $nick $chan] == "1"} {
set nick "+$nick"
logger:save $chan "<$nick> $text"
proc logger:nick {nick uhost handle chan newnick} {
logger:save $chan "* $nick is now known as $newnick"
proc logger:kick {nick uhost handle chan target reason} {
logger:save $chan "* $target was kicked by $nick ($reason)"
proc logger:mode {nick uhost handle chan mode victim} {
logger:save $chan "* $nick sets mode: $mode $victim"
proc logger:topic {nick uhost handle chan topic} {
if {$nick == "*"} {
logger:save $chan "* Topic is '$topic'"
} else {
logger:save $chan "* $nick changes topic to '$topic'"
proc logger:topic-author {from keyword text} {
logger:save [lindex $text 1] "* Set by [lindex $text 2] on [strftime "%a %b %d %T" [lindex $text 3]]"
proc logger:action {nick uhost handle dest keyword text} {
if {[validchan $dest] == "1"} {
if {[isop $nick $dest] == "1"} {
set nick "@$nick"
} elseif {[ishalfop $nick $dest] == "1"} {
set nick "%$nick"
} elseif {[isvoice $nick $dest] == "1"} {
set nick "+$nick"
logger:save $dest "* $nick $text"
### Secondary Commands
proc logger:save {chan text} {
global logger
set log "[open "$logger(dir)$chan.log" a]"
puts $log "\[[strftime "%H:%M"]\] [logger:strip $text]\r"
close $log
### Tertiary Commands
proc logger:strip {text} {
global logger numversion
if {$logger(strip) == "1"} {
if {$numversion >= "1061700"} {
set text "[stripcodes bcruag $text]"
} else {
regsub -all -- {\002,\003([0-9][0-9]?(,[0-9][0-9]?)?)?,\017,\026,\037} $text "" text
return $text
### Time
proc logger:time {} {
global logger
foreach bind [binds time] {
if {[string match "time * logger:time-save" $bind] == "1"} {
unbind time - "[lindex $bind 2]" logger:time-save
switch [string toupper $logger(time)] {
bind time - "00 00 [strftime "%d" [expr [unixtime] + 86400]] * *" logger:time-save
bind time - "00 00 [strftime "%d" [expr [unixtime] + ((7 - [strftime "%w"]) * 86400)]] * *" logger:time-save
bind time - "00 00 01 [strftime "%m" [expr [unixtime] + ((32 - [strftime "%d"]) * 86400)]] *" logger:time-save
proc logger:time-save {minute hour day month year} {
global logger
foreach channel [channels] {
if {[file exists "$logger(dir)$channel.log"] == "1"} {
file rename -force "$logger(dir)$channel.log" "$logger(dir)${channel}_\[[strftime "%Y.%m.%d"]\].log"
set log "[open "$logger(dir)$channel.log" w]"
puts $log "\r"
puts $log "Session Start: [strftime "%a %b %d %T %Y"]\r"
puts $log "Session Ident: $channel\r"
puts $log "\[[strftime "%H:%M"]\] * Now talking in $channel\r"
close $log
putquick "TOPIC $channel"
putlog "TCL Logger.tcl Loaded!"